STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !


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exactly !

commercial entities cannot get past this one point without throwing in the towel, taking a plea etc.
be real, what can we do about this rule, a very specific one outlining the one cg/five patient scheme?
how can we legally circumvent just this one rule? then we got something to talk about right

"section 6 (d) The department shall issue a registry identification card to the primary caregiver, if any, who is named in a qualifying patient's approved application; provided that each qualifying patient can have no more than 1 primary caregiver, and a primary

>>>>>>caregiver may assist no more than 5 qualifying patients with their medical use of marihuana. <<<<<<<<"
What's MMFLA say about your 500 patient criminal theory? That is now "law" as well correct?

irrelevant sir.
what is relevant is that this is the first time you may have seen this in section 6? the part that says no more than five patients,
this may save some from arrest aye? glad I could help

its not my theory, only used to express the point of more than 5
There is no question that LARA's licensing policy of caregivers is limited to 5 patients under the law. When I read MMMA Section 6 "Administration and enforcement of rules by department" I see nothing that that excludes/outlaws/criminalizes caregivers from providing overages to dispensaries or dispensaries in general. Furthermore, I sure as fuck do not see any enforcement of these administration rules that include SWAT teams kicking doors, forfeiture of family assets and criminal convictions. Do you?

As we witness all these pill mills responsible for the current and REAL opiate epidemic our nation faces (yet another failure in a series of utter failures under the half century of the "justice" department's failed criminal drug war), where are all the doctors being perp walked and criminally convicted? Why and how are LARA licenced patients and caregivers not brought before the same LARA licensing board as those LARA licensed doctors, but rather ushered into a criminal court for their transgression of these same administration rules as it related to these "controlled substances"?
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1)There is no question that LARA's licensing policy of caregivers is limited to 5 patients under the law.

2) When I read MMMA Section 6 "Administration and enforcement of rules by department" I see nothing that that excludes/outlaws/criminalizes caregivers from providing overages to dispensaries or dispensaries in general. Furthermore, I sure as fuck do not see any enforcement of these administration rules that include SWAT teams kicking doors, forfeiture of family assets and criminal convictions. Do you?

3)As we witness all these pill mills responsible for the current opiate epidemic our nation faces (yet another failure in a series of utter failures under the half century of the "justice" department's failed criminal drug war), where are all the doctors being perp walked and criminally convicted? Why and how are LARA licenced patients and caregivers not brought before a LARA licensing board like those doctors rather than a criminal court for their transgression of administration rules?

1) thank you for acknowledging the existence of this particular section 6 rule.

2) If the dispensary is not a registered patient to a caregiver.... the transfer to the dispensary person would be in violation of the section 6 rule unless the person was indeed one of the five patients registered to the selling cg. when the dispensary sells to a patient who is not a patient of the seller, that seller is in violation of our act. do you understand that part?
I do not understand the justification of kicked in doors, raid before ask, asset forfeitures and convictions.
plant numbers etc seem to be clerical errors.

3) valid points, golden rule I propose. those that have the gold make the rules.
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What you see is nothing that makes a pot store (dispensary lol) selling to customers (patients) even possible from the allowable guidelines.

Unless every caregiver has their and their patients plants and product sectioned off and the store can profit from their 5 patients each somehow.

@TheMan13 You twist every straight answer back into your agenda. It gets tiring.

Just because it wasn't mentioned is exactly why it wasn't really allowed. They set you up. You (or the dispensary owners if you are not one) were let go to do business and create and secure a new market.

Now they eliminate all of you and put in their own grows and stores. Even transport. And have no competition and control said market.

The truth hurts I guess but as a lifelong pot smoker/ provider I expect the law, the politicians, corporations and lawyers to be the worst criminals. And win unfortunately.

I decided to take advantage of the "legal" pot too. But I decided in the beginning I would stay under the radar and grow without greed or fantasy.

Sure I was upset when they clearly defined no overages would be safe to donate to the local dispensary anymore. And I don't and it hurt me at the time.

But I adapt and try to be happy I am allowed at all.

I don't like it either but I would get used to the liquor like regulations that are here to stay. And before you start over again please understand I know how unfair it all is and I don't like it.

And you are not teaching us anything new.
Just because the terms or concepts of overages, dispensaries or genetic breeders/propagators do not exist in the regulatory letter of the law does not exclude them and definitely does not criminalize them. That is the rule, not the exception in building regulatory law to oversee markets/commerce. In the real world there is no question that we have had a tangible self regulated medical marijuana market this past decade that requires overages, dispensaries and genetic breeders/propagators at the base of it's very existence. MMFLA is the natural progression of politically codifying such. Are you still waiting for the IRS to criminally take down online stores for tax evasion :confused:

Then again a whole lot of worthless individuals (esp lawyers) have made quite a living this past decade confusing and profiting from the (civil v criminal) ignorance of law and sadly I don't see an end to that in sight ...
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Marijuana needs to be legalized in every state. It shouldn't even be a topic. It seems rather silly that the government gets mad over plants growing in someone's backyard. One would thing the government would have other more important issues to deal with. Can't we all just get along...
Then again a whole lot of worthless individuals (esp lawyers) have made quite a living this past decade confusing and profiting from the (civil v criminal) ignorance of law and sadly I don't see an end to that in sight ...

makes sense...those same worthless individuals wrote the Act right? its like lawyers left it open to swoop in on those who choose to read the Act differently than I do and they fell for it, troopers for sure, civil disobedience maybe, foolish...turns out it was a foolish folly, hope they sleep well after they made a killing doubling down on the sick with pesticides and inflated costs, cg bashing, out of state sourcing, schwag selling. hoooray for their efforts aye. All they did was get cg's busted in the end, those are the ones raided and arrested, I cant ignore this fact. Those that supplied them got busted while the sellers walked.....go figure, this isnt a new game for drug dealers either.
What you see is nothing that makes a pot store (dispensary lol) selling to customers (patients) even possible from the allowable guidelines.

Unless every caregiver has their and their patients plants and product sectioned off and the store can profit from their 5 patients each somehow.

@TheMan13 You twist every straight answer back into your agenda. It gets tiring.

Just because it wasn't mentioned is exactly why it wasn't really allowed. They set you up. You (or the dispensary owners if you are not one) were let go to do business and create and secure a new market.

Now they eliminate all of you and put in their own grows and stores. Even transport. And have no competition and control said market.

The truth hurts I guess but as a lifelong pot smoker/ provider I expect the law, the politicians, corporations and lawyers to be the worst criminals. And win unfortunately.

I decided to take advantage of the "legal" pot too. But I decided in the beginning I would stay under the radar and grow without greed or fantasy.

Sure I was upset when they clearly defined no overages would be safe to donate to the local dispensary anymore. And I don't and it hurt me at the time.

But I adapt and try to be happy I am allowed at all.

I don't like it either but I would get used to the liquor like regulations that are here to stay. And before you start over again please understand I know how unfair it all is and I don't like it.

And you are not teaching us anything new.

I think you and I see this law the same way. It's written in pretty plain english IMO. The one caveat where I tend to agree with people that have a more liberal view of the law is the whole "uninterrupted supply" aspect. I am currently helping a cancer patient, and have helped several others in the past.... and it is pretty tough to produce the amount of bud/oil for someone battling cancer if you try to stick to the 12 plants/2.5 oz of bud language. I don't feel that someone should get in to any sort of legal trouble for using an amount of marijuana that exceeds the guidelines set forth. The numbers are pretty arbitrary, and didn't take in to account patients that need to consume large volumes of marijuana.
I think you and I see this law the same way. It's written in pretty plain english IMO. The one caveat where I tend to agree with people that have a more liberal view of the law is the whole "uninterrupted supply" aspect. I am currently helping a cancer patient, and have helped several others in the past.... and it is pretty tough to produce the amount of bud/oil for someone battling cancer if you try to stick to the 12 plants/2.5 oz of bud language. I don't feel that someone should get in to any sort of legal trouble for using an amount of marijuana that exceeds the guidelines set forth. The numbers are pretty arbitrary, and didn't take in to account patients that need to consume large volumes of marijuana.

the Act makes it legal for sick people to purchase medical marijuana/supplies anywhere they choose legally.
I'm unable to take on patients needing more than I am legally allowed to grow. I fit patients to my abilities/allowances to keep safe and
am happy others can buy it all over the place if they need it. There are no shortages of marijuana sellers, black market or legal. there are delivery services slinging grams a trip for people all day and night in so many areas. Growers are growing more than they need to supply their patients it would appear.
The right patients will make the cg efforts much easier, choose them well.
I think you and I see this law the same way. It's written in pretty plain english IMO. The one caveat where I tend to agree with people that have a more liberal view of the law is the whole "uninterrupted supply" aspect. I am currently helping a cancer patient, and have helped several others in the past.... and it is pretty tough to produce the amount of bud/oil for someone battling cancer if you try to stick to the 12 plants/2.5 oz of bud language. I don't feel that someone should get in to any sort of legal trouble for using an amount of marijuana that exceeds the guidelines set forth. The numbers are pretty arbitrary, and didn't take in to account patients that need to consume large volumes of marijuana.

I agree with how ignorant the numbers they came up with and that they say uninterrupted supply is ok but in my experience (my friends) they will bust you anyway and don't care to hear the argument. He was only over weight from some small buds and a roach in the ashtray. And it was not his pot on the table it was his patients.

The patient was asked to leave by the police during the raid.

They don't care. He is ruined. They did this to him from a domestic dispute with his wife who said he was dealing.

He was. To his own patients.

Those numbers were carefully thought out to screw us from doing business. They never intended to help medical patients here. They intended to sell them pot as soon as we helped them get it accepted without them taking the risk first.

We are just testers for the big business running our state.

I am not hopeful it will get better for us. I am planning to take things back underground if necessary.

I actually would feel safer had I not registered. i have already decided not to register as a caregiver as I planned. Too paranoid.

Don't forget they are taking rights away in Colorado already.

Some counties even tell you what lights you are allowed to use.

So much for "legal" weed at this time.
the Act makes it legal for sick people to purchase medical marijuana/supplies anywhere they choose legally.
I'm unable to take on patients needing more than I am legally allowed to grow. I fit patients to my abilities/allowances to keep safe and
am happy others can buy it all over the place if they need it. There are no shortages of marijuana sellers, black market or legal. there are delivery services slinging grams a trip for people all day and night in so many areas. Growers are growing more than they need to supply their patients it would appear.
The right patients will make the cg efforts much easier, choose them well.

I hate to tell you but if those "right" patients get in trouble you will be dimed out as a drug dealer just like always.

And promptly raided.

Nice thought. But I do not believe 5 patient caregivers are safe. I think they are next.

I will not be registering in this police state likely. Even as a patient I am more paranoid now than I was as a life long transporter and seller.

And now there are no guns in the house to insure our safety. I sold them to be a caregiver originally. But they will still come to my house armed to take me.

No one knew anything before I signed up. Now they have me anytime they want. And it's easy for them to get a warrant rather than need evidence.

I need a joint :-)
to fight a losing battle with mis information and mis direction in my opinion from what I have read from you.


More arrogance will not help your cause.

And from your posts. You are a pseudo intellectual.

I am paranoid not ignorant. I am paranoid because of them and you.

You however are posting more and more desperate sounding crap each time.

And now down to insulting memes.

But thanks for your perspective. It leaves me wondering how this all affects your income mostly.

How are you going to get the signatures you are sure you need like this?
My pseudo intellectual senses tell me that your difficulty understanding law, public policy or my posts are the least of your life challenges brother. As for your insinuations/accusations that me or my legal arguments are economically motivated/conflicted, I can ensure you that you are wrong. But honestly I cannot not even make sense of them to defend myself ...

I hate to tell you but if those "right" patients get in trouble you will be dimed out as a drug dealer just like always.

And promptly raided.

Nice thought. But I do not believe 5 patient caregivers are safe. I think they are next.

I will not be registering in this police state likely. Even as a patient I am more paranoid now than I was as a life long transporter and seller.

And now there are no guns in the house to insure our safety. I sold them to be a caregiver originally. But they will still come to my house armed to take me.

No one knew anything before I signed up. Now they have me anytime they want. And it's easy for them to get a warrant rather than need evidence.

I need a joint :-)

half my patients are homebound and the other two have half a stomach. I buy background checks for each and wont register a felon, not that its ultimate protections, but every little precaution helps.....but the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
I dont need the cash been retired successfully before carded. but the garden pays for itself and for the troubles I get uninterrupted supply of the very best I ever had. This program works for everyone I ever met, black market players to legit medical suppliers like myself. If the black market jokers would have operated out of their homes all would be fine today, as it is for the bulk of them, until they conspire with a dispensary strangely, then they get raided.
I agree with how ignorant the numbers they came up with and that they say uninterrupted supply is ok but in my experience (my friends) they will bust you anyway and don't care to hear the argument. He was only over weight from some small buds and a roach in the ashtray. And it was not his pot on the table it was his patients.

The patient was asked to leave by the police during the raid.

They don't care. He is ruined. They did this to him from a domestic dispute with his wife who said he was dealing.

He was. To his own patients.

while I feel really bad for your friend....

this is more of a cunty issue than a medical marijuana one. cops took time to plan the raid. she talked explicitly with them before hand, about the abuse, about the pot, about the set up, she set up her man plain and simple . patients are always innocent thankfully, and guys who keep the company of a cunt should know better than to share their business with them.
police follow them types around everywhere they go. Likely NOT your friends first go round with this bullshit either.

if he was max'd in the dry room, she could have put a bud on the table and done this herself on the day of the raid for the same effect. cops are rewarded when they gather evidence enough to charge someone. cunts help this happen every day. beware.
I tell my friends dont grow until you own your home and your wife.
how pissed must she have been at his actions before the raid to have done this, to allow her own home to be raided, her man to be arrested? when the cops come....the relationship is over, the first time hopefully