I was trained and competent enough to handle, load, disassemble and utilize a firearm by military veterans.
Or is that one of the trending millennial terms for something?
Heh, why do you want to know how well my junk works?
Just a heads up, you're not my type.. and it isn't your skin colour!
Not so, personal experience speaks louder here, guns do not escalate domestic issues.
People escalate domestic violence, if it wasn't a gun then it would be a knife or a chain or..
I've had plenty of road rage incidents and I never fired a single round at those idiots.
There was an armed robbery committed by two teenagers, one was black the other brown, they were robbing two white men. The men got face-down and gave them their money only to be executed right there.
I will shoot someone pointing a gun at me, it does not matter the reason why, it only matters that my life is in danger and I will do anything to protect it.
The chances of saving someone's life with a firearm is far greater than you guessed. Numerous reports of police officers being saved citizens with guns, teachers saving kids with guns, children protecting themselves and their homes with guns.
You don't hear about it because it doesn't fit the media's agenda for political and economic control.
Am I the only wolf in this heard of sheep?