Another mass shooting.

Because you're making bullshit excuses.

NOBODY sets those up that way.

NOBODY has mowed down over 500 people with a fucking shotgun in a single go.

You suggesting they do and/or could makes you a fucking asshole.
The shotgun was one example.

One of those guns is a ruger .223. Shoots the same round and has a 30 round mag.

That's the point. There is no "assault" weapon. They all assault. They all kill.

Most semi autos can be configured to hold 30 round mags.

That pic is in response to what was purposed for the new assault weapons ban. The weapon would have to have 2 or more items off a list to be considered an assault weapon.

All guns were once a weapon of war or based on a design that was used in war.
The shotgun was one example.

One of those guns is a ruger .223. Shoots the same round and has a 30 round mag.

That's the point. There is no "assault" weapon. They all assault. They all kill.

Most semi autos can be configured to hold 30 round mags.

That pic is in response to what was purposed for the new assault weapons ban. The weapon would have to have 2 or more items off a list to be considered an assault weapon.

All guns were once a weapon of war or based on a design that was used in war.

What are you training for, fake Christian?
And once again, NONE OF THEM are being used for ANY of this shit.


So just fucking stop being an asshole douchebag shit-for-brains gun nut enabler and try being a human being with a brain for difficult as I know that must be for you, give it a go.




Again. Any of the guns shown could be labeled an assault rifle. Dumbass.

They are all semi automatic with the exception of the shotgun.

They can all hold 30 round mags. The civilian ar is no different. Its not the same as what the military uses.
He's a poster boy for the NRA and takes it up the ass from them regularly.
I despise the NRA. I have never been or will be a member.

I won sit here and be called stupid or a lousy hunter because I own and use one. One shot, one kill for any animal I hunt. If it can't be done in one shot I won't pull the trigger.

Pistols kill way more people. That's fact.

I'm not crazy for owning an ar15. I'm not training for anything nor do I want a civil war.

Go ahead though. Resort to calling names and flinging shit. I'm right.
Again. Any of the guns shown could be labeled an assault rifle. Dumbass.

They are all semi automatic with the exception of the shotgun.

They can all hold 30 round mags. The civilian ar is no different. Its not the same as what the military uses.

I despise the NRA. I have never been or will be a member.

I won sit here and be called stupid or a lousy hunter because I own and use one. One shot, one kill for any animal I hunt. If it can't be done in one shot I won't pull the trigger.

Pistols kill way more people. That's fact.

I'm not crazy for owning an ar15. I'm not training for anything nor do I want a civil war.

Go ahead though. Resort to calling names and flinging shit. I'm right.
You said you and your boys are trained. What are you training for, fake Christian?
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I don't know what you see but the assault rifles on the right are very different from the ones on the left. There is a lot of hardware on the guns to the right that make them more lethal.

If the point is that they are all semi-automatic and banning only the ones on the right is useless because the ones on the left can be modified, then fine and thanks for the advice. Let's ban them all. Every gun going forward should be single round bolt action. You can still hunt with that, can't you? Everything else should be taken back. A buy back, then prison time if you own one.

I don't want that. I'm saying that's where we are headed if gun owners don't start working with each other to bring the rate of homicides due to gun violence down to that of other more civilized countries..
One of those guns is a ruger .223.
yep, look at the ranch model of a mini 14. without a mag in it, from 20 ft away you'd think it was a 22LR.

shit, the dude could have driven his explorer into the church at 80mph and killed the same if not more.

blame human nature, not guns.
nobody has done that with anything other than a belt fed machine gun.

you aren't good at this.
59 dead in one occurrence still sucks. The motherfucker was planning to escape and do it all over again elsewhere.

A month later, 26 more in another venue by another motherfucker.

You are technically right but I don't understand what you point is.
i like my AK better. cheaper ammo. and you can drop it in a mud puddle and still shoot the fuck out of it.
Yeah, cause everybody throws their guns in mud puddles then shoots the " fuck " out of them. Time to grow the fuck up boys, you all have zero respect for fire arms.
i like my AK better. cheaper ammo. and you can drop it in a mud puddle and still shoot the fuck out of it.
I don't own a gun. I don't want to. I don't care if you like owning a gun you can throw into a mud puddle and still be able to shred a cardboard box by emptying a clip from that bad bitch. I'm not concerned about you owning a gun like that. As you say, guns aren't really the issue. The issue is the US has an extraordinarily high rate of deaths due to gun violence and accidents with guns.

What I want is that the US bring the down the rate of deaths due to gun violence and accidents with guns. At this time, the gun lobby is blocking research into ways to do this. As a non gun owner, I don't have any influence with the gun lobby but their customers, gun owners, certainly do. Instead of arguing about widgets or a name, how about arguing about how to meet your desire to be able to blow shit up and still get done what many non gun owners demand, which is that we get the rate of gun related deaths and injury down to that of other civilized nations?
59 dead in one occurrence still sucks. The motherfucker was planning to escape and do it all over again elsewhere.

A month later, 26 more in another venue by another motherfucker.

You are technically right but I don't understand what you point is.
blame human nature, not guns is my point.

if i want to kill somebody, i'll kill them with a plastic spork if i had to.
I don't own a gun. I don't want to. I don't care if you like owning a gun you can throw into a mud puddle and still be able to shred a cardboard box by emptying a clip from that bad bitch. I'm not concerned about you owning a gun like that. As you say, guns aren't really the issue. The issue is the US has an extraordinarily high rate of deaths due to gun violence and accidents with guns.

What I want is that the US bring the down the rate of deaths due to gun violence and accidents with guns. At this time, the gun lobby is blocking research into ways to do this. As a non gun owner, I don't have any influence with the gun lobby but their customers, gun owners, certainly do. Instead of arguing about widgets or a name, how about arguing about how to meet your desire to be able to blow shit up and still get done what many non gun owners demand, which is that we get the rate of gun related deaths and injury down to that of other civilized nations?

i can only speak for myself:
0 gun accidents
0 people killed or injured

blame the others on the other side of the bell curve that brings the average up.