What did you accomplish today?

Ended up seeing 2 more short ones before we came in. The first I saw was a full 3-one-thousand count while carrying wood to the house.
Best I ever saw has been a 5-one-thousand count that crossed the whole horizon and left a sparkly trail.
Really makes me wonder what all we miss being inside 98% of our lives.
Sitting outside looking at stars with wife. Seen 2 shooting stars so far. One to the east travelling N to S, and one straight above also N to S.
Oh shit!
My ride is here...
My fucking head is killing me. Hung over as fuck... again:roll: I hate myself on these mornings. its not even 6am but I’m awake, making breakfast for my kids.

I think I’ll slam a beer while nobody’s looking. Then drink a coffee. Then after everyone Is off to school I’ll take a shower and slam another beer.
We pulled off another successful RIU BBQ/Pig Roast this weekend, hella good days.....
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My goodness,, you are a master at this JJ. I have no ideal if you were thanked but you and your lovely wife have donated a lot of time and money to this for years, The hard work you do is unbelievable. All the other people who donate the wood(Nuggs) and hard work is beyond anything I have yet to see any group do anywhere. God Bless you all. I can not begin to thank all of you sense I have never been but all of you deserve a BIG BIG THANK YOU.
My goodness,, you are a master at this JJ. I have no ideal if you were thanked but you and your lovely wife have donated a lot of time and money to this for years, The hard work you do is unbelievable. All the other people who donate the wood(Nuggs) and hard work is beyond anything I have yet to see any group do anywhere. God Bless you all. I can not begin to thank all of you sense I have never been but all of you deserve a BIG BIG THANK YOU.

Yes a big Thank you! @doublejj

I just woke from a @fumble induced coma. I haven't even made coffee yet but feel GREAT!
Wish my back improved. I threw it out just getting out of my car. Heating pad helped a little. I threw on an extra pain patch this morning. A little high today though.
I don't even know how mine happened this time. I can do crazy shit and no problems but like you I hurt myself
Getting out of bed.
Must be the fact that I need to warm up.
Old people problems
I don't even know how mine happened this time. I can do crazy shit and no problems but like you I hurt myself
Getting out of bed.
Must be the fact that I need to warm up.
Old people problems

It's funny - when you get into your 40s you stop questioning every minor ache and pain and simply treat it, instead. When I was younger I would investigate the cause of every tiny injury... how could this have happened to this indestructible machine?! Nowadays I notice streaks of problem-free good health and I appreciate them. Old people problems, indeed. Still, it beats the alternative... death...

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It's funny - when you get into your 40s you stop questioning every minor ache and pain and simply treat it, instead. When I was younger I would investigate the cause of every tiny injury... how could this have happened to this indestructible machine?! Nowadays I notice streaks of problem-free good health and I appreciate them. Old people problems, indeed. Still, it beats the alternative... death...

Liked it. Then unliked so I could like a second time.
I can't help but wonder if I been sucking my own sick wrong.
It's not always that; I'd did it very infrequently, maybe 5-7 times over life. Anyway, it made for a very interesting 'change/difference of perception and perspective that I've occasionally noticed to be of value
Ecstasy did that for me... Nothing like sitting in a car at 3 in the morning as you come to terms with death. It's gets a bad rap but its probably going to be the most beautiful thing we get to experience.