My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's

ok here's a rule of thumb,stick ur hand under the bulb if u can hold it there comforably without the bulb heat bothering u,U can get it closer.
Also sum advise if ur ganning be running 150W + cfl power u might just look into a hps for numerous benefits and u can get them for good prices at i got my 250wat for like 140ish
Not as hot as hps but still warm enough to fry some shit I am learning that with the clones I have going because I thought they needed more light an it got way to hot in there so I took alot of them out. clones are hard to get right though I think ??

i got them as close as i can get them without burning them
As soon as you get it right it will be smooth sailing , just get through this batch and get rid of the problem before you start again , trial and error my friend.
ok here's a rule of thumb,stick ur hand under the bulb if u can hold it there comforably without the bulb heat bothering u,U can get it closer.
Also sum advise if ur ganning be running 150W + cfl power u might just look into a hps for numerous benefits and u can get them for good prices at i got my 250wat for like 140ish

Nahh man imma stick to the CFLS for a while espically since im having a heat problem, and i dont wanna get the closer becuase its already hot as it is

agreed, look a littl e streatched. but could be male also.
yeah i see o well better for me if there male ill juss take there pollen and cross them with my AK-48 makin my ovw strain of AK-48 x Misty

an a other thing i might add i think the reason for the stecthing is cuz i would take them outta my grow room due to the heat issues and put them by the windowsill u think that can be the problem??? i feel like i already posted this befor.... oh yeah my ak sprouted today so ill be givin updates every 3 days and i think i might have to throw some sand on top of my soil i think im getting kntas
Not as hot as hps but still warm enough to fry some shit I am learning that with the clones I have going because I thought they needed more light an it got way to hot in there so I took alot of them out. clones are hard to get right though I think ??

yeah man i seen ur closes they are drooopy not sure if ya know but cloes like high humidity like 70% n shit and the higher the heat the less humidity n yeah i think there harder because they need slmodt perfect conditions n lots of care
But these have been rooted for a while so they are not fresh cuttings I think they were just very low on N , so I am giving them a low frequent does to bring it back up quick but safe .. Thanks..

yeah man i seen ur closes they are drooopy not sure if ya know but cloes like high humidity like 70% n shit and the higher the heat the less humidity n yeah i think there harder because they need slmodt perfect conditions n lots of care
yeah i decided imma leave my plants in the growroom the whole day now n if one of my planst do become male how long does it take for the sacs to mature and release there pollen??? I was doin some readin in the growfaq but they didnt answer me that and instead of juss keepin the bag under the sacs or w/e method they use cant i juss snipe off the whole stem where the sacs are let them fall into the bag and thus fuk with them myself ????
ok i decided to give u guys an update topday cuz my babys have gotten droppy and i dont know if its the heat or that i let her dry out for a day im thinkin the dry but i unnoe i juss watered them both but, what chu guys think and here my lil AK fuker, and from what it looks like imma have some branches soon on my MISTY


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dont snip the branch for pollen. it will die as soon as you do and the pollen wont be any good. i have a how to on doing this i can post for ya. i`m still working on it.

your plants may droop when you water them but should bounce back as they take it up. pay attention to that mabee they like it a little dryer or wet. see if there is a difference. i am still working on what amount to feed mine, they are growing so fast it keeps changing.
yeah last time i grew this strain one seemed to like the dry and one seemed to like the wet but same strain... i think this one likes to be dry but not tooo dry and i think thats where i i messed up shes lookin better now that i watered her, and so how long does it take for the sacs to pop i guess ill have to do it that way n hey bonz can u PM ur site link i forgot to fav it
yup. i`ll do it a little later.
we are going to the vancouvert seed bank today to party and see what freebies we can wuin for our move and buy new seeds. chech out thier site.
ya i know what you meant, just thought you ,ay want to see what i have at my doorstep living in vancouver. so nice
i senyt you a pm
ya i know what you meant, just thought you ,ay want to see what i have at my doorstep living in vancouver. so nice
i senyt you a pm

yeah my bad got it right after i posted it lol well i got some problems on my misty part of the leafs seems to be drying up and crunching i think its because of the heat heres some pics... and my lil AK is doin fine finally startin to show some new growth... oh yeah i takin pics of my new side branching but its to small and i couldnt geta good pic with the cam but i can see it real good with my eyes so maybe in the next 2 days ill have some good pics.... n that is the shit to have a seed bank right down the street, thats why i think if i ever visit amsterdam i wouldnt wanna come bak


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