Nevada shooter kills 50+ at Las Vegas concert


Well-Known Member
How much am I being paid?

My point is you're straight, so if you're being honest your answer would be no, just like every straight man would answer no. We are wired to have a visceral attraction to a vagina, and a visceral repulsion towards a penis. There is a reason we are wired that way. It is not homophobic to verbalize your aversion to sucking another man's cock. I support gay marriage, and 100% equal rights for them. What they do sexually is none of my business....but I don't have a problem expressing that the thought of another man's junk in my mouth is repulsive to me. That's a normal response, and does not make me or anyone else that expresses that a homophobe. You're just playing your usual pin-the-slur-on-the-white guy game.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
If it looks like automatic weapon, and fires like an automatic weapon, then it should be controlled like an automatic weapon. Period. Tactical weapons of all kinds, whether glock's with no meaningful safety or assault rifles, should be tightly controlled and available to those who qualify for them. If people want to bear the arms envisioned by the founders, there are still black powder rifles available.


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid I must disagree. They're the number one suicide device and that is what skews the statistics, with correct storage and responsible use they're just a tool like any other.

I'm all for making them harder to get and requiring training and licensing but it's kind of a shitty way to try get at Conservatives.

I think all the effort and such that goes into gun control (that never actually does anything) would be better if we used it to promote mental health services and stopped the profit angle on all these anti depressant drugs that we still don't fully understand their effect on the brain.

One thing that must be understood, if someone is going to commit a crime then the gun laws are completely useless.

Given that fact, making more gun laws only inhibits the populace to defend themselves. It is The Second Amendment of The Bill of Rights.

States like California, cities like Chicago have plenty of gun violence where it is illegal to have them in public.

It is just like the atom bomb, it can't be uninvented.

Another thing, if his rifles weren't modified for full-automatic operation they are not assault rifles.



Well-Known Member
If it looks like automatic weapon, and fires like an automatic weapon, then it should be controlled like an automatic weapon. Period. Tactical weapons of all kinds, whether glock's with no meaningful safety or assault rifles, should be tightly controlled and available to those who qualify for them. If people want to bear the arms envisioned by the founders, there are still black powder rifles available.


Then I was qualified to fire and carry both at eleven years old.

We must grow up faster in these parts.