What did you accomplish today?

I went to the site & checked out the features but of course they never will list any drawbacks that approach might have.
What are your personal observations/dislikes if you don't mind me asking cause my P/W situ is getting out of hand.

Thanks Barn.
very rarely, there has been a glitch or 2 when MS intoduces a new OS or you use a new browser. Overall though, I am 100% satisfied with the program. The nice part is you can either load on a flash drive and use on any PC or access your PW's from their website. Having the program prevents you from using the same password on multiple accounts which I am prone to do. I used this when I was still working and had to change many PW monthly with the upper case, lower case, number, etc protocols. If you hunt around for promo codes, you can probably find a discount too;)
My mom isn't on facebook
She's been having episodes where she has trouble forming complete sentences and sometimes she totally "locks up" and can't speak
Sorry to hear that. My mother is also getting soft in the head but she refuses to even consider assisted living.
Unfortunately it will take an event to get her to leaver her house -- probably a fall.
She really shouldn't be driving either...
So me and momma Inda went Christmas shopping last night....some of you may not know this, but I like to fuck with people...I know I know surprising.......I decided to mess with momma a lil bit since grandma was watching the boys.....I grabbed a nug of the shit that almost got me kicked out of the children's hospital during trimming season....some of you may remember....and that was just a small piece of sugar leaf on my shoe....never forgot mommas reaction to that ....((priceless))....so I bag it up real nice and tight and zipped it up in my pocket......so we end up at the mall and I'm waiting for the best time to unleash the skunk .....we end up in a store with many many scented things......BINGO :fire:

So I casually stroll away from her, pretending to care about shopping and smelly things.....and I unleash the nug.....WHAM ....insta skunk ....so I casually stroll back over to momma and wait for ((THE FACE)).........she never looked at me......she just continues what she's doing and says OMG ...really babe ...she said...I knew you were up to something .....and kinda laughs.....

So we continue teasing eachother and shopping ....laughing at people's looks as I walk up next to them .........then the first shoulder tap comes ....not something I had planned on ...LOL.

We actually laughed our asses off about people's reactions to the smell.....and then being as awkward as possible to people trying to be sly asking for tree.

My favorite was two kids that said: something smells good ...my response....ya, I love my beef and broccoli farts after Panda Express..........the wife wanted to crawl under a table .....lol

She's a good sport awesome wife and a good momma ......got her a super nice ring for Christmas ....she's always worn the cheap little ring I got her when we were young ....it's all I could afford back then and she's always cherished and loved it ......wouldn't trade her for the world.
Remember when the powers that be started throwing shade on portables and lower grade TW? Formal and official stuff (Term papers, theses and perm reports) had to be done on the IBM Selectric
LOL old folks, the first typewriter I owned was an IBM Selectric. I could only do 65-70 on a manual and 105 on the IBM, it was well worth the investment.
Remember when the powers that be started throwing shade on portables and lower grade TW? Formal and official stuff (Term papers, theses and perm reports) had to be done on the IBM Selectric
You tell em bro.


Spelling corrections were a real pain in the ass before "white out" was invented.>:(
I remember telling my kids to take typing classes because it was gonna be a must.
They laughed it off and turns out they were right.
Those little pricks can type their assets off just from video games and porn searches I assume.

I remember when typewriters were in the businesses and there would be some older lady jamming her ass off.
Even as a young guy I was spellbound
By the flurry.
She was the rockstar of the room.
WTF, no candy in our Walmart bathroom but they are clean, one of the few I'll take a dump in.
You know how they put the cleaning cart and block the door when they are cleaning? Well my boy is like Dad I got to poop. I tell him to go poop. The woman cleaning the bathroom wouldn't let my boy in and he pooped himself.

I was mad. I went shoved her cleaning cart out of the way. I let her know she was responsible for what happened. I told her ideas going to make sure I would make the biggest mess with the poop I could. She brought me free underwear and pants on the house.

I was like well ok then. Next time let a kid that has to poop go poop or the next person may make you clean it up.
I remember telling my kids to take typing classes because it was gonna be a must.
They laughed it off and turns out they were right.
Those little pricks can type their assets off just from video games and porn searches I assume.

I remember when typewriters were in the businesses and there would be some older lady jamming her ass off.
Even as a young guy I was spellbound
By the flurry.
She was the rockstar of the room.
In my high school if you were university bound you had to take a typing class. Then I found out they had competitions. Thankfully I'm not competitive at all LOL