Lol @ your flower room. Bet you think that's big tymeThis isn't icmag and I have pics posted all over this site.
I yield more than twice that consistently in 2.5 gallons of ocean forest and a bottle of pure Blend Pro.
And we have much better weed than the strain of the day cup weed. Which cup his minute do you mean?
You really are a cry baby.
My flowers are even posted on a breeders website that helped start medical marijuana in Mendocino in the 90's.
The genetics include original plants from woodhorse seeds and Motarebel. And sensei seeds back in the 90's. Shanti too.
Original ECSD, PG-13, Lemon Thai, Jack Herrer, power plant, hash plant and others from the good old days.
My avatar is a Black Widow x Blue Lemon Thai I grew in the beginning of my second year growing.
And here is a picture from a promotion CH9 did on Facebook.
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OG Kush x Trainwreck
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Flower room
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Maybe you should tell your qualifications and sell yourself before you tell others your opinion.
And maybe know who you are talking to before you pretend to instruct.
@chemphlegm had some good advice for you. You would be wise to listen.
Personally I think you are not suited to being an activist.
Your plant looks very nice by the way. I am glad you have good medicine available. You should take some. You are very stressed about weed.
Lol @ your flower room. Bet you think that's big tyme
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My point is you talk big shit to the man and you have a tiny basement grow. You don't even want me to do a video, I have a few ideas for ya
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Your just a old guy who thinks he has the best. I'm guessing you won a trophy and your head blew up? And oh yea I'm a cash cropper. All the glue crosses you can imagine
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Your not making me mad bro it's just real annoying when you talk. Your almost the jailhouse lawyer, almost. And yes I am accusing you of being a idiot. But who cares I interact with idiots on a daily so just ad another oneYou didn't read my posts here with my feelings about all this new legal weed business did you?
I have never even gone to a cup. I just told you I have been involved with the industry since the 80's.
Those flowers are practice and hard work. Gorilla glue is a money strain right now. Not fun and trippy enough for me.
Already have real ECSD crosses that are better feeling to me. But I have not ever said anything about the best.
Are you accusing me of anything in particular?
And I'm only 49. Whose an old guy? My poor injured body feels kinda old.
Seriously. The man called me a Nazi for my feelings about weed laws.
Did you even read this thread? Just because we don't support him and his version of our cause he started calling names. I didn't start this fight.
But you getting upset means I made a point. You have an agenda here huh?
No, who the fuck are you punk? I've been posting my grows in real time start to finish for years at ICMag.
One Bruce Banner #3 at 6 weeks in 2.5 gallons of coco. More than 2.5 ounces? I won a cup with that run.
Where's your shit punk?
Who the fuck are you?
Your not making me mad bro it's just real annoying when you talk. Your almost the jailhouse lawyer, almost. And yes I am accusing you of being a idiot. But who cares I interact with idiots on a daily so just ad another one
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they call him 'TheMan' for a reason ...&hes been around the boards longer than youve been in the game or thinking about michigan
or 'game'
hes cool as a cucumber and easy like sunday morning till you puff up on him-
-i would suggest you 2 have a smokeout sesh in an anonymous undisclosed location
[which i could provide of course]
andwill decide whos weed is the best
-i have 47yrs smoking /growing experience for my credentials spent 14yrs in comptche and anything else u need i hav stelllar references except on mj boards
-but i warn u im biased towards TheMan
... his reputation proceeds him
-u @MIMEDGROWER have a lot to ur avi alone ur just 'anthr' Michmed grower
not that impreSiVe
besides ur in here talkingabout rules and how you follow them then u put ur combat boot in your mouth and say u grew '''more'' than 2/12oz in ur run
piss off mr self righteous u breakin the law like evry1 else
Now back on topic ...for the mental midgets
Yeah the states gonna get THE $$$
for 'enforcement'
why the new marijuana enforcement bureau!
-division of ATF--&nowM
-a brand new [just for marijuana enforcement] bureau!
imagine if you can we ""legal-lies"" it [for the lawyers of course]
and now we get a brand new 'marijuana ENFORCEMENT bureau' dedicated to enforcing the marijuana laws ...u fkin kidz
"But i thought it was legal?"
how do shops and others get away w it?
-its only illegal if you get caught dingleberries ...
...closing down shops will b a bonus for them(smash&grab)
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most of the $ will probably b used tosniff [literally]people out and who knows
Compliance chks
theres plenty shops operatin-
I wldnt b in BFE anywhere in michigan and expect to b protected w a little card-
What u really better focus on is schuette running for governor-
-w the new rules at the doorstep and schuette standing in the doorway i think the bigger pictures obvious
U numbies think evry1 gna stay in the box r nutz
go to Dtroit flint saginaw muskegon jackson grand rapids lansing benton harbor ann arbor...yea-
u guys dnt undrstand ghettos do u?
or poor people ...
dnt u kno what went on in LA denver portland
pot shops in every ghetto party store
theyr nt gona stop it-
theyr using fear and intimidation tactics to keep u frm exercising your rights
u guys arguin w TheMan better go back over to 3ma w tht shit-
u sound like high holy zu-zus tryna tell folks in here 'the rules'
u mfkrs better wake up
Ww3 almst here
I dnt come in these boards much anymor
-same reason i still c
i doo read in here 1-2@wk for giggles and c what the mitten doin ..
u guys are frm 3ma and have been swallowing theirbullshit too long
mayb u didnt know its a 'compromized' Fsite ...they helped get Ethe law to where we are @ D
they didnt fail-idiots
-they succeded beyond their wildest dreams from keeping pts/cgs frm organizing or protesting what they wer doing here in michigan!
-some of us are awake and have been to 'the WHOLE movie'-
theres a huge 'grey' area STILL in the law
-loopholes the laywers have been using all along and theyr getting ready to close and have been trying to for a minut
U guys r fkd if u dont pass abrogate but i give that a snowball chance in hell-
-but legalize it and see who gets the extra 'rights'
-not u pts -it will be the same as it is now but stiffer penalties caught outside the rules
the law is perfect right now
lets hope people wake up to legal-lies and understand what it really is
sure lets all tax and regulate ourselves
these shop owners that have helped push this will reap what theyve sown
probably wont even get a seat at the table like some of them are now realizing ..
Fkin idiots leav TheMan alone
-his erb is legendary around here
id say go bk to joisey with tht chit
no one cares how good ur weed is around here
every1 more worried about the fake paper $-communists &race wars &ww3 &moslems &proper pronouns &shit
mayb u shd undrstand also the tracking system that will be implemented
- by franwell inc
-its a dod contractor-they do software systems
so fk yea-
-get in 'the box'
-they got us all to come out and sign up on a list now anyway
hell theres 210,000 of us in mich...
View attachment 4009482 BB/15D signing out ...
back to the sfvOg....
carry on children makes for great reading ...
now whos got the best weed they grew in a tent ...
-in their basement ...
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The man called me a Nazi
I've been called a nazi several times. Does that make it the truth? I'm saluted at the club erday. Maybe you didn't know
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I never called you or anyone else a Nazi. I paralleled the "just obey the "law"" augment to that of a Nazi sympathizer and quoted a Nazi's view/exploitation of such. I stand by that analogy, but maybe I should have used a SGT Bailey pic LoLSeriously. The man called me a Nazi for my feelings about weed laws.
I never called you or anyone else a Nazi. I paralleled the "just obey the "law"" augment to that of a Nazi sympathizer and quoted a Nazi's view/exploitation of such. I stand by that analogy, but maybe I should have used a SGT Bailey pic LoL
I had also referenced slavery and the civil war earlier in this discussion with your buddy as it pertains to this lawfare, but he never accused me of calling him a racist. Lincoln defended slavery as a young lawyer many years before abolishing it the world over ...
I honestly think you should re read this thread and reconsider your responses.
Sometime there is knowledge in fantasy.
Odin gave his eye for knowledge. We must break the stigma ...
I know you think that. And I concede that I got angry and when felt attacked for my feelings about this I attacked back.
And I was wrong about you and don't know you. I also don't know @chemphlegm except for some chat here.
I do believe you have unrealistic goals in this matter and am afraid that the argument for dispensaries different than they have already planned is a complete waste of time at this point.
I am more worried about home growing and getting our plant count and amounts allowable increased to a reasonable regulation so I don't have to worry about harvesting so much more than is allowed.
I agree with you only in principal.
But I am sorry I got caught up in a fight about it. We are supposed to be on the same side of this.
Of course I tend to run right down the middle in politics too. I have never fully agreed with either side. There is not supposed to only be only 2 sides to a complex issue.
Peace and good luck.
Sadly, I feel that we're going to have reductions in plant counts for home growers and caregivers.
That line simply follows what has happened out west.
Worst thing for "us" is that Schutte's running for Gov. and is loved by the Rep. base........If he gets to the Gov's office. Expect real hard restrictions on any home growing. Possibly even the elimination of it, if it gets voted as rec. legal!
They are already talking of increasing the penalties for any illegal growing, in relation to the new laws. Including # reductions! 6 is the new # being batted around.....At least, so says a House member sympathetic to our cause...BAD NEWS.....
Now with LARA saying that all operating disp. must close by mid Dec. That's simply going to fuck patients and overburden caregivers already having a hard time with filling patient needs with the # limit as it is..... Over a year with no disp. in operation........Man, I got no room for an influx of needy patients.....How about you?
You are very well read and poetic. But generally people don't respond to this kind of point making.
Like putting up a picture of Hitler to make a point.
Please consider arguing for something helpful like real patient transfer centers. They will regulate this shit unfairly no matter what. It is too valuable.