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In my high school if you were university bound you had to take a typing class. Then I found out they had competitions. Thankfully I'm not competitive at all LOL

When I was in H/S I somehow managed to land a job at a bank as maintenance & all around "help with anything" boy, one of the job stipulations was that I had to take a business ed class & I opted for typing. I was the only guy in the (other wise all girl) class which was a huge plus & I took to typing like the proverbial duck to water and was consistently hitting 80-90 wpm on testing when I graduated.

At the time it looked to be a temporary skill requirement but as it turned out I've just been using it more & more as the years go by.
A friend of mine was the first male admitted to a local all girls college back in the 70's.

Lucky fucker.

In elementary school, my class had 2 more boys than girls.

Everytime we had a boys vs. girls competition (spelling bee, etc.), I always wound up on the girl's team to equalize the teams.

I caught a lot of shit from the guys, but my team won every single one of those competitions. We'd win candy bars or something and I'd always hoId mine up to the losers. Fuck you guys, I'm a winner. Lol.
In my high school if you were university bound you had to take a typing class. Then I found out they had competitions. Thankfully I'm not competitive at all LOL
I was 62 wpm in highschool corrected. :hump: i dropped out of typing 2 due to it being the same time as one of the lunch periods. Fucking deans always made sure and put something like typing or cooking or some shit at the same time as the other lunch. It was bullshit!

In junior high everyone had to take typing. Maybe because this was in San Jose and we were the bad ass mofo's who ended up filling all the spots in the emerging tech market? Lol, I dunno, but we also had a mando computer class in the 6th grade also. Man do i wish i would have gone to college and/or got into the tech industry rather than building their buildings.

In junior high, we had to learn on an old school type writer with blacked out keys.
I was a serious stoner back then, but typing came natural to me.