STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

Sorry but I ran the DA out of Wexford county for the same thought process that's being spread. "Qualified Patient" "qualified Caregiver" nothing to do with who's on your cards. Those morons got you believing it tho. The only other thing is, the law doesn't give protection for dispensaries. Wish people would take the time and read out law not listen to law enforcement who will tell you anything.

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Care to clarify this comment with details?

And why do you assume we don't read and listen to law enforcement?

Statements like that show you have an agenda other than our well being to me. Talk me into your opinion with more insults.
well if they believe it, and got us believing it, and the cops believe it and the lawyers do to, as well as the prosecutor, jury and judge believe it too......the results are, respectively, believable. it works like this;

I believe I can sell to five hundred people
cops dont so I get raided, arrested, jailed and in court.
lawyers absorb the remainder of my cash and time
while prosecutor reminds jury of the rules clearly saying five patient only
then the jury finds a guilty plea, even if they love marijuana, they see the broken rules
the judge sentences jail time.

believe this, it has happened over and over. believe what you will, shout it to the prisoners, maybe someone else will change it.
I saw dressing up like a marijuana leaf didnt do it, neither did claiming cancer cures, or even famous users reporting benefits,
thousands of jailed didnt do it, no dispensary efforts have freed the weed, or had anyone released from prison.

theres two things going on here, one is growing for love and the other is growing for cash. This is a patient centric program, and Patients already chose what they wanted with their votes and that didnt include selling to more than five patients who's cards you possess. says it right in the Act from day one.
Let's just say they tried some shit like that with me. NEVER LISTEN TO A COP OR A COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY like in Wexford they will make you believe almost anything and if you take the plea you take the plea and because you took the plea now everyone believes it the law lol

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Let's just say they tried some shit like that with me. NEVER LISTEN TO A COP OR A COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY like in Wexford they will make you believe almost anything and if you take the plea you take the plea and because you took the plea now everyone believes it the law lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I get that. And I'm sorry you got in trouble. I hope it ended up ok.

I do want to say. It is standard advice from any wisdom about our legal system (maybe anywhere) to never speak to cops or court employees.

"Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law."
well if they believe it, and got us believing it, and the cops believe it and the lawyers do to, as well as the prosecutor, jury and judge believe it too......the results are, respectively, believable. it works like this;

I believe I can sell to five hundred people
cops dont so I get raided, arrested, jailed and in court.
lawyers absorb the remainder of my cash and time
while prosecutor reminds jury of the rules clearly saying five patient only
then the jury finds a guilty plea, even if they love marijuana, they see the broken rules
the judge sentences jail time.

believe this, it has happened over and over. believe what you will, shout it to the prisoners, maybe someone else will change it.
I saw dressing up like a marijuana leaf didnt do it, neither did claiming cancer cures, or even famous users reporting benefits,
thousands of jailed didnt do it, no dispensary efforts have freed the weed, or had anyone released from prison.

theres two things going on here, one is growing for love and the other is growing for cash. This is a patient centric program, and Patients already chose what they wanted with their votes and that didnt include selling to more than five patients who's cards you possess. says it right in the Act from day one.

I get it. You hate dispensaries and their providers and applaud our courts using LARA numbers and lawyer math to equivocate their actions into raids, casework and felony convictions (aka business). Let's agree to disagree here.

But what about me, a LARA licensed patient that has been using over an ounce of flower per week to alleviate legitimate medical conditions for many years now? I cannot afford to purchase meds, can only harvest twice a year at best and cure my flowers a minimum of three months as to not cause further medical issues chocking on chlorophyll. How much time should I serve under your watch for disrespecting LARA's arbitrary/medicinally baseless "rules" considering your support of our "criminal justice system's" ability to equivocate away the reality/spirit of MMMA? The standard 8 years for manufacturing 5-45 kilos as almost all are arraigned for regardless that not even 5kg is found in most such raids?

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I get it. You hate dispensaries and their providers and applaud our courts using LARA numbers and lawyer math to equivocating their actions into raids, casework and felony convictions (aka business). Let's agree to disagree here.

But what about me, a LARA licensed patient that has been using over an ounce of flower per week to alleviate legitimate medical conditions for many years now? I cannot afford to purchase meds, can only harvest twice a year at best and cure my flowers a minimum of three months as to not cause further medical issues chocking on chlorophyll. How much time should I serve under your watch for disrespecting LARA's arbitrary/medicinally baseless "rules" considering your support of our "criminal justice system's" ability to equivocate away the reality MMMA? The standard 8 years for manufacturing 5-45 kilos as almost all are arraigned for regardless that not even 5kg is found in most such raids?

I dont hate dispensaries or their suppliers. I dont appreciate posters telling patients that our act permits sales to five hundred people daily, essentially sending patients to jail when they follow the ill advice. that advice comes only from those who wish to commercialize and sell to more than the Act allows=dispensaries.

If you believe our Act allows for the sales of weed to 500 different people daily say so, we really should begin there to stay on this topic aye?not "if it should" or what if it did or what about if you needed to sell that much, but is it currently allowed.

I could pick apart our Act also, change, eliminate it completely and free the weed.
nobody says its perfect. nobody is trying to fix it though either, without the addition and support of the commercial dispensary lobby, the same ones who testified that caregivers have moldy weed and that should be enough to allow their lobby to commercialize it on the corners in MI. there seems to be special allowance for those who need an uninterrupted supply.

I wouldnt mind at all, a dispensary on every corner. but not when they aim to end my private growing permissions.
You're just licking windows now brother.

The analogy of my personal situation as an unquestionably legitimate medicinal patient relying upon MMMA for protection from abuse by the criminal justice system elicits absolutely no response from you as to my "legality"?

I'm clearly betting on the "affirmative defense" (MMMA Section 8 ) to protect my family in that analogy, as I am doing nothing more than reasonably providing myself an uninterruptible supply of medicine.

Is there an anti MMMA court and jury in my county that would try to hang me to forward their own personal/political interests? Sadly yes, but that doesn't mean it would fly in another court with more integrity miles away. We are clearly in need of justice reform in general here and education is the only answer ...

Call back to the "topic". Brick and mortar dispensaries have stood all over Ann Arbor as long as MMMA has existed and absolutely nothing has changed that over the years. Not the obvious fact that they have never had any relationship to or respect for LARA's patient/caregiver model or limits. Not the fact they sold extracts there during the "ban". Why hasn't the state moved in to shut them down when the county failed? The answer is MMMA Section 8 is it not?
nope, some are allowed and some are not, the answer is not that simple. they all buy from caregivers who sell to them without permissions in our Act for doing so, they all sell that weed to any passerby with a card without any permission in our Act for doing so.
some are allowed to continue while some are not.

one minute we had no marijuana permissions, the next we can grow 72 plants and sell to five people. the only ones who cant figure it out are those wishing to sell to more than five people or grow more than 72 plants

do you how many people our Act permits us to grow for and sell to without the fear of arrest?
do you how many people our Act permits us to grow for and sell to without the fear of arrest?

However many reasonable to provide an uninterruptible supply.

How many has that been in Ann Arbor over the past decade, hundreds or thousands per store front?

What's your guess on the current number or percentage of LARA licensed patients and caregivers literally reliant upon non LARA entities (if not just for genetics, tolerance variety, specialty products, ect) to reasonably provide an uninterrupted supply of medicine? A majority :confused:
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I would not fault the people saying these things, i would instead fault the reader for not finding out themselves, what the current atmosphere is like..that is all. Everyone has an interpretation, and the person who takes an anonymous forum goers interpretation as legal standard...well...we are in the age of information.
I thought that protection for an uninterrupted supply was for patients not growers ?

what of the section that says you actually have protections from the Act
IF you sell to only five patients, and only grow up to 72 plants?

please can someone show me the quote that offers specific protections allowing a cg to sell to 500 hundred different people in a day?
I thought that protection for an uninterrupted supply was for patients not growers ?

what of the section that says you actually have protections from the Act
IF you sell to only five patients, and only grow up to 72 plants?

please can someone show me the quote that offers specific protections allowing a cg to sell to 500 hundred different people in a day?
Who cares. Get over it. Follow the law. Apparently you just like picking things apart that you think you might have a good argument for. If your selling to a "Qualified Patient or qualified caregiver" you should be just fine. I swear People just looking for attention in any ways these days. Facebook getting to boring for ya? If you didn't get into this game in 09 then your way behind. Please if you will read and understand this.
Nowhere will you find anything that you have to sell or transfer to your patient. If you wanna continue to believe internet lawyers, take the time to read and understand our law. Lawyers only interpret laws. So every lawyer is going to give a different interpretation while they take your money. If your still trying to figure all this out 8 yrs later your chasing your tail.
I thought that protection for an uninterrupted supply was for patients not growers ?

what of the section that says you actually have protections from the Act
IF you sell to only five patients, and only grow up to 72 plants?

please can someone show me the quote that offers specific protections allowing a cg to sell to 500 hundred different people in a day?

The only "protections" under MMMA is an affirmative criminal defense (aka MMMA Section 8 ) and it intentionally offers no such arbitrary numbers. For example, self defense is an affirmative criminal defense to a criminal wrongful death to whatever degree or charge. There are no arbitrary numbers, not only the first 15 shots because that is a legal clip capacity and the 16th was the kill shot or question of the legallity of the weapon in general. No lawyer math ...
Who cares. Get over it. Follow the law. Apparently you just like picking things apart that you think you might have a good argument for. If your selling to a "Qualified Patient or qualified caregiver" you should be just fine. I swear People just looking for attention in any ways these days. Facebook getting to boring for ya? If you didn't get into this game in 09 then your way behind. Please if you will read and understand this.
Nowhere will you find anything that you have to sell or transfer to your patient. If you wanna continue to believe internet lawyers, take the time to read and understand our law. Lawyers only interpret laws. So every lawyer is going to give a different interpretation while they take your money. If your still trying to figure all this out 8 yrs later your chasing your tail.

you upset bruh? I'm responding to previous posts. Unlike everyone who misunderstands our Act, I have no dogs in the race.
read up;

did you know LARA will not send a 6th patient card to a caregiver either?

section 6 (d) The department shall issue a registry identification card to the primary caregiver, if any, who is named in a qualifying patient's approved application; provided that each qualifying patient can have no more than 1 primary caregiver, and a primary

>>>>>>caregiver may assist no more than 5 qualifying patients with their medical use of marihuana. <<<<<<<<

(1) Dispensary had “possession” of marijuana for purposes Michigan’s criminal laws, as set forth in the public health code; (2) Section 8 medical use presumption was rebutted by evidence that dispensary was not acting within or in accordance to MMMA.
(3) Medical use of marijuana does not include the delivery, transfer or sale of marijuana, and (4) Dispensary was not entitled to immunity under for persons who assist a registered qualifying patient with “using or administering” marijuana.

fake news?
The only "protections" under MMMA is an affirmative criminal defense (aka MMMA Section 8 ) and it intentionally offers no such arbitrary numbers. For example, self defense is an affirmative criminal defense to a criminal wrongful death to whatever degree or charge. There are no arbitrary numbers, not only the first 15 shots because that is a legal clip capacity and the 16th was the kill shot or question of the legallity of the weapon in general. No lawyer math ...

the defense for someone selling to patients who have not designated that seller as their primary cg would be interesting.
"well, he was out of weed and its my responsibility to be sure nobody runs out of weed" mmkkk