What did you accomplish today?

You have to get mad. That's what did it for me.

We were out riding our motorcycles one day (some friends and I) and stopped to gas up at the top of the Cherohala Skyway. I asked for a pack of Marlboro and the lady said, "5 dollars and 18 cents".

Instantly, I had a flashback to 1986 when it hit 1 dollar a pack. I remembered thinking, "this is bullshit".

Then it hit 2 dollars.

Then 3.

Then 4.

Each major milestone I kept shaking my head saying I should quit. When that woman said, "5 dollars and 18 cents" that was it. I snapped.

I told her, "Keep 'em."

I threw my lighter in the trash can just outside the door and never touched another one. That was 9 years ago. Good thing too...2 years after I quit is when they found the cancer.

Just set yourself a milestone, man. Do some mental inventory and determine your breaking point and when it gets there, get pissed as hell. It's still harder than hell, but anger goes a long way to quitting. You get pissed off enough it becomes personal. When you get to that stage, you WILL win.
No cheating either. Can't have a bad day & take a puff off a buddys cigg.
The smoking psa on tv made me quit. Bothered me so bad I quit.

I still dip a pinch of snuff every now and then. Now they have the snuff psa showing the guy who loses his jaw.

Got to quit that now.
Copenhagen was harder to quit than cigarettes. I could dip any time and didn't really need a spit cup. Just spit a couple of times after putting in a fresh one, then be good to go.
I have a 6 year old and a baby who will be 1 next month ....a beautiful wife I've been with forever ....and I care for my older sis who has cerebral palsy ...I became her guardian after our mom passed....point being I feel selfish for smoking ...I've got my beautiful little family and give them everything possible ....but then kill myself slowly with fucking cigarettes ....even knowing all this I still smoke ...addicting little fuckers....I couldn't imagine my family not having me around ......I'm definitely trying super hard to quit ......like you say it's not easy.

You can do it man, I quit almost 10 years ago now. It's not easy, but totally worth it. You'll feel so much better all the time.

Switched to those "ecigs" when they still looked like cigarettes. Not like those fuckin crazy huge things dudes use to vape from now.

Lowered the nicotine dose gradually and then stopped.

All of your clothes will smell better eventually.

I used to dip as well, cause we couldn't smoke in the combat information center, which is where I spent about 50% of my time when I was deployed.

I wonder how much money I spent on cigarettes and chew over the years...
Copenhagen was harder to quit than cigarettes. I could dip any time and didn't really need a spit cup. Just spit a couple of times after putting in a fresh one, then be good to go.
That's what I dip. Copenhagen long cut. Not the wintergreen. The gold top. A can last me 5-6 days.

I bought one of the vape things that take the liquid. I like it but it bothers my lungs worse than smoke does.

The patches and gum don't work. Can't wear the patch for some reason. Every brand I've tried breaks me out in a rash real bad. The gum just makes me want to smoke cigs for some reason.

I smoked for quite a few years. Started when I was 15. I quit several times. Sometimes for a couple years at a time.

I very rarely want a cigarette. Sometimes after a meal or really good sex the urge hits me. I don't miss and hate the smell of cigs. I hated the smell of them even when I smoked.
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That's not bad. I've seen a lot worse.

Yeah, we've had worse too. The place does smell like a kennel though, apparently they were raising dogs inside, there's piss and shit everywhere.
How/why does one knock down a satellite antenna? Last pic: what's with all the mason jar lids?
I guess they were canning, there's a bunch of jars laying around too, some with food. Idk what though, there's no garden here.
Was wondering the same thing.. maybe they grew mushrooms.

Did they leave the tools @420God ? I got dibs on the welcome fishy sign
Everything you see in the pics is ours now, the judge gave him till noon today. I went up about an hour later to change the locks and he was still grabbing shit from the yard. He had a bunch of old mowers and grills that were rusted out. Looks like he was collecting scrap metal. I still have to go through whats left but didn't want to deal with it today. I don't think there's anything of value.
Everything you see in the pics is ours now, the judge gave him till noon today. I went up about an hour later to change the locks and he was still grabbing shit from the yard. He had a bunch of old mowers and grills that were rusted out. Looks like he was collecting scrap metal. I still have to go through whats left but didn't want to deal with it today. I don't think there's anything of value.
That little red compressor is the same one I use for my nailer.. It's not too bad. What's in the tool box
Id tell him come get whatever he wants. Give him a couple days.. put everything in the yard.. less Shit you have to chuck the better

I think the stuff in the yard is what he wanted to keep, lol. He was suppose to be out a month ago, I know he's not cleaning it up anymore than it is. No matter, the judge said he'll up the amount of the judgement for time spent cleaning/cost of dumpsters.
I think the stuff in the yard is what he wanted to keep, lol. He was suppose to be out a month ago, I know he's not cleaning it up anymore than it is. No matter, the judge said he'll up the amount of the judgement for time spent cleaning/cost of dumpsters.
Yeah but being a civil claim and him being shitty.. you might not see Shit from it. I learned the fun way to just stop going to civil court lol. End up paying court fees and lose even more money. But I'm sure it's a he'll of a lot different with tenants
Yeah but being a civil claim and him being shitty.. you might not see Shit from it. I learned the fun way to just stop going to civil court lol. End up paying court fees and lose even more money. But I'm sure it's a he'll of a lot different with tenants

We can go for wage garnishment, the guy's wife has a full time job. I think they will grab his taxes too, WI has some pretty good laws protecting landlords. We can evict someone here in the dead of winter with only a 14 day warning.