Well-Known Member
Here's a viewpoint for the dispensary interest.
I started growing personal meds 4 years ago after a life long history of being around good pot.
because the dispensaries near me offered low potency barn smelling weed that after a short while had me coughing up black stuff.
And it offered no medical benefits and cost more than double what I had ever paid before.
And a local meth dealer and a local family of pot dealers both got shut down for running their criminal operations and I have not been to one since.
Mold is a severe allergy causing substance to me and Mrs. MMG. Cash croppers will not destroy bad product like I would. They will continue to sell it. Let's not even start about the fuckin pesticides and pgr's.
do you think the dispensary had anything to do with the local family of pot dealers getting shut down?
good to hear you're not hangin' round the meth dealer anymore