'..Black Voters Don't Like Bernie Sanders'

Morally I agree but the practicalities of time travel paradoxes and the butterfly effect mean that time travel will probably never be practical even if technologically possible.

Even if you didn't interact with the people in the past you have the "observer effect" to worry about.

And what happens when you modify the world by observing to the point where you never existed, and so could never go back in time to alter the time-line in the first place...thats one of the paradoxes.

But in a magic world where you wouldn't completely fuck the time-line, hell yeah I'd kill baby Hitler.

It was his comment that things "worked out okay" that threw me.
In the eyes of the dem voters, yes.

Of course I don’t agree, but my vote/opinion doesn’t count for anything more than anyone else’s.
Bernie is an independent. He could run as a Republican next time and you could then find out how well he polls with that crowd. Is it your thesis that Bernie would have done better in the general election than in the Democratic Primary?

Until Bernie gains significant support from Black and Hispanic voters, he can't win the Democratic nomination.
Timeline and Additional Accomplishments
1977: Founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. It did research and educate the public on children's issues. Joined Rose Law Firm. Appointed by President Carter to chair the board of the Legal Services Corporation.

1979 - 1982: First Lady of Arkansas during Governor Clinton's Administration. Became first woman partner of Rose Law Firm.

1982 - 1992: First Lady of Arkansas. Chaired Arkansas Educational Standards Committee, which created new state school standards. Founded Arkansas Home Instruction Program for Pre-School Youth. Helped created Arkansas' first neonatal intensive care unit. On the boards of the Arkansas Children's Hospital and the Legal Services and Children's Defense Fund. Corporate board member of TCBY and Lafarge. First female board member of Wal-Mart (1986-1992.) Chaired American Bar Association's Commission on Women in the Profession (1987 to 1991.) Arkansas Woman of the Year (1983.) Arkansas Mother of the Year (1984.)

1993 - 2001: First Lady during the Clinton Administration. Chair of the Task Force on National Healthcare Reform. She continued to be a leading advocate for expanding health insurance coverage, ensuring children are properly immunized, and raising public awareness of health issues. She was the first First Lady with a postgraduate degree.

2000 - 2008: U.S. Senator from New York. Senate Committees: Armed Services; Health, Education, Labor and Pensions; Environment and Public Works; Budget; Aging. Member of Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. She also led the charge on the Lilly Ledbetter Pay Equity Act.

2009 - 2013: U.S. Secretary of State in the Obama Administration. Opened Chinese markets to U.S. companies. (Additional Sources: "11 Accomplishments Hillary Clinton Should Be Touting on the Campaign Trail," FoxNews.com, June 3, 2015. "7 of Hillary's Biggest Accomplishments," HillaryClinton.com. "A List of Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments," AddictingInfo.com, April 13, 2015. "Citing Just One HRC Accomplishment Is Impossible," Huffington Post, May 24, 2016.)

Would you prefer that I copy/paste my google search like you did, or can I just leave a link?

Here’s a link (let me know if you’d prefer me to copy/paste it for you):


Personally, I really like the fact that he had the political courage to vote against the Iraq war, and against the Patriot Act (unlike Clinton) when it wasn’t politically expedient to do so. He has always governed based on his morals, and not on which way the political winds are blowing (like Clinton).

There are more links that I can provide, or copy/paste for you, or you can google them yourself.

Did your Hillary list include the “get tough on crime” bill that she championed, which has resulted in countless thousands of young minorities being sent to prison? That’s a big one for her!
I was just pulling your chain. I agree that Sanders is better than Trump. That's a low bar but if you insist on making that point, I agree. Sanders has voted on and supported plenty of good legislation. He hasn't introduced much if any good legislation but he's a good follower. The people of Vermont like him so there is that. Also, as you Sanders supporters say, he does well in opinion polls, whatever that means, I don't know what it means, but he is well liked.

I will say that the return to "Hillary was the worst candidate ever" is dumb. Clinton beat Sanders by a whopping large margin. Doesn't that make him worser?

I didn’t make the Trump/Sanders comparison. That was Greg. I’m glad to hear you disagree...it would have cast a shadow on my stellar image of you! 8)
Would you prefer that I copy/paste my google search like you did, or can I just leave a link?

Here’s a link (let me know if you’d prefer me to copy/paste it for you):


Personally, I really like the fact that he had the political courage to vote against the Iraq war, and against the Patriot Act (unlike Clinton) when it wasn’t politically expedient to do so. He has always governed based on his morals, and not on which way the political winds are blowing (like Clinton).

There are more links that I can provide, or copy/paste for you, or you can google them yourself.

Did your Hillary list include the “get tough on crime” bill that she championed, which has resulted in countless thousands of young minorities being sent to prison? That’s a big one for her!

The election was three hundred and forty eight days ago :roll:
Bernie is an independent. He could run as a Republican next time and you could then find out how well he polls with that crowd. Is it your thesis that Bernie would have done better in the general election than in the Democratic Primary?

Until Bernie gains significant support from Black and Hispanic voters, he can't win the Democratic nomination.

You guys have actually somewhat convinced me of the notion that Bernie should run as an independent if he is going to run again. I’m hoping that he does.

If there’s one thing that the last election proved, it’s that he is definitely not a Democrat.
Bernie is our trump. Out of step, out of touch, and dangerously incompetant. He would get mauled and spit out in a national election, even against the turd.

Pick a real candidate. Not a person responible in a large way for trump. Voters will remember his traitorous ways and stay home.

It's time for a fresh candidate. Not a traitor.
Bernie Sanders is now a traitor?

Da fuk you smoking, fool?

He's the only presidential candidate who's actually fighting FOR the middle class!

If you wanna suck Fortune 500 cock, just vote Republican.
In the eyes of the dem voters, yes.

Of course I don’t agree, but my vote/opinion doesn’t count for anything more than anyone else’s.
Less, because you don't have millions of dollars with which to game the system.

Sorry, Charlie- only Kochs, Waltons and Mercers get to play. Your vote doesn't count in our 'democracy' anymore...
You guys have actually somewhat convinced me of the notion that Bernie should run as an independent if he is going to run again. I’m hoping that he does.

If there’s one thing that the last election proved, it’s that he is definitely not a Democrat.
I agree. The Democratic party is just as corrupt and in the pockets of Big Business as the Republicans.

Running as an independent candidate will make it possible for people to make a clear choice.

Democratic Party apparatchiks- I'm looking at you and yours, @UncleBuck -should rightly fear such a development, because it will drain the base of voters you've been counting on getting and then not representing.