Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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LOL @ satellites ! Go to youtube and take a gander at the live feeds from the international space station. You will not see a single satellite of the reported 1,000's nor will you see any space junk or dead Russian cosmonauts. You will not see a single star for that matter. NASA means to deceive in Hebrew and boy have they to the tune of 100's of billions of dollars. It's just another way to screw the taxpayers like the Pentagon has done which can't account for 2.3 trillion dollars. Cell towers are the basis of information for GPS not satellites by the way. You have come to accept the reality you have been presented with. You have taken a leap of faith and don't even know it. Take a telescope to a port city and watch ships and see for yourself if they disappear over the horizon. Beams of light don't curve nor does the surface of the ocean. People generally hate to admit when they been conned no matter how much evidence you present to them.
Lol wow and i just spent a week properly positioning my new dish.....
Any spectrum of light will bend next to a strong enough gravitational force like the mass of a large star or a black hole. That's how we discover distant galaxies and planets we can't see with our telescopes. We are able to infer they must exist.
i dont know excatly what he was asking about when talking about "infrared beams of light curving" but im pretty sure it wasnt what you said
ahh kk as long as it isnt hawaiian pizza. pineaplle is just wrong on pizza

he could possibly be talking about this

but i doubt that too

i would ask him but i dont think he'd bable to give a good answer
No but that is what I was talking about. The fucking Hawaiians did it to us with the pineapple. I don't even think pineapples are native to this is where shit gets real ....! All this time we have been convinced, and dare I mention it, a good portion of our GDP has gone towards the "so called" Hawaiian pizza! Where does it END?????
Lol its funny why they call it hawaiian pizza because white people came up with it & hawaiians hate it.

Also, pineapples aren't native here neither is any species of cannabis.

If im not mistaken it was all seafood,freshwater river & a very very small selection of native plants.
No but that is what I was talking about. The fucking Hawaiians did it to us with the pineapple. I don't even think pineapples are native to this is where shit gets real ....! All this time we have been convinced, and dare I mention it, a good portion of our GDP has gone towards the "so called" Hawaiian pizza! Where does it END?????
ahh kk i was a bit confused as you were talking about gravitational lensing instead of atmospheric lensing
Gravity bends light. QED?
yes it does bend light but not at all noticeable at the levels of gravity that we're accustomed to here on earth#

you are right that you can use black holes and galaxies for gravitational lensing but...

im pretty sure that wasnt what he was talking about

it might have been atmospheric lensing which is a different kettle of fish to gravitational lensing
You saw the black holes swallowing the light or were you told they exist? Telescopes are only magnifying the electrically charged nickle and iron God placed in the firmament.
One of the best documented methods for determining the Earth's roundness was first performed (to our knowledge) by the ancient Greeks. This was achieved by comparing the shadows of sticks in different locations. When the sun was directly overhead in one place, the stick there cast no shadow. At the same time in a city around 500 miles north, the stick there did cast a shadow.

If the Earth were flat then both sticks should show the same shadow (or lack of) because they would be positioned at the same angle towards the sun. The ancient Greeks found the shadows were different because the Earth was curved and so the sticks were at different angles. They then used the difference in these angles to calculate the circumference of the Earth. They managed to get it to within 10% of the true value – not bad for around 250 B.C.

If the earth were flat, what then? What would that mean for your cosmology, flat earthers? Just curious. Would we need to go out into space or do you know what is out there already?
Those powerlines are not in a straight line. Nice try. What are you ball earth sheep so afraid of?
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