College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

What happened to America, in the 60/70s you blokes used to be cool, made great looking cars had good music, comedians not afraid to tell a joke.
Fast forward 40/50 years and look at the basket case you have become.

The same as my country, stuffed by socialist supported bludgers from overseas , looking for a free handout.
They couldn't make their own country's work, so they run away to the west for a life of leisure. and whinging about how racist whitey is in his own bloody country.
The first time they complain they should be packed off back to whatever shithole they ran away from
Sure, that's a lame excuse to not have to address my arguments, probably because you know I'm right.
But of course you're not going to come even close to admitting that, because if you doubt even one thing those fascists claim then you're a nazi and whatnot.
Don't be a pussy man, thinking for yourself is the new black. You can just be an individual who makes up his own mind, don't fall for the trap of wanting to belong to a group, I know it feels all warm and fuzzy for a while but in the end you will either get stabbed in the back by them or you will have totally lost your own identity because they won't allow it.

Lol. Where the fuck did you get that idea? FYI I'm not one of those fucks that picks a team and then goes crazy. I'm not a conservative, I'm a human being.
Even if I agreed with some things stated by conservatives that wouldn't make me a conservative, but I don't even think I would agree with a lot of what they have to say if anything, but I'm sure there could be some things they say I could agree with. I'm not entirely sure what it means to be a conservative though, so who knows. Some of their ideas are clearly silly though.
Maybe try that some time, keep an open mind to other ppls ideas even though they might also hold some ideas that you don't like, or have been given a label that you have been taught to dislike. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Don't be scared to think for yourself homie. It's very rewarding even though you're going to piss off a lot of ppl.

And you call me a coward? Lol.
I'm not the one who's afraid to join in an actual discussion about the topic.
All "you ppl" have been doing in this thread is make fun of others, dismissing others and put labels on them that if they were true would be an excuse for you to dismiss those ppl.
Could you people make it any more obvious?

Only with consent bro.

Yep, I was waiting for that. Pretty sick to call me a nazi. If those are the tactics you have to use to try to shut down ppl who don't fully agree with your agenda you have already lost.
None of this rises above the level of talking to hear yourself make noise.
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Yep I surely was defending nazis by telling you ppl your whining about micro aggressions and cultural appropriation is retarded.

lol even you know that isn't true. You were defending Nazis, then you walked it back and asked yourself why you were defending them, now you are back to defending Nazis and mischaracterizing the opposition to try and discredit them.
What happened to America, in the 60/70s you blokes used to be cool, made great looking cars had good music, comedians not afraid to tell a joke.
Fast forward 40/50 years and look at the basket case you have become.

The same as my country, stuffed by socialist supported bludgers from overseas , looking for a free handout.
They couldn't make their own country's work, so they run away to the west for a life of leisure. and whinging about how racist whitey is in his own bloody country.
The first time they complain they should be packed off back to whatever shithole they ran away from

lol you ignorant dumbass racist.
What happened to America, in the 60/70s you blokes used to be cool, made great looking cars had good music, comedians not afraid to tell a joke.
Fast forward 40/50 years and look at the basket case you have become.

The same as my country, stuffed by socialist supported bludgers from overseas , looking for a free handout.
They couldn't make their own country's work, so they run away to the west for a life of leisure. and whinging about how racist whitey is in his own bloody country.
The first time they complain they should be packed off back to whatever shithole they ran away from
Holy shit, now here's the other extreme side I can't agree with lol.
You're all immigrants, your forefathers all ran away from something, and they even killed others to get that place that you call home now lol.
And the biggest reason lots of places are such shitholes that people want to escape from is because the west keeps fucking them over under the pretense of helping them.
lol even you know that isn't true. You were defending Nazis, then you walked it back and asked yourself why you were defending them, now you are back to defending Nazis and mischaracterizing the opposition to try and discredit them.
This is a tactic I expected the guy with the yoda sig to use lol. black=white, up=down...
Well I guess in your defense if you actually think I'm a nazi and I'm defending myself technically in your view I'm defending a nazi.
Good luck with your "activism" lol. Bye bye.
This is a tactic I expected the guy with the yoda sig to use lol. black=white, up=down...
Well I guess in your defense if you actually think I'm a nazi and I'm defending myself technically in your view I'm defending a nazi.
Good luck with your "activism" lol. Bye bye.

If you hadn't noticed, the left here condemns actual Nazis like the ones in Charlottesville. Not "micro aggressions and cultural appropriations," but real fascists who's entire ideology aims to oppress/subjugate or exile fellow citizens based solely on racial identity, not individual identity. Nazi ideology is proven to employ whatever means necessary, including violence. Attempting mass murder with a vehicle is proof of how extreme their ideology is, and how they openly encourage their followers to use extreme forms of violence against the opposition.

AntiFa on the other hand is simply a group that opposes everything I outlined above except for the use of violence when necessary to stop such an evil ideology. America took that same stance in WWII.
I like how you're snooping around on my profile while apparently you have your own profile blocked, just like all these other warriors here seem to have done lol.
Did you find what you were looking for?
I wonder what you ppl have to hide that you feel the need to block your profile.

Yep I surely was defending nazis by telling you ppl your whining about micro aggressions and cultural appropriation is retarded.
you just got a like from a white supremacist. well done!
What happened to America, in the 60/70s you blokes used to be cool, made great looking cars had good music, comedians not afraid to tell a joke.
Fast forward 40/50 years and look at the basket case you have become.

The same as my country, stuffed by socialist supported bludgers from overseas , looking for a free handout.
They couldn't make their own country's work, so they run away to the west for a life of leisure. and whinging about how racist whitey is in his own bloody country.
The first time they complain they should be packed off back to whatever shithole they ran away from
Atavistic moron