HLG-550 vs PLC-6

So are you saying that you don't understand how they are examples? Or are just flat out refuting because you are unable to deal with them?

Which is it? Incompetence or lack of integrity?

He has been giving examples with each of his posts to this thread. A big part of a person's buying decision is the level of service and support they will get. In this case the vendor is pretty clear on how he handles customer service. Would you want to deal with a business who treats their customers like he does?
More libel. All I am dealing with is you spreading libel and false accusations that you have don't have a single example or incident of what you claim. You cannot lie your way out of this. Provide the examples and stop being a coward. Man up to your actions or actually support them.
Stop lying and making libel claims.
This thread was started and decided the day it started. You came here two weeks later out of the blue to continue your libel campagne. Why can't you support any claim you have made? Why do you result to the coward act of libel? Why have these issue never been brought up by anyone but you?

Again...stop being a coward, man up, and attempt to support you libel claims.
More libel. All I am dealing with is you spreading libel and false accusations that you have don't have a single example or incident of what you claim. You cannot lie your way out of this. Provide the examples and stop being a coward. Man up to your actions or actually support them.
Stop lying and making libel claims.
This thread was started and decided the day it started. You came here two weeks later out of the blue to continue your libel campagne. Why can't you support any claim you have made? Why do you result to the coward act of libel? Why have these issue never been brought up by anyone but you?

Again...stop being a coward, man up, and attempt to support you libel claims.

Everyone else is a coward.

Everyone else is libeling you.

You're blameless and perfect.

Keep digging. The hole is deep enough when you can't see out of it anymore. And make sure it's long enough, too.

Everyone else is a coward.

Everyone else is libeling you.

You're blameless and perfect.

Keep digging. The hole is deep enough when you can't see out of it anymore. And make sure it's long enough, too.
Feel free to help him come up with an example. Or are you just going to stand there not providing a single bit of support to any part of this thread or forum. If you are so upset and it's so valid...why can't you or him come up with one single example of the false and libel claims.
More libel. All I am dealing with is you spreading libel and false accusations that you have don't have a single example or incident of what you claim. You cannot lie your way out of this. Provide the examples and stop being a coward. Man up to your actions or actually support them.
Stop lying and making libel claims.
This thread was started and decided the day it started. You came here two weeks later out of the blue to continue your libel campagne. Why can't you support any claim you have made? Why do you result to the coward act of libel? Why have these issue never been brought up by anyone but you?

Again...stop being a coward, man up, and attempt to support you libel claims.

How many times do you need to be told that it isn't libel if it is the truth. Furthermore several examples have been provided by multiple people and yet you still refuse to acknowledge or address anything.

Listen, I get it. You pissed off some customers who are taking you out to the woodshed legally so you think everyone who has something negative to say about you must be them. I am not those people but I would completely support them. You are a terrible business person and capitalism has a great way of correcting those who shouldn't be in business.
Read the first page and all that was settled on the first day of this thread and rethink what you just said.

Now come two weeks later after no activity, and @Photon Flinger decides to spew libel he started in another thread because he saw PLC in the title. You and your buddy are trolling.
All I, and the rest of the forum want, is an actual example or incident of the libel and false claims made. You have not done anything but troll and make this a shit show.
How many times do you need to be told that it isn't libel if it is the truth. Furthermore several examples have been provided by multiple people and yet you still refuse to acknowledge or address anything.

Listen, I get it. You pissed off some customers who are taking you out to the woodshed legally so you think everyone who has something negative to say about you must be them. I am not those people but I would completely support them. You are a terrible business person and capitalism has a great way of correcting those who shouldn't be in business.
It is not true. It is libel. you have been asked and given the opportunity to prove your statements...and have not done it one single time. You are a liar and coward that knowly commits libel.
Feel free to help him come up with an example. Or are you just going to stand there not providing a single bit of support to any part of this thread or forum. If you are so upset and it's so valid...why can't you or him come up with one single example of the false and libel claims.

Oh you aren't getting off that easy. Running away like a cry baby doesn't resolve your problems.

So back on point with your libel fixation, do you have any experience with defamation at all? Or are you just tossing the word around because you think it will scare people?

That might work in the world where you got your 12 years of growing experience but for the rest of civilized society there are consequences for one's decisions. I wonder how your suppliers would react to you throwing litigious accusations without merit around? A small little fish isn't worth the trouble for sure.
Oh you aren't getting off that easy. Running away like a cry baby doesn't resolve your problems.

So back on point with your libel fixation, do you have any experience with defamation at all? Or are you just tossing the word around because you think it will scare people?

That might work in the world where you got your 12 years of growing experience but for the rest of civilized society there are consequences for one's decisions. I wonder how your suppliers would react to you throwing litigious accusations without merit around? A small little fish isn't worth the trouble for sure.
Dude...stop deflecting. Support your accusations and stop being a coward and a liar. You have still not once supported any claim you have made. Not one single example or incident. You have committed libel and can not talk your way around it. Deal with it and man up. Stop being a coward troll and face the issue that only you have brought up.
Gg may be a dick, but you guys look like dripping vaginas trying to call out his products without references. And because he refuses to lie down and take it in a$$, you revert to calling him out on a personal level because you have no such evidence.

Bravo! You may as well throw yourselves in the same boat you're trying to put him in. I thought it was reasonable enough that manufacturers were able to play nice together. But then you fags had to ruin yet another thread.
Y'all getting on my nerves with this back and forth bullshit. Would someone please give this dude an example of wtf he's done. Or can we just get back to the topic of comparing the two lights. Please!
Seems to me this could be settled with a simple google search 'Pacific Light Concepts complaints".... If there are complaints out there they should be easy to find.
Dude...stop deflecting. Support your accusations and stop being a coward and a liar. You have still not once supported any claim you have made. Not one single example or incident. You have committed libel and can not talk your way around it. Deal with it and man up. Stop being a coward troll and face the issue that only you have brought up.

Deflecting? You seem to be the one deflecting and have even stooped so low as to creating sock puppet accounts to try and prop yourself up.

So when are you going to deal with those examples? Or are you just stalling?

By the way, you wanted an example of an oopsie, well here ya go for all to see:


Claiming to be only ever made in the USA but yet outsourced to Chinese with a significant stockpile in storage......yeah really let's see you yap your way out of that one.
Deflecting? You seem to be the one deflecting and have even stooped so low as to creating sock puppet accounts to try and prop yourself up.

So when are you going to deal with those examples? Or are you just stalling?

By the way, you wanted an example of an oopsie, well here ya go for all to see:


Claiming to be only ever made in the USA but yet outsourced to Chinese with a significant stockpile in storage......yeah really let's see you yap your way out of that one.
Again, false accusations and libel. There are no fake accounts...feel free to confirm with a moderator @GreatwhiteNorth.

As far as your article link from 2015 abou the cx300 lights and "get out of this" statement...what is there to get out of? It's a story by our facility to talk about how much of the project they were doing in 2015 and have taken over it all since as it says. We have always assembled and manufactured in carlsbad, and that is what the article from 2 years ago says, and what I and plc have said as well. We have continued to do honest business and makes great lights that are ETL certified horticulture lights and are continually checked for parts and manufacturing. All is, has been, and will continue to be the best parts manufactured to the highest quality and through authorized distributors, and best labor possible and production.
There is nothing in there supporting any statement you have made. Only supporting what I have said.

If that is your only attempt at an example, I rest my case.
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Again...what is the issue? I have always said the housing are made in china. They are PLC designed, commissioned, and owned. This is no secret. Feel free to share with us why I should spend 6X more on a metal box? You don't and won't find them anywhere. Same with the lenses...custom made. All components from 3 different sources that we work with to have parts manufactured and then shipped together to save on shipping. Everything in order to bring the best products possible at the lowest price possible. So tell me how supports you libel claims of quality and service issues? It doesn't, it just shows how desperate you are to keep your libel going.

Nothing you are doing is supporting anything you have said or claimed. Again...if this is all you have as an attempt to show evidence of your libel claims,...I rest my case.

You supposedly rested your case with your previous response. I'll entertain your resurrection because you need all the help you can get. Will even give you a pass for this one since you will continue providing great examples of why one shouldn't be your customer.

Back to the SAI newsletter, you openly admitted having problems with quality control using the Chinese OEM. Funny thing is, you are still using them as indicated by the sample shipping record. And to quote from the article:

"we found that the labor quality wasn’t up to par, production cycle time was very slow and there was a very long shipment time, plus unanticipated delays in customs. Shipments were constantly late,” said Kord Tagley, Pacific Light Concepts’ CEO and Director of Product Development."


“We were able to place a large order for the steel housings to get a good volume discount, but we plan to convert to a local metalworking facility for that as well when this inventory runs out."

So when did your inventory of the sub par product run out? Did you notify the customers who received the inferior products and offer a replacement?

Did you even follow through with the plans to covert to local? It sure doesn't look like it with those recent shipments from China!
You supposedly rested your case with your previous response. I'll entertain your resurrection because you need all the help you can get. Will even give you a pass for this one since you will continue providing great examples of why one shouldn't be your customer.

Back to the SAI newsletter, you openly admitted having problems with quality control using the Chinese OEM. Funny thing is, you are still using them as indicated by the sample shipping record. And to quote from the article:

"we found that the labor quality wasn’t up to par, production cycle time was very slow and there was a very long shipment time, plus unanticipated delays in customs. Shipments were constantly late,” said Kord Tagley, Pacific Light Concepts’ CEO and Director of Product Development."


“We were able to place a large order for the steel housings to get a good volume discount, but we plan to convert to a local metalworking facility for that as well when this inventory runs out."

So when did your inventory of the sub par product run out? Did you notify the customers who received the inferior products and offer a replacement?

Did you even follow through with the plans to covert to local? It sure doesn't look like it with those recent shipments from China!

Are housings are aluminum and have been for a long time now...2 gens of lights. So not sure what you are stuck on? And how it supports you false claims?
You have seen the production facility...you know we build it all right there in carlsbad. You have already said you watch the IG vids. And if something comes in under par, it doesn't even make the build tables let alone would it go out. I show that all on IG as you know from following. You have show nothing other than we QC everything before and after building and source and produce the best products possible. Thanks for showing that. But how about you show some support for you libel claims you keep deflecting from?

Will you also define what the article mean by "sub par"...I didn't know you worked for PLC? As well as what a "Stockpile" meant in 2015??? sure doesn't mean the same now. Nor was making more affordable housings a bad move, the savings just get passed down. And how is wanting shorter lead times an issue???
And you're 100% wrong about "still using them", so get your facts straight and stop spreading libel.
Come on man, stop cowardly deflecting and support your original claims.
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WOW dude you need to stfu and admit that you GOT NOTHING

You supposedly rested your case with your previous response. I'll entertain your resurrection because you need all the help you can get. Will even give you a pass for this one since you will continue providing great examples of why one shouldn't be your customer.

Back to the SAI newsletter, you openly admitted having problems with quality control using the Chinese OEM. Funny thing is, you are still using them as indicated by the sample shipping record. And to quote from the article:

"we found that the labor quality wasn’t up to par, production cycle time was very slow and there was a very long shipment time, plus unanticipated delays in customs. Shipments were constantly late,” said Kord Tagley, Pacific Light Concepts’ CEO and Director of Product Development."


“We were able to place a large order for the steel housings to get a good volume discount, but we plan to convert to a local metalworking facility for that as well when this inventory runs out."

So when did your inventory of the sub par product run out? Did you notify the customers who received the inferior products and offer a replacement?

Did you even follow through with the plans to covert to local? It sure doesn't look like it with those recent shipments from China!
You supposedly rested your case with your previous response. I'll entertain your resurrection because you need all the help you can get. Will even give you a pass for this one since you will continue providing great examples of why one shouldn't be your customer.

Back to the SAI newsletter, you openly admitted having problems with quality control using the Chinese OEM. Funny thing is, you are still using them as indicated by the sample shipping record. And to quote from the article:

"we found that the labor quality wasn’t up to par, production cycle time was very slow and there was a very long shipment time, plus unanticipated delays in customs. Shipments were constantly late,” said Kord Tagley, Pacific Light Concepts’ CEO and Director of Product Development."


“We were able to place a large order for the steel housings to get a good volume discount, but we plan to convert to a local metalworking facility for that as well when this inventory runs out."

So when did your inventory of the sub par product run out? Did you notify the customers who received the inferior products and offer a replacement?

Did you even follow through with the plans to covert to local? It sure doesn't look like it with those recent shipments from China!
Dude don't you have anything better to do? Seems like a witch hunt to me
and there you go again twisting words around.

THE Finger is pointed at YOU for making false claims without ANYTHING to back it up.

I said "you" meaning Photon Finger NOT "he" as in GG.

The only shady thing going on is "Photon Finger" making baseless claims.

Yeah you are right, he 'got nothing' to defend his shady business practices. That is why he keeps asking for examples over and over again.

All of it is irrelevant anyhow, the exercise was to observe his behavioral response to commonly acceptable customer service. It was pretty poor to say the least. Add in the ambiguity around his sourcing, self admitted quality control and border issues - you are putting your dollars at risk. At the end of the day, would you want the hassles of dealing with someone like this?