Well-Known Member
I get the nazi inference-
-its residual 3ma animosity
most of us ended up here bc of the nazis @3ma
dont take it personal
i had to read thru this thread last night like twice to get it all
carry on soldier and dont sweat the small shit
-its all small
u &TheMan on the same team as most of us are
funy how they have us bickering while they getting ready to fk us w no lube...
your erb looks good but i still say we have a smoke sesh and get to the bottom of whos is best
i will be the judge
how bout vehicle city social club?
-its a smoking lounge
I'll bring my best fiyah and wecan compare notes-
-im currently on an sfvOg kick from darkheart nursery
or nt-
-doesnt really matter ...
peace shalom bro-
heres a pic of one of my 'legal' gardens
-nt around here-
View attachment 4010235
needs cal-mag