This endless drivel about Russian agents and web based Russian disinformation is laregly nonsense. The Russians do not waste their time with bullshit like that. They laugh at idiots who push tthat nonsense.
The reality is the CIA has been running Operation Mockingbird since the early 1960s, first run by Cord Meyer. His wife was sleeping with JFK, Mary Pinchot Meyer.. She was mysteriously whacked aftr JFK was killed.
.Mockingbird was and is the CIA paying for and owning reporters at newspapers, media outlets, hollywood, net properties in many many countries. You see almost identical Russia and Putin bashing articles in the Guardian, NY Times, UK Mirror, Sun, Wash Post, UK Telegraph, UK Daily Mail, Aussie major papers, German papers and the list goes on. It is so obvious.
Pretty pathetic how so many idiots take the bait.