Too many Democrats running for office this year in CA?

There is no such thing as a Liberal Zionist.

Liberals are NOT Zionists.

Zionism is RIGHT WING ideology.

Joe Biden is a NEO- liberal.

Easy enough for you to grasp?
yes, I saw your textbook definiton of what a Neoliberal is.

I gave you real life examples of what a Neoliberal is!
It's becoming quite common for right wing nuts to make up their own definitions. Of course, this is not how a language works. There is a reason why you and other right wing nuts are laughed at when you invent your own definition instead of use the commonly accepted definition.
It's becoming quite common for right wing nuts to make up their own definitions. Of course, this is not how a language works. There is a reason why you and other right wing nuts are laughed at when you invent your own definition instead of use the commonly accepted definition.

Why do you call me " right wing" when you get upset?

Your buddy Unclebuck is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay farther to the right than me.
There is no such thing as a Liberal Zionist.

Liberals are NOT Zionists.

Zionism is RIGHT WING ideology.

Joe Biden is a NEO- liberal.

Easy enough for you to grasp?
Joe Biden is not much of a liberal but he's not a conservative. Why are you calling him a conservative? A libertarian conservative at that.
It's becoming quite common for right wing nuts to make up their own definitions. Of course, this is not how a language works. There is a reason why you and other right wing nuts are laughed at when you invent your own definition instead of use the commonly accepted definition.

Excuse you?

I did not make up any definition, I stated multiple instances in History where the politicians in question acted exactly like Neoliberals do.

Try to stay on topic.
Joe Biden is not much of a liberal but he's not a conservative. Why are you calling him a conservative? A libertarian conservative at that.

A " Libertarian" ?

He has his name signed next to one of the most oppressive drug laws in American History.

The Democratic Party is considered to the right of center in every other serious Liberal Nation.
Because you talk like a conservative.

The alt right says the same shit as you. Just saying. Walk like a right whinger, talk like a right whinger, must be a right whinger.

I don't talk like a conservative.

Alt right is not conservative, btw. That would be the 15 other GOP shills Trump soundly defeated.

Conservative - Anti gay rights, anti abortion, pro israel, pro war on drugs, pro warmongering.

I don't adhere to any of that philosophy and you know that. Who does adhere to some of that philosophy though? Hillary, Obama, Biden,etc.

There are some instances where the far left and the far right agree more than the so called " moderates", so I suppose sometimes that makes it look like I am " alt right"?

While interesting, that is a fallicious statement for you to make. I will proudly back any ideology I agree with, and the "alt right" is not one of them.
I don't talk like a conservative.

Alt right is not conservative, btw. That would be the 15 other GOP shills Trump soundly defeated.

Conservative - Anti gay rights, anti abortion, pro israel, pro war on drugs, pro warmongering.

I don't adhere to any of that philosophy and you know that. Who does adhere to some of that philosophy though? Hillary, Obama, Biden,etc.

There are some instances where the far left and the far right agree more than the so called " moderates", so I suppose sometimes that makes it look like I am " alt right"?

While interesting, that is a fallicious statement for you to make. I will proudly back any ideology I agree with, and the "alt right" is not one of them.
Now we are getting somewhere:

"The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined grouping of white supremacists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far-right fringe hate groups."

OK, then you are waaaaaay far to the right of conservatives. I misspoke, when I said conservative, I meant right wing nut. As in today's Republican Congress, Trump, white supremacists, KKK, alt right and you.
"The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined grouping of white supremacists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far-right fringe hate groups."

I could say the same thing about the DNC haha.

Here. Watch it again.

Neo Nazi , Neo fascist, far right hate group.

* god i fkn love this video. I will never stop sharing it. He really messed up going this far in public.

Enough to ruin him and all Zionist neoliberals for ages to come :)
Now we are getting somewhere:

"The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined grouping of white supremacists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far-right fringe hate groups."

OK, then you are waaaaaay far to the right of conservatives. I misspoke, when I said conservative, I meant right wing nut. As in today's Republican Congress, Trump, white supremacists, KKK, alt right and you.

I am to the right of anti abortion, anti gay marriage warmongers?

Oh, do explain.
I am to the right of anti abortion, anti gay marriage warmongers?

Oh, do explain.
You never speak on these issues so, how am I supposed to know what you believe? In any case, to be to the right of anti-abortion and anti-gay would make you anti-choice and extremely homophobic. Yet one more time you confirm my conclusions. This is getting boring Dmitri. I'm glad to be giving you a language lesson but you'll need to come up with money of you want much more help with English.
Wikipedia is the one I went to. It gave the history and a deeper understanding of the term.

It's basically the US version of libertarian philosophy. Concepts like medicare, medicaid, universal healthcare, all of which are liberal planks Democratic Party platform are anathema to neoliberals. You trigger on the word liberal which causes to you miss the meaning of neoliberal.

Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] refers primarily to the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faireeconomic liberalism.[2]:7 Those ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade[3] and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.[11] These market-based ideas and the policies they inspired constitute a paradigm shift away from the post-war Keynesian consensus which lasted from 1945 to 1980

In neoliberalism, "liberal" refers to economic liberalism, not social liberalism. You, of course, are confused by your cynicism and fail to get past your bias about the Democratic Party and so you think neoliberalism means Democrats because liberal. Quite childish, actually. Neoliberalism is Republican and libertarian.
Other than your weak attempt at psychology, I agree.

It was economic neoliberalism that I was referring to.
Other than your weak attempt at psychology, I agree.

It was economic neoliberalism that I was referring to.
OH, you mean that bit about your cynicism blocking your ability to think past the first headline that you agree with. It's true