STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

while I feel really bad for your friend....

this is more of a cunty issue than a medical marijuana one. cops took time to plan the raid. she talked explicitly with them before hand, about the abuse, about the pot, about the set up, she set up her man plain and simple . patients are always innocent thankfully, and guys who keep the company of a cunt should know better than to share their business with them.
police follow them types around everywhere they go. Likely NOT your friends first go round with this bullshit either.

if he was max'd in the dry room, she could have put a bud on the table and done this herself on the day of the raid for the same effect. cops are rewarded when they gather evidence enough to charge someone. cunts help this happen every day. beware.
I tell my friends dont grow until you own your home and your wife.
how pissed must she have been at his actions before the raid to have done this, to allow her own home to be raided, her man to be arrested? when the cops come....the relationship is over, the first time hopefully

It was nothing like that. She called during an argument. The cops came right away with only a domestic dispute complaint and claim of his dealings right then on the phone.

Cops apparently were there in 10 minutes. Sheriffs dept.

These are new pot people. He had only been on his second season growing in the new family Greenhouse.

They searched his dad's house and Greenhouse too after. Even though his dad was not there and has nothing to do with his sons business.

His wife did not turn his dad in either. They are still very close because of the grandchild. The cops investigated to find a bigger better arrest.

It is not us veterans of the black market causing or getting in trouble. It is the "legal" weed ruining good families that are told they are going to be safe.

There is no safe weed growing here my friend. Trust no one. Be careful. Remember the cops and criminals are your enemies. And your friends if they face jail time unless you know they will take a bullet for you.

I only know one person like that in 40 years of experience with this.

The laws exist for their own greed. Not our meds.

The people did not pull this off themselves as the activists are taking credit. Our state government knew what they are doing all along.

Just like our present presidential campaign did.

Who knows what they are really doing to us behind all the news and bullshit they have us focusing on.
My pseudo intellectual senses tell me that your difficulty understanding law, public policy or my posts are the least of your life challenges brother. As for your insinuations/accusations that me or my legal arguments are economically motivated/conflicted, I can ensure you that you are wrong. But honestly I cannot not even make sense of them to defend myself ...


I am having no difficulty understanding anything. You have been proven wrong post after post and still have not shown anything to actually support your claims or even reasoning.

And now you are down to Johhny Appleseed to pretend to protect your ego. Pretty obscure character though. You chose him to show me how well read you are.

Sorry I offended you. But you are offensive to me and would not stop.

Please don't pretend you are representing our cause until you get your facts straight and stop pretending you are smarter than others with no knowledge of them.

I notice you never gave a reason for your dedication to this. I am going to assume its financial from your avoidance. And so will everyone else.
..i believe we now have two? Court cases where section 8 defense was succesful. I believe one was for over limits.....I tend to aggree with theman13, being that examples can be seen all over the state. The only reason we now have busts happening regularly, is to clear the way for the mmfla operators, but prior to september of last year-most of these businesses and thier models were allowed to operate and even permited by the local municipality. What is written and what actually happens tends to usually be very different.
The main issue i see over the last years, as it relates to the 2008 law is people getting busted for various reasons, and taking plea deals for other various reason..probably most of the time for a lack of funds. Which really bothers me when you have a few "prominent" lawyers touting to be champions of the mm law here...if that were true, then why not take those cases which were used to set horrible precidence and case law for the rest of us-bro bono...$$$
I am having no difficulty understanding anything. You have been proven wrong post after post and still have not shown anything to actually support your claims or even reasoning.

How about providing just a few examples "to actually support your claims or even reasoning" that I "have been proven wrong post after post" and let us determine your ability to "understanding anything" as well as your credibility ...


That's what offends me ...
The main issue i see over the last years, as it relates to the 2008 law is people getting busted for various reasons, and taking plea deals for other various reason..probably most of the time for a lack of funds. Which really bothers me when you have a few "prominent" lawyers touting to be champions of the mm law here...if that were true, then why not take those cases which were used to set horrible precidence and case law for the rest of us-bro bono...$$$

If one of the .orgs here in michigan could get over trump winning mabey they could get more done.....
Never going to happen. Hahaha..i think they were just shocked and hurt themselves by having to acknowledge the overwhelming mountains of evidence that came out supporting the age old conspiracy of bill and hillarys pay to play schemes. The couple that quite literally changed washington..and not for the better.

Congress Gives Jeff Sessions $0 To Go After Medical Marijuana Laws
It’s the latest sign that a major federal crackdown on state pot laws isn’t likely.

not to say trump didnt lie, or sessions wont get his way of course, but what you say goes directly against what the (fake?) news outlets are all saying

That is about to change:

Several lawmakers said Wednesday that GOP leaders won’t allow the full House to vote on an amendment that bars the Justice Department from pursuing states that have legalized medical marijuana.

Without legislation, states would lose protection they have enjoyed for the past four years, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions could begin his long-sought crackdown on the rapid expansion of legalized pot.

He will soon have both a gun and unlimited bullets to go hunting.
That is about to change:

Several lawmakers said Wednesday that GOP leaders won’t allow the full House to vote on an amendment that bars the Justice Department from pursuing states that have legalized medical marijuana.

Without legislation, states would lose protection they have enjoyed for the past four years, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions could begin his long-sought crackdown on the rapid expansion of legalized pot.

He will soon have both a gun and unlimited bullets to go hunting.
and auto military weapons, grenade launchers, armed air crafts and tanks...oh yeah sessions just approved all police departments in america to have access to these military weapons.

there are stockpiles of tanks and planes that the army doesn't know what to do with.
and auto military weapons, grenade launchers, armed air crafts and tanks...oh yeah sessions just approved all police departments in america to have access to these military weapons.

there are stockpiles of tanks and planes that the army doesn't know what to do with.

Do you believe voting measures on the state level could make any difference to his possible anti med mj efforts?
Do you believe voting measures on the state level could make any difference to his possible anti med mj efforts?

Sure, if enough republican congress critters get rolled. You get what you elect. But no state ballot measure (state law through ballot proposition) has any power over sessions.

If the gop believed it will hurt them at the ballot box, they would stop sessions. Clearly they don't.
and auto military weapons, grenade launchers, armed air crafts and tanks...oh yeah sessions just approved all police departments in america to have access to these military weapons.

there are stockpiles of tanks and planes that the army doesn't know what to do with.

A smart board of Directors would fire the Controller for such a loss.
This is why Snyder threw the last petition to legalize in the garbage...

He has this massive cash cow he plans to milk... and its called sick people.

Imagine how many new patients he created with his lead poisoning spree too, add that to the Nestle kickbacks, and hes a money making machine!

If the idiots of this state don't wake up and get these self serving Republican monsters out of power, we will be a state of idiots, making new idiots, while poor, and watching the rest of the nation do it right.
There is an MMFLA board meeting being held at the Hawk Hollow Golf Club (15101 Chandler Road, Bath MI 48808 ) Tuesday (9-12-17) at noon. We know what's on MSP SGT Baileys mind from the last meeting ...

The Reef dispensary in Detroit has suspended all operations after today in observance of this meeting and regardless of their compliance with the City of Detroit. This maybe pretty scary for the medical marijuana market in general :confused: