What did you accomplish today?

Just comes down to deciding which urge is more important.
Hunger - Sex.

Ok, Sex always wins for me.
Sometimes the wife wanted to get frisky around chow time; if I'm hungry I want food, so I'd give these bullshit excuses like "well oiled machines, maintenance, filled fuel tanks, performance", etc. She would grumble, acquiesce, we'd eat and then get frisky later. So one time she wants to, I throw out the same line. Hey it's always worked. She comes back with "always topping the fuel tank leads to dirty fuel and poor performance and sometimes one needs to run it dry and burn out the impurities". I'm a bit stunned, she knows next to shit about mechanics, engines, etc. Where is this coming from? I got nuthin so we went and did it. Later she made a fine meal and said "clean tanks right?"
It's cute. All the kids and two dogs are sleeping on a blanket in the floor.

Been a fun day.
said the guy clearing the path to a night of internet debauchery. :fire:
Repaired my faulty lead, fucking cheap Chinese crap. Had to drill out the fucking stayoutamyguts screws they used.

Marquette, Michigan - A university in Michigan is offering an unusual degree - in marijuana.

Northern Michigan's program combines chemistry, biology, botany, horticulture, marketing and finance to offer a four-year degree.

Brandon Canfield is an associate chemistry professor at the university in Marquette. He says students don't grow marijuana plants in the program, but instead look to other plants that are traditionally recognized with medicinal value, but are legal to grow.

University officials say the program fills a need because 29 states have legalized medical marijuana, including eight states where marijuana is also legal for recreational use.

Associated Press
RYO cigg?
I quit 4 years ago.

Too old for that shit. Just weed for me... :eyesmoke:
I smoke ultra light 72s.....been trying to quit forever ....I actually hate smoking and wish I never started .....a pack lasts me 4 or 5 days ......and I only smoke bud late at night ....drink rarely .....pretty much damn cigarettes are the only monkey on my back .....il quit ...I had quit for almost 5 years ....then started again the day of my moms funeral ......fucking cigarettes

:finger: U cigarettes ...
I smoke ultra light 72s.....been trying to quit forever ....I actually hate smoking and wish I never started .....a pack lasts me 4 or 5 days ......and I only smoke bud late at night ....drink rarely .....pretty much damn cigarettes are the only monkey on my back .....il quit ...I had quit for almost 5 years ....then started again the day of my moms funeral ......fucking cigarettes

:finger: U cigarettes ...

You have to get mad. That's what did it for me.

We were out riding our motorcycles one day (some friends and I) and stopped to gas up at the top of the Cherohala Skyway. I asked for a pack of Marlboro and the lady said, "5 dollars and 18 cents".

Instantly, I had a flashback to 1986 when it hit 1 dollar a pack. I remembered thinking, "this is bullshit".

Then it hit 2 dollars.

Then 3.

Then 4.

Each major milestone I kept shaking my head saying I should quit. When that woman said, "5 dollars and 18 cents" that was it. I snapped.

I told her, "Keep 'em."

I threw my lighter in the trash can just outside the door and never touched another one. That was 9 years ago. Good thing too...2 years after I quit is when they found the cancer.

Just set yourself a milestone, man. Do some mental inventory and determine your breaking point and when it gets there, get pissed as hell. It's still harder than hell, but anger goes a long way to quitting. You get pissed off enough it becomes personal. When you get to that stage, you WILL win.
You have to get mad. That's what did it for me.

We were out riding our motorcycles one day (some friends and I) and stopped to gas up at the top of the Cherohala Skyway. I asked for a pack of Marlboro and the lady said, "5 dollars and 18 cents".

Instantly, I had a flashback to 1986 when it hit 1 dollar a pack. I remembered thinking, "this is bullshit".

Then it hit 2 dollars.

Then 3.

Then 4.

Each major milestone I kept shaking my head saying I should quit. When that woman said, "5 dollars and 18 cents" that was it. I snapped.

I told her, "Keep 'em."

I threw my lighter in the trash can just outside the door and never touched another one. That was 9 years ago. Good thing too...2 years after I quit is when they found the cancer.

Just set yourself a milestone, man. Do some mental inventory and determine your breaking point and when it gets there, get pissed as hell. It's still harder than hell, but anger goes a long way to quitting. You get pissed off enough it becomes personal. When you get to that stage, you WILL win.

Makes total sense ....I'm seriously over smoking ....not to mention I have to young boys and I'd like to be around for them.....I started smoking super young ....I did quit for a long while ....but I've smoked for way to long ...especially for my age ...worst part is, I feel like shit every time I smoke afterwards ....and it actually upsets me like your saying ....thanks for the tip/input ....I have to stop before my 6 year old gets wise to it ....he has no clue as of now ....and it would crush his little heart if he knew dad smoked at all ....he always tells his gram and grandpa to quit .......il get there ....I do real good at work and when I'm busy ....but when things slow down especially in the evening ....I reach for a fuckin smoke ......smh

Thanks again
If you don't have a picture of your son in your wallet, get one there right now.

Keep your wallet with you at all times.

Every time you want to smoke, look at that picture of your son.

You'll quit. Guaranteed.

I have a 6 year old and a baby who will be 1 next month ....a beautiful wife I've been with forever ....and I care for my older sis who has cerebral palsy ...I became her guardian after our mom passed....point being I feel selfish for smoking ...I've got my beautiful little family and give them everything possible ....but then kill myself slowly with fucking cigarettes ....even knowing all this I still smoke ...addicting little fuckers....I couldn't imagine my family not having me around ......I'm definitely trying super hard to quit ......like you say it's not easy.