Another mass shooting.

i can only speak for myself:
0 gun accidents
0 people killed or injured

blame the others on the other side of the bell curve that brings the average up.
As a non gun owner, there is nothing I can do except make you and everybody else non gun owners. I don't want that to happen but it will happen eventually if gun owners don't collectively own this problem and fix it.
I want the death and injury rate due to guns to be that of other civilized nations. Is that too much to ask for?

hate to be a smart-ass but you'd better move if you want that to happen anytime soon.

the founding fathers made it pretty clear that we have the right to keep and bear arms. second only to free speech
actually, i have the utmost respect for them.
some people have zero respect for human life. blame them.
Sorry, but People that have respect for fire arms don't talk about them like you two idiots do. They're not toys, Grow the fuck up.
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hate to be a smart-ass but you'd better move if you want that to happen anytime soon.

the founding fathers made it pretty clear that we have the right to keep and bear arms. second only to free speech
There is nothing in the second amendment that says we have to tolerate high rates of gun deaths and injuries due to guns. Only 35% of adults own guns. Slavery was embedded in the constitution. Women didn't have the right to vote. We banned and then legalized alcoholic beverages. Your right to own a gun isn't sacrosanct. Eventually, the super majority will overcome legal obstacles and take your gun away. I'm saying that the super majority is giving you time to figure this out. With power comes responsibility.
I've admitted the dangers of guns and the statistics here before.

I've followed all the precautions I can. I'm fully trained and capable of owning weapons. My kids are going through the training. I've had training on weapon retention.

When not in use my guns are locked up in a gun safe. Not a flimsy one. One big enough to need a forklift to be moved.

My carry gun, it not on me, is locked in a quicksafe.

I support universal background checks. I support closing gun show loops. I don't buy guns off the street. I buy from reputable licensed firearm dealers.

I support training and compentecy checks for concealed carry. I'm fine with some kind of extra checks and training required for "assault" weapons".

I own and use an ar to hunt with. Most of my mags are 10 round. That's state law for hunting here. I own a couple 30 round mags.

I would be fine with banning the 45-100 mags and drums. I'm on the fence about banning 30 round mags.

I just refuse to sit here and let someone tell me that an ar is no good for hunting and good for spray and pray. That is silly. The ar has become the most popular hunting platform out there.
Lest it go unsaid, I appreciate your responsible gun ownership. I appreciate your responsibility. I appreciate your gun safe. You are not the problem, but there is a problem - a big one. The solution may impact you.
I think this is unfair. He meant that his children have been taught responsible firearms use. Don't condemn people doing the right thing. It alienates them and keeps us from finding a solution together. We need that.

It was a simple question that he refused to answer, any hoo check out this tid bit. Like I said, a total lack of respect for fire arms. We're dealing with a bunch a fucking children playing with assault weapons.

I shot a bowling ball one time with a 7.62 x 54 rifle. Dumbest thing I ever did. The bullet whizzed back by my head.:shock:
I don't know what you see but the assault rifles on the right are very different from the ones on the left. There is a lot of hardware on the guns to the right that make them more lethal.

If the point is that they are all semi-automatic and banning only the ones on the right is useless because the ones on the left can be modified, then fine and thanks for the advice. Let's ban them all. Every gun going forward should be single round bolt action. You can still hunt with that, can't you? Everything else should be taken back. A buy back, then prison time if you own one.

I don't want that. I'm saying that's where we are headed if gun owners don't start working with each other to bring the rate of homicides due to gun violence down to that of other more civilized countries..
I'm all for doing something. We have talked before. I'm just not going to support an all out ban.

What do we do? I'm for strengthening background checks. Maybe treat them like an NFA item. Tax them a little more and require and more thorough background check.

I really don't want this stuff to happen. I try to be civil and discuss this and get attacked over beliefs that have nothing to do with guns. Get belittled. What good does that do?

I see a post that calls an ar15 a spray and pray weapon and then say its built for hitting helmets at 500 yards. Which is it?

The ar15 is an excellent hunting and even self defense platform. You can run .22 long rifle, 9mm and .308 rounds. They have the socom .458 and beowolf .50 which are large pistol style rounds. The pistol rounds are good for home defense. The .22 good for squirrels. The .223 or .308 good for deer.

They make .223 and 7.62 home defense rounds.

My point is I'm willing to work at it.
blame human nature, not guns is my point.

if i want to kill somebody, i'll kill them with a plastic spork if i had to.
People seem to be ignoring that fact. I mean you can buy black powder by the case. If people want to kill they will. People have been slaughtering each other since the beginning.

There is a reason people are going on rampages. Yes. I get the ar15 is being used. I get that maybe part of it they are trying to top each others kill number.

At the bottom of it though there is a reason for the increase in mass killings.
We're dealing with a bunch a fucking children playing with assault weapons.
you think being able to drop a rifle in a sand box and fire it is "playing with toys"

i think it's an engineering marvel that Kalashnikov designed a weapon with enough tolerance to have sand in it and still fire effectively at a target.

to each his own. canada might be a better locale for you since you can't handle the fact that guns are here to stay.
I think this is unfair. He meant that his children have been taught responsible firearms use. Don't condemn people doing the right thing. It alienates them and keeps us from finding a solution together. We need that.
I've already put him on ignore. What's the point of even talking to him?

My words will just be twisted and insulted. Now I'm being called a fake Christian and twisting it like I'm training my kids for war.

I meant my kids are being trained in the proper way to handle guns. None of my kids have even picked up my ar15. The video clip where the little girl shot that full auto and the dude got hurt or killed. Someone needs charged for a crime over that. That shit was stupid.

My kids are being raised to hunt like I do. Right now they don't shoot anything but pellet rifles and little .22 crickets.

Thank you for saying you appreciate my responsibility. I want safe gun ownership. I want lower gun deaths and injuries.

Things like where kids find guns laying in a car and kill someone is stupid and avoidable.

I try to speak to people on proper gun safety and ownership. I'm willing to work at a solution.
ok, you anti gun guys:

answer this.
when the gov't comes to collect all guns after the ban is successful, what % of people will turn them in?

what "bad guy" won't be hiding weapons all over the place and retrieve them at a later date?

are they going door to door to do asearch of all residences?
you guys are out of your freaking minds if you think that's gonna happen
ok, you anti gun guys:

answer this.
when the gov't comes to collect all guns after the ban is successful, what % of people will turn them in?

what "bad guy" won't be hiding weapons all over the place and retrieve them at a later date?

are they going door to door to do asearch of all residences?
you guys are out of your freaking minds if you think that's gonna happen

Australia figured it out, of course they weren't dealing with a bunch of man babies though.
ok, you anti gun guys:

answer this.
when the gov't comes to collect all guns after the ban is successful, what % of people will turn them in?

what "bad guy" won't be hiding weapons all over the place and retrieve them at a later date?

are they going door to door to do asearch of all residences?
you guys are out of your freaking minds if you think that's gonna happen
You keep making the high rates of death and injury due to guns my problem. I don't own a gun nor do I feel the need for one. I'm perfectly OK with people like you owning them, but it's your desire to own guns that makes the gun lobby so powerful. So, you broke it, you fix it. If you don't want guns to be rounded up and taken away then offer solutions. Right now you only offer problems.

The day will come when enough people will say enough. Then you will lose your right to fondle your gun.
Yesterday, Wisconsin passed a law doing away with the minimum hunting age. It used to be that children under ten needed to be accompanied by an adult. Now kids of all ages can prowl the woods alone loaded for bear - or whatever.
The day will come when enough people will say enough. Then you will lose your right to fondle your gun.
I'll be long dead by then.

How come neither one will answer how you plan on enforcing the gun ban?

That's the solution according to you. explain how that plays out here, not in australia.