HLG-550 vs PLC-6

This is a marijuana grow forum. Not a company website of a place that's a company "does business" through.
Greengenes/tags420 has been here since well before any company currently on the list of top lights other than maybe Apache tech. And I don't play to any company marketing agendas specifically. Just truthful and fact based information and honest and complete grow logs.

If someone has a question about a light or a company...contact/email them. That is how you communicate with a company/person.

Oddly enough I note that you are not on the authorized advertisers list either, yet you continue to report other members for advertising even though you have been doing it for months through a link in your journal.

Enough is enough, please stop reporting people for doing precisely what you, yourself are doing.
Thank you.

Edit: And if you would like to legally advertise here follow the proper procedure.
Highly recommend that you avoid the one that is known for the bad service.

Aside from the old technology and questionable business ethics, the big claim to fame is 12 years growing experience and a bunch of youtube videos of what they think is a good grow.

No formal education in any of the relevant sciences just some guy who thinks he can grow pot well. Might be fine for the 'bros' out there but serious people, go with something reputable.

I actually believe that both companies in question make very high-quality lights. That being said....HOW the respective representatives choose to interact with people, WHEREVER they are, is an indication of the integrity of their company. If they choose to act poorly, here, then they probably also have it in them to act poorly elsewhere.

The choice of the MODE of communication is entirely up to the individual. If you want to email a company, then sure, that's great. By the same token, if someone on a marijuana grow forum with a specific LED lighting subsection, chooses to ask a question, and is able to put themselves in direct connection with a company owner by doing so, then that's also a mode of communication and has nothing to do with "how" that representative chooses to act.

In short, the OP might want to consider which of these two lights to choose -which I'm certain are both great- based on who is going to communicate with you in the most respectful manner. Again, just look around....read for yourself.
I actually believe that both companies in question make very high-quality lights. That being said....HOW the respective representatives choose to interact with people, WHEREVER they are, is an indication of the integrity of their company. If they choose to act poorly, here, then they probably also have it in them to act poorly elsewhere.

The choice of the MODE of communication is entirely up to the individual. If you want to email a company, then sure, that's great. By the same token, if someone on a marijuana grow forum with a specific LED lighting subsection, chooses to ask a question, and is able to put themselves in direct connection with a company owner by doing so, then that's also a mode of communication and has nothing to do with "how" that representative chooses to act.

In short, the OP might want to consider which of these two lights to choose -which I'm certain are both great- based on who is going to communicate with you in the most respectful manner. Again, just look around....read for yourself.

You see that is where I disagree. Many people have reported poor quality by the offending vendor not just the offensive treatment we have seen on this forum. Why would anyone put themselves through that when they can just go with a more reputable vendor with a better product?
False and libel. You just lie with no backing of any statements and think you protected from being called out.
You are lying and your lack of any examples show that very clear.

Case in point.

Yet another example of the extreme business behavior exhibited by this vendor.

You don't know who am. For all you know I am one of the customers you screwed over. People are allowed to post their experience doing business with vendors. If you don't like it then maybe change your business practices or go do something different, like say learning how to grow plants.

Also, from a legal perspective, it is isn't libel or slander if it is true.....and since your credentials are limited to your 12 years of growing experience, I doubt you have the legal background to understand either.
I for one would like to see what these vendors have to say, I like the idea of publicly answered questions. Saves me from asking them myself.This bickering is taking away from the site. No one cares if it is against the T O S. If you want to publicly answer questions please do so.
Of course I care and is why I will not let you make false and libel statements. You are attempting to deface me and my business by using anonymity of the internet and libel. It's a coward attack and hold no water. Every PLC customer could tell you that and have proven it already. Everything you have said is libel and false. I ask for any backing of where your statements are coming from and you deflect and provide nothing. Just more attempts to spread false accusations and libel.

So please provide some examples or email PLC with you issues of you have a need to keep your troll account going. But so far all you have done is start libel and make false accusation that you have yet to defend in any form. Tactics of a coward.

So you only care if they post criticism which seems to be quite a bit.

To clarify, you can hardly prevent anyone from doing anything. Don't try to act like you can either. Your veiled threats of legal action are nothing more than a muse. You and your company are in no financial position to pursue anything legally even if you did have a leg to stand on.

Let's call it what it is. You ripped off some people, they got unhappy and posted bad reviews. Thinking you can bully your way out of it, your approach was to attack them rather than properly fix the problems. Well guess what, it doesn't work like that on the internet. Enjoy the consequences!
So your terms of service mean nothing?

I'll make it short and do not require a response.
"You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like"
For the uninitiated this means unpaid for advertising - that you have been enjoying through your journal link that I removed.

I would suggest that you abide by the rules of the forum, and participate as a member.
Should you like to pursue being an advertiser, do so in the manner that all other Legal advertisers do or stfu.
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False and libel. All you have done is make false accusations. Not a single examples of your claims. No backing or credibility. Just outright lies and libel. Why can you not cite one single occurrence of what you claim? Because you have none and are hiding behind internet anonymity and spewing libel. You have no accountability and think it's ok.
You have been called out over and over and you continue to only prove your libel ways. Stop hiding and being a coward, either prove your accusations or give up.

So please enlighten us as to what you are referring to when you say 'false and libel.'

Maybe I should give you a hand. You could infer that I accused your company of poor customer service, but the problem there is that it is common knowledge that you provide poor customer service. That and the behavior you exhibit in this thread substantiates it as a fact rather than accusation.

Oh and the onus is on you to prove libel. You can cry all you want but until a competent court rules in your favor you can't just go accusing people of libel.

I on the other hand can easily find several testimonials regarding the poor quality of your product and service. You even put up video evidence of shoddy work in your facility as was noted by another forum member. To say your position is weak would be an understatement.
I have already enlightened you and you continue to come up with nothing. If they are so easy as you say(which is false) you would have come up with one. And since there is no examples of what you accuse, you are starting and spewing libel. Its pretty simple, and you know exactly what you're doing. You have no experience with PLC, you dislike being wrong and can't stand it. You can't come up with a any facts or anything to rightfully converse and argue with...so you resort to libel and false accusation because you think you have internet protection from being a liar. You can not hide from your coward moves by making more libel. You have no support or backing, just a troll attempting to be defamatory and getting called on it.

Stop lying and spewing libel or come up with one single incident or example. Stop being a coward.
Based on what I've seen here today in your own words, I wouldn't buy a fucking firefly from you.

Have a nice day!
I have already enlightened you and you continue to come up with nothing. If they are so easy as you say(which is false) you would have come up with one. And since there is no examples of what you accuse, you are starting and spewing libel. Its pretty simple, and you know exactly what you're doing. You have no experience with PLC, you dislike being wrong and can't stand it. You can't come up with a any facts or anything to rightfully converse and argue with...so you resort to libel and false accusation because you think you have internet protection from being a liar. You can not hide from your coward moves by making more libel. You have no support or backing, just a troll attempting to be defamatory and getting called on it.

Stop lying and spewing libel or come up with one single incident or example. Stop being a coward.

Coward? You are the one afraid to fess up and fix your problems.

You don't even respect the operators of this site and keep repeating the same gibberish. Sorry but you aren't 'The Donald' so no, repeating things over and over doesn't make them true nor are you entitled to get free advertising. Don't worry - I am sure there are lots of people who will spread the word about you, it just might not be the words you prefer.

It is your business, if you want to run it that way so be it. Darwin rules still apply.

So what is next? Are you going to call out my manhood or something else equally childish?
Dude stop crying wolf and come up with a single example. I have no problem fixing and maning up to any issues. And when something out of our control does happen, we go above and beyond to fix it. What you have claimed is 100% false and libel and the fact that you don't even have a single example shows how desperate you are to make false attacks. Not one single example of what you are falsing accusing. How come you can't come up with one single thing, yet you claim it so easy.
Stop lying and spreading libel. You are a coward that has to resort to libel because you can not partake in this forum without it.

Crying wolf? The only one crying here is you.

The examples you ask for have been pointed out over and over many times. You just fail to accept them and regurgitate the same request for examples over and over. It is like that autonomous taxi driver in Total Recall before being adjusted by Arnold.

You must use this tactic a lot with your customers when they have issues with their products and services. At least people know what to expect.
Crying wolf? The only one crying here is you.

The examples you ask for have been pointed out over and over many times. You just fail to accept them and regurgitate the same request for examples over and over. It is like that autonomous taxi driver in Total Recall before being adjusted by Arnold.

You must use this tactic a lot with your customers when they have issues with their products and services. At least people know what to expect.
Again you come back without one single example or incident. Only libel and false accusations. Why are you such a coward that you have to result to libel? Why can you not cite any single incident that you claim? It's because they are false and libel. Your continued lack of validation and examples proves your libel actions. Stop being a coward resulting to libel.
Again you come back without one single example or incident. Only libel and false accusations. Why are you such a coward that you have to result to libel? Why can you not cite any single incident that you claim? It's because they are false and libel. Your continued lack of validation and examples proves your libel actions. Stop being a coward resulting to libel.
No one needs any more proof of your crappy attitude than what you've posted right here, fool.

If you think this is gonna sell lights your ass crazy as everyone says you are.
Again you come back without one single example or incident. Only libel and false accusations. Why are you such a coward that you have to result to libel? Why can you not cite any single incident that you claim? It's because they are false and libel. Your continued lack of validation and examples proves your libel actions. Stop being a coward resulting to libel.

The funny thing is you still don't get that your responses are by themselves the examples you are asking for.

Just like your youtube videos of your grows
Just like your instagram video of your facility
Just like your accusations of libel and slander against your customers
Just like your threats of legal action
Just like your disrespect and abuse of this site

So coward, how about dealing with these examples that had to be explicitly spelled out for you? Or does your cry now turn to a wimper?
The funny thing is you still don't get that your responses are by themselves the examples you are asking for.

Just like your youtube videos of your grows
Just like your instagram video of your facility
Just like your accusations of libel and slander against your customers
Just like your threats of legal action
Just like your disrespect and abuse of this site

So coward, how about dealing with these examples that had to be explicitly spelled out for you? Or does your cry now turn to a wimper?
They are not in anyway what you are claiming. Nor is that response anything close to backing your statement or giving an example. You have not given single example to anything. You just make libel and false claims. You can not hide or deflect from that. You are a coward that can not support anything you say. You lie spread libel as a result of your complete lack of any factual statements or ground to speak on. You have been asked over and over to provide a simple examples of you false and libel claims. And all you have come up with is personal feelings and lies. You are a liar and coward.
They are not in anyway what you are claiming. Nor is that response anything close to backing your statement or giving an example. You have not given single example to anything. You just make libel and false claims. You can not hide or deflect from that. You are a coward that can not support anything you say. You lie spread libel as a result of your complete lack of any factual statements or ground to speak on. You have been asked over and over to provide a simple examples of you false and libel claims. And all you have come up with is personal feelings and lies. You are a liar and coward.
Sooooooo what does that make you?
They are not in anyway what you are claiming. Nor is that response anything close to backing your statement or giving an example. You have not given single example to anything. You just make libel and false claims. You can not hide or deflect from that. You are a coward that can not support anything you say. You lie spread libel as a result of your complete lack of any factual statements or ground to speak on. You have been asked over and over to provide a simple examples of you false and libel claims. And all you have come up with is personal feelings and lies. You are a liar and coward.

So are you saying that you don't understand how they are examples? Or are just flat out refuting because you are unable to deal with them?

Which is it? Incompetence or lack of integrity?

Y'all getting on my nerves with this back and forth bullshit. Would someone please give this dude an example of wtf he's done. Or can we just get back to the topic of comparing the two lights. Please!

He has been giving examples with each of his posts to this thread. A big part of a person's buying decision is the level of service and support they will get. In this case the vendor is pretty clear on how he handles customer service. Would you want to deal with a business who treats their customers like he does?