STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

I get the nazi inference-
-its residual 3ma animosity

most of us ended up here bc of the nazis @3ma

dont take it personal
i had to read thru this thread last night like twice to get it all

carry on soldier and dont sweat the small shit
-its all small
u &TheMan on the same team as most of us are
funy how they have us bickering while they getting ready to fk us w no lube...

your erb looks good but i still say we have a smoke sesh and get to the bottom of whos is best
i will be the judge:lol::lol::lol:

how bout vehicle city social club?
-its a smoking lounge

I'll bring my best fiyah and wecan compare notes-
-im currently on an sfvOg kick from darkheart nursery

or nt-
-doesnt really matter ...
peace shalom bro-:blsmoke:

heres a pic of one of my 'legal' gardens
-nt around here-
View attachment 4010235

needs cal-mag:P



I've got a couple Bruce Banner #3 buds left that I've been jar curing since January 2016 :bigjoint:

Bring a cut of that sfvOg, just in case I like it ;-)
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when i made my first post there were 4,655 views on this thread-
Now 5,344
5,344- 4,655= 689
thats almst 700people have viewd this thread within 32hrs

that equates to almst 1 person every 2minuts viewing this thread

-someones watching this thread
-any1 wanna speculate on 'who' that might be or includ ....View attachment 4010232

numbers wrong ....
in last hr ...

thats over 1person @minut

view-o-meter spinning!

someone nervous out there tryna keep a finger on our pulse-
heres my current project in case any LEO peepin in hereIMG_3668.JPG

yes thats a 2 1/2oz plant -
-what im "legally" allowed

i try and follow the 'rules' here in michigan
can u say:'misdemeanor' ---->'grey area'
Oh goody, 3 whole months.......Then no disp. till early 2019 (At least that's when they hope to have "some" open again. Well then, they better get the lic growers going first then eh?) ..... That's a year of people wanting meds with no where to go.... Grow your own or find a CG. CG's have been declining over the last cpl of years.

The 2 toads listed, on the LARA board are dead set against MJ.....They are there to temper the law with restrictions......People do not matter. They "know whats best for everyone" and MMJ is "fake news" to them....Schutte clones and supporters.

They "say" they are accepting apps on Dec. 15th. When will they choose? How much time does that give a "grower" to set up and begin? Do you really think these disp. will have available MEDS that are safe and properly cured for sale on this "Early 2019" unknown date? Lets see, commercial operations run big plants. So 180 days of grow alone. Now add 6-8 weeks of cure (yeah right). You think they will have growers up and running by April 15th 2018 to make that "Early 2019 date?" HELL NO!

FACT: The "Schutte" said the state would not pursue disp. approved by local authorities. LIE!

Now LARA has sole ability to decide the rules! "The state Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs has the sole authority to set the rules that govern the dispensaries now and in the future." Andrew Brisbo, director of the state's Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation.

The "Non-refundable" lic. fee is a money grab! Mark my words (and read the application rules). If a disp. has been raided at any time. They will not get "approved"..... Even a misdemeanor for an "illegal" drug conviction, is grounds for disapproval. The fact that MMJ disp. are "illegal" by state law will be taken into account. Even if there was no charge given. They were in essence, guilty of a felony.....DISAPPROVED!

I hope that's not so but, we'll see won't we!

In the meantime, it's the actual patients that will suffer....

If recreational passes. It will be less then 5 years to "No personal growing" or "Severe limits will be imposed." Just like out west! CG will be eliminated and personal will go down to 6, then 3 and most likely eliminated. It's MI controlled by conservative ass holes....


-this guy 'gets' it ...
...or 'got' it imho-
I get the nazi inference-
-its residual 3ma animosity

most of us ended up here bc of the nazis @3ma

dont take it personal
i had to read thru this thread last night like twice to get it all

carry on soldier and dont sweat the small shit
-its all small
u &TheMan on the same team as most of us are
funy how they have us bickering while they getting ready to fk us w no lube...

your erb looks good but i still say we have a smoke sesh and get to the bottom of whos is best
i will be the judge:lol::lol::lol:

how bout vehicle city social club?
-its a smoking lounge

I'll bring my best fiyah and wecan compare notes-
-im currently on an sfvOg kick from darkheart nursery

or nt-
-doesnt really matter ...
peace shalom bro-:blsmoke:

heres a pic of one of my 'legal' gardens
-nt around here-
View attachment 4010235

I guess you read that I conceded and admitted anger clouding my posts.

I know my buds are real good but I never said anything about them being the best. I was taunted to post them. They are healing Mrs. MMG's internal cysts. After a lifetime of pain. And they keep me functioning mostly with my illness as well. Plus they get us happy trippy high to boot. :-)

And I would love to share with you brother but I live all the way west center or so in this state.
@buckaroo bonzai

He's right you know ^.

It's an opinion that doesn't make sense. You rant and rave over changes but have shown no proof on speculation. And I myself have never received and changed from Lara on the status of my being a caregiver. You only bring up fairy tales about caregivers loosing their rights but with no proof. Do you really like hearing yourself talk? And I'm so sorry I hurt your soft feelings maybe you need your safe space available

As far as MMG and Buckaroo are concerned, they get it, you don't!

I testified against this shit law. It got me raided and I lost everything I had worked so hard for. Now, over 2 years later. I'm finally back on track, grow wise.
You will NEVER receive ANY notification of ANY change in the law from LARA! What the fuck gave you that uninformed idea? Stand in front of a judge and say. "But your honor, I was never notified of the change in law!" The judge will say that, I'ts your responsibility to know the law!" BANG! "GUILTY!"

Your like my father was. Blind trust in the government to do the right thing. You're are one naive SOB........ The "proof" is in whats happened to "legal" states out west. Ask anyone from Co what happened to their #'s. Cali? The waste is my breath on folks like you.....You won't believe it till it happens......Even then you'll say it's the best thing..... Did Germany ever see that Hitler was a dead end. Cambodia and Pol Pot? China and Mao? The list goes on and on!

Keep sticking your head in the sand.. That's what the "state" wants!
This is ridiculous, the war on drugs is getting out of hand. As long as other states don't start doing this though, I'm looking forward to California's city of Nipton that is going to be an entire city built for weed :)
I can see both sides of the arguments in this thread, but what it comes down to in my eyes is that nothing has changed at all. I can still grow x amount of plants and x amount of weight and supply only my (up to 5) patient. Well 1 thing has changed i can have and make oil and medables after 8 years in the program.

If your not out on front street and have street smarts you will probably never have a issue with law enforcement, but in that same breath we need you guys fighting to protect what we do have and not fighting each other. Thats why imo we missed the boat on legalization last year.
I can see both sides of the arguments in this thread, but what it comes down to in my eyes is that nothing has changed at all. I can still grow x amount of plants and x amount of weight and supply only my (up to 5) patient. Well 1 thing has changed i can have and make oil and medables after 8 years in the program.

If your not out on front street and have street smarts you will probably never have a issue with law enforcement, but in that same breath we need you guys fighting to protect what we do have and not fighting each other. Thats why imo we missed the boat on legalization last year.
You must have missed something if you read this thread but sure...everything is the same or "good" RIGHT NOW...which..that was kind of the point being relayed in this thread.
I can see them SOBs going thru the Signed Signatures of all that put their name to that piece of paper, every single person and deciding who to go to next, Bust em take everything the own and Sell it for their own good.
That is what the Law does in Michigan, They don't care the almost 70% of Michiganders want to legalize Medical Marijuana and Recreational. They will put you in Prison or Jail because votes don't mean shit to the law makers, I said it when King Trump won the nom. that this would happen everywhere, they will tear down all we have done over the past 9 years and put everyone who don't agree with them in jail or prison.
This isn't the direction we wanted to go, But THEY will take us back 50 years and we need to stand up to these bullies.
What they're telling us is your vote didn't mean shit to us. We tell you, You don't tell Us.....
Yeah Trump really sucks on weed, but if you actually take the time to look at what he's done instead of listening to what everybody's telling you because they've decided that they don't like him you might see him in a different light. I'm a gun guy, and he's really disappointed me but honestly he's good for our economy right now that's what we need. Hillary would've had us in a war already, and if she tried to take our guns it would've started a revolution. Obama doubled the national debt and his term alone, spending more than all previous presidents combined,yet Trump is saved over $130 billion since he started. Give the guy a little credit where it's due.
This isn't a debate on economics, This is a Weed Site ! This is a debate on Legal MM not how much Trump has saved us.
It is how his attorney general is putting his heavy hand on all Medical and Recreational Marijuana and anyone who needs or wants to use it.
I'll wait to judge Trump on anything he has done, and you're a fortune teller Hillary would of had us in a war, Huh Thanks for that tidbit of info. "revolution" and you don't think the U.S is divided because of Trump right now ?
But I'll save my comment on that for the Politics forum.
The Point was The king's horsemen don't care what the People want, 90% of the U.S Could and have voted to pass these laws. Sessions is dismantling one piece at a time, To Put People that use pot in jail or prison.
So then they can profit on their reopening of private prisons and fill their pockets with our hard earned money and take your land, house and cars and sell them for Profit.

Trump stands behind this, when he promised he would let the states decide that for themselves, and that is not what is happening.
The Trump administration will dismantle all we have accomplished so far and that is a very sad thing for most on this site.
It was not the 2008 MMMA voter initiated law or politicians that failed our patients and caregivers, it was our drug war conflicted courts and "justice system" in general IMHO.
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Undoubtely scourge on ALL sides..basically a uni-party with minor differences here and there. They all say different things and if you believe them..haha. Just look how they vote, ALL of them. They use thier positions, both partys, to enrich themselves-litterally. People like mcain,graham,warren and thier staffers-they all made millions of dollars during the aca voting and implementation and it is PERFECTLY legal for them to do so, they made it that way...and that is just one law. (Pst..that bitch would of had us in at least 3 more money pit wars by the end of her term, she said just as much her self)