Kate's law


Well-Known Member
LOL. You just can't admit that you are part of the problem. This is common among fragile white men who don't want to accept that they benefit from the status given them for winning a genetic lottery.

You say you are a "not taking sides". I'm saying that's only because you are an entitled white man. If you faced anything like what Trump's white supremacist government is doing, you wouldn't be so blase.

You have gone from amusing to uninteresting to blatantly ignorant. And you have now proved what I was saying to you in the first place. You act just like those you say are the problem.

I was born with internal deformities. I have been ill with multiple disorders and physically challenged my entire life. That’s the genetic lottery I won.

My entitlement? I have not applied for permanent disability and have worked for a living all these years. I was out of the house I grew up in at 17 yrs old. I had to lie about my age to find work at first.

Nothing you have said in this thread is remotely correct about me. You just keep repeating the same thing.

You are really uncle buck aren’t you?


Well-Known Member
You have gone from amusing to uninteresting to blatantly ignorant. And you have now proved what I was saying to you in the first place. You act just like those you say are the problem.

I was born with internal deformities. I have been ill with multiple disorders and physically challenged my entire life. That’s the genetic lottery I won.

My entitlement? I have not applied for permanent disability and have worked for a living all these years. I was out of the house I grew up in at 17 yrs old. I had to lie about my age to find work at first.

Nothing you have said in this thread is remotely correct about me. You just keep repeating the same thing.

You are really uncle buck aren’t you?
Your physical issues have nothing to do with it. Don't cry to me entitled white man. You weren't born into generational poverty imposed upon your forebears because of skin color. I'm just saying you were born on the privileged side of racial lines. To put it bluntly, you most likely wouldn't have lived if you were born with the same health issues into a poor black family in the south. Early infant mortality is much higher for families in that situation.

Read what I said objectively. If you were facing deportation due to cancellation of DACA, you wouldn't be so impassive about white supremacist control of government.


Well-Known Member

And there is the cropped out quote with no context you like to keep insulting me with. Just like they do.

You know. The individuals you group together like a racist.


Well-Known Member
Your physical issues have nothing to do with it. Don't cry to me entitled white man. You weren't born into generational poverty imposed upon your forebears because of skin color. I'm just saying you were born on the privileged side of racial lines. To put it bluntly, you most likely wouldn't have lived if you were born with the same health issues into a poor black family in the south. Early infant mortality is much higher for families in that situation.

Read what I said objectively. If you were facing deportation due to cancellation of DACA, you wouldn't be so impassive about white supremacist control of government.

You started out with very reasonable points and then right back to the assumption that I am now “impassive” about white supremacy.

You still don’t quite have my demographic nailed down either. No money in my family until we earned it and no special favors for education because of it.

are you uncle bucks alter ego but kind of slip up here and there?


Well-Known Member
You started out with very reasonable points and then right back to the assumption that I am now “impassive” about white supremacy.

You still don’t quite have my demographic nailed down either. No money in my family until we earned it and no special favors for education because of it.

are you uncle bucks alter ego but kind of slip up here and there?
nobody can say they not taking sides without tolerating white supremacist actions. If you can be honest about it, then OK.

You aren't honest about it. Now you talking about how nothing was ever given to you and your family. A white blue collar family has privileges that any black family does not have. This is a fact. It's also a fact that white people are given privilege in school compared to black and Hispanic people. Boys are also given advantages over girls. That you say you don't take sides when a sexist white supremacist government is in place just allows you to reap rewards while talking out of both sides of your mouth.


Well-Known Member
I was born with internal deformities. I have been ill with multiple disorders and physically challenged my entire life. That’s the genetic lottery I won.
And you still benefitted from white privilege. A black person with internal deformities and physical challenges? No white privilege. Your personal problems have nothing to do with society as a whole. Sorry. The man is not keeping you down.


Well-Known Member
And you still benefitted from white privilege. A black person with internal deformities and physical challenges? No white privilege. Your personal problems have nothing to do with society as a whole. Sorry. The man is not keeping you down.

I never said that either. I said I was not entitled. And in answer to the post before that.

I was personally attacked. I answered honestly. Then the new post is criticized for its specific words. No context seems considered each time.

Why do you all have to try to manipulate the words right in front of you?


Well-Known Member
I never said that either. I said I was not entitled. And in answer to the post before that.

I was personally attacked. I answered honestly. Then the new post is criticized for its specific words. No context seems considered each time.

Why do you all have to try to manipulate the words right in front of you?
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sniffle, deep breath waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa