Tactics Employed by the Democratic Establishment

Not sure how "mixed race kids" is supposed to be insulting either. Care to explain that for us?

similar to asking if you're 'part of the tribe' when you're not..your missing something here, like Trumps lack of empathy.

plain and simple: racist
nuthn at all, most of us are "mixed race kids". everyone here just knows that your bastard mixed raced kids pisses you off is all.
you pig, are the face of a racist. we all see it with your daily posts. if you died nobody would miss the racism you've spewed here.
The guy who just used "mixed race kids" as an insult is calling me a racist.

Heavens to betsy, whatever shall I do?
gosh you're one dumb asshole here. the insult wasnt the mixed race kids part idiot. notice I said we are all mixed race kids? slackjawed dimwit, get your GED would you. I see a pattern of total ignorance in you. crayons right, I should use them to post..got it.
I noticed how you tried to save face by saying we are all mixed race, which came after your previous posts claiming you can't have an opinion on anything because you are white.
Good job, a nazi liked what you had to say.

Lay off the Alex Jones
You need to lay off the douche baggery and nonsense on a pot growers forum for sure. Do you really live in two tone micro camper at a campground??? Holy shheeitt son. I bet your not even a grower. Lol. I bet your on a bunch of forums of all topics fukin with people. I bet thats all you do all day. Amd smack the kids for not cbopping firewood and eating the last can of pork n beans. Sumbitch. Your something.
You need to lay off the douche baggery and nonsense on a pot growers forum for sure. Do you really live in two tone micro camper at a campground??? Holy shheeitt son. I bet your not even a grower. Lol. I bet your on a bunch of forums of all topics fukin with people. I bet thats all you do all day. Amd smack the kids for not cbopping firewood and eating the last can of pork n beans. Sumbitch. Your something.
Sounds like you are quite familiar with trailer life.
Nobody said anything about voter registration in all states, that's just another strawman

In the state of New York in 2016, voters had to change their registration to Democrat by October 2015 in order to vote in the Democratic primary that took place 7 months later on April, 9, 2016. Bernie Sanders had virtually zero name recognition in October, 2015. His campaign didn't begin to pick up steam until later in the primary. Why would there be a rule that someone needs to be registered to vote 7 months before the primary takes place, and why would the Democratic party deny those that wish to participate in the democratic process the right to vote for the candidate they support based on their lack of voter registration 7 months ahead of time?

They did it because they know setting the voter registration date so far ahead of time limits the ability for more obscure candidates to compete successfully because they have less notoriety and name recognition and less money to spend early on in their campaigns. It effectively handicaps their progressive opponents campaign's before they ever get off the ground.

This is why NY pushed Dem. registration to mid October in order to vote in the Democratic primary in November, more than a YEAR out. Why would they do this? There's no other rational explanation. They want to promote the ability of the establishment incumbent, Joe Crowley, to keep his seat while limiting the ability for progressive challenger Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to take it. They're doing this by limiting the democratic process. By making sure less people are legally allowed to vote, because they know the less new registered voters who are allowed to vote, the better their results in the election.

Also why the CA Assembly and Gov. Brown pushed CA to the front of the line in 2020, because they know whoever wins CA has the best chance of winning the Democratic primary. A win in CA, the state with the most delegates, will put whoever wins in the limelight like super Tuesday 2016 did with Clinton. That's the goal. Then, establishment media can promote their candidate and denigrate their competition, just like 2016 for another slight edge of advantage in the competition. Add all the little advantages up and you steal the primary, again.

The way I've described it here, if this eventually happens, I wouldn't vote for Harris. If progressives get cheated out of the primary like they did in 2016, I won't vote Democrat, even against Trump. If any of you take issue with that, don't promote Democratic candidates that have to cheat to win. Don't deny the evidence when it's right in front of your face. The entire progressive wing of the Democratic party is watching very closely, don't fuck this up because it's on you if you do. If you truly believed in your ideals, there would be no need to encourage unfair advantages in order to win. If you can't win on a fair playing field, you damn sure won't win the general election.
You funny

Bernie lost in 2016 because he didn't try hard enough to win the Democratic Party's nomination. He's still not trying hard enough to win in 2020.

Bernie was a long time independent who announced his candidacy and changed his official affiliation in April 2015, just one year before New York's primary. The deadline for registering in New York was as you say about 6 months after his announcement, Oct 9. He had no name recognition at the time of his entering the race, mostly because he was an obscure independent Senator from Vermont. Just dwell on that for a moment. The unknown Sanders announced his intention to run only six months before the cut-off date to register as a Democrat in New York. Don't you think that was cutting it close? Whose fault is that? Isn't it the job of a candidate to win an election?

Bernie Sanders didn't reach out to registered Democrats in New York. It was a closed primary and the rules were set to favor long term members of the party, not short term independents. That's what New York Democrats wanted. Why should long time Democrats even care what independents wanted? Sanders didn't even try to win there. He entered the race too late and he didn't attempt to win votes of long term Democratic party members most especially Black and Hispanic New Yorkers. That's why he lost in New York.

I think democracy is better served when access to voting is as easy as possible. Oregon has a registration deadline that occurs 2 weeks before the primary. Just about any legal resident in Oregon can vote for or against a Democrat during the primary, even Republicans. This is what Oregon voters want. If they want, New York voters can get their laws changed and can pressure the New York chapter of the Democratic Party to change their primary from closed to open. Now is the time to change them, not in 2020.

Your posts are full of speculation and imagined conspiracies. You live in California, not New York and so have nothing to do with their voting laws. This distresses you. Be sure to bring this up in your next session with your analyst.
Along with all the other rules and games, it adds up to the end of the American Democracy.

I'm fighting for the right of the average American voter to have their voice actually count, as opposed to those who support 'their' team by any means fair or foul. That's corrosive to the very idea of participatory democracy and as such is reprehensible.
More like you are fighting for the rights of the average white American voter. Can you explain how not talking about racism and economic injustice meted out to Black and Hispanic Americans will solve even a few problems with racism in this country? Which ones?
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You need to lay off the douche baggery and nonsense on a pot growers forum for sure. Do you really live in two tone micro camper at a campground??? Holy shheeitt son. I bet your not even a grower. Lol. I bet your on a bunch of forums of all topics fukin with people. I bet thats all you do all day. Amd smack the kids for not cbopping firewood and eating the last can of pork n beans. Sumbitch. Your something.

there is no denying it he makes payments on that trailer still too

when he runs out of consonants he yells racist nazi pedophile since I been here daily most often. must be acceptable behavior here and encouraged even by admin.
Which is why I'm voting Republican Democrats are fucked in the head.
I know dems are fukt. But please dont vote GOP. They really honestly dont give a fuk about you. Theh really don't. At least the dems fake it or half ass have some care. GOP is just blatant flagrant foul. I can smell em from here.
I know dems are fukt. But please dont vote GOP. They really honestly dont give a fuk about you. Theh really don't. At least the dems fake it or half ass have some care. GOP is just blatant flagrant foul. I can smell em from here.
I actually voted for Johnson and I'm pretty much libertarian but the left wing looks worse than the right wing IMHO.

I just want our whorehouses, opium dens and cannabis coffee shops back honestly but the Democrats and Republicans want a revolution.
I actually voted for Johnson and I'm pretty much libertarian but the left wing looks worse than the right wing IMHO.

I just want our whorehouses, opium dens and cannabis coffee shops back honestly but the Democrats and Republicans want a revolution.
I used to be a card carrying Libertarian Party member. Years and years ago. When most didnt know of them. But this isnt 1776 anymore. And I....anyways. Yep. I kinda still do like Johnson. I remember his High Times interview years ago. He ahright. At least vote third party I say. Iam with Sanders myself. But at anyrate...prostitution is a no brainer. Should be legal and regulated. All drugs as well. Obvious. But dems and repubs i dont think want a revolution at all. They want the status quo. The money train to keep chugging along. I say if you want real change...support the Progressives.
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