College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

It's you're. A real 'murican I see, fuck learning to properly write your own language lol.
You might also want to learn to read. I would never kick your ass because you're not going to have the balls to admit that you posted shit here or say it to my face if we would ever meet irl, which is more than likely not going to happen anyway.
So keep talking your shit from behind your keyboard pussies, we all know you ppl are not man enough to insult ppl right in their face like this.
And if you're man enough, go do it. Go outside, protest all these fucking "nazis", go call regular ppl nazis and see how long it takes before someone punches you in your stupid face. And don't forget to record it or it didn't happen.

At least I'm not the one calling others nazi online for disagreeing with anything they believe, all from the comfort of their safe spaces. That takes a lot of guts man. You must be very proud of yourself lol.

Internet tough guy. LOL Why do you right wing shitheads always feel the need to bluster and menace in your posts? Too funny.

How about instead of duking it out, we just play a round or two of backgammon? For beers.
Lol thought so. Too pussy for rl action. You just talk shit on the internet. Go out there and protest man, your ppl need you.
At least some of you fucks have the balls to go out there and get punched by a right winger lol. Gotta give them that.
Yep. You'd probably kick my ass if we ever met.

I'd take your house, your car, maybe your daughter if old enough.

I'd kick your ass at backgammon. Chew you up and spit you out.

You'd get nothing.
Lol thought so. Too pussy for rl action. You just talk shit on the internet. Go out there and protest man, your ppl need you.
At least some of you fucks have the balls to go out there and get punched by a right winger lol. Gotta give them that.
"You just talk shit on the internet"?
Your a funny guy, Dutchy, considering that all I've read of your post's, that's all you do, is talk shit.
Oh, and please don't leave this forum yet, you are going to fun to fuck with :).
"You just talk shit on the internet"?
Your a funny guy, Dutchy, considering that all I've read of your post's, that's all you do, is talk shit.
Oh, and please don't leave this forum yet, you are going to fun to fuck with :).
Is it just me or is their standard tactic to accuse everyone else of the very tactics they're employing themselves?
You fucks are such a bunch of manipulative pussies. Talking all this shit from behind your computer lol, tough keyboard warriors. I'm far from violent but if you fucks were doing that to my face you would have a problem. But of course we all know that never happens, if we would ever meet irl none of what you pussies said here would be said, we all know that.

Bunch of morons that are butthurt because their evil retarded presidential candidate lost from another evil retarded presidential candidate that has even less charisma lol. Stop pretending like it's about anything else.
If you're going to be angry at anyone, be angry at the people that made sure that the choice was between those two retards, but no, it's all trump and his followers' fault lol.
You reap what you sow you fucks! Enjoy it! Cya in another life, the one where america is no longer the worlds bully, hope you enjoyed all that power because soon some other country will take over. You will not be missed.

Thanks I guess, I'm pretty sure I'm not on your team either though. Sounds like you're the other extreme side of the coin which I can't agree with. But at least you're not calling me all kinds of horrible things like these supposed lefties lol.

Nice meltdown. The talk about "beating up you pussies" is only coming from you, which makes you the only internet tough guy here.

It's just internet shit talk, don't take it too personally. You seem a bit ignorant in politics, and that's not an insult. This might not be the best place to learn but it's not that bad either. Choose your battles wisely though, some of these guys know their shit.
Lol you delusional testosterone lacking pussies, totally surprised that people want to punch them if they're being called a nazi by you sad kids one too many times, all that just because you can't defend your bullshit, so I guess there's nothing else to do than slander me eh.
If you can't win an argument, attack the messenger. Got any original tactics to try out? This is getting old really fast, and it's way too obvious for anyone with a brain.

I'm all for a civil debate, but you pussies tapped out on that right away, you didn't even try it lol, which we all know why. You have no argument.
I'm also in for a fight with people who are as rude as you tards are, but you pussies obviously only call people a nazi when there's no way it's going to have any consequences for you.
You pussies got anything of sustenance or are you just going to keep posing from the safety of your parents basement without making a single valid argument lol.

Fucking freedom hating, lying, manipulative bunch of fascists. I think I'm starting to dislike you people more than the extreme right, which is very worrying.
Also it's really sick that you people dare to call yourselves ANTI fascists while totally being a bunch of fascists lol. Your govt must be proud of you, you're doing their work for them.

Lol you delusional testosterone lacking pussies, totally surprised that people want to punch them if they're being called a nazi by you sad kids one too many times, all that just because you can't defend your bullshit, so I guess there's nothing else to do than slander me eh.
If you can't win an argument, attack the messenger. Got any original tactics to try out? This is getting old really fast, and it's way too obvious for anyone with a brain.

I'm all for a civil debate, but you pussies tapped out on that right away, you didn't even try it lol, which we all know why. You have no argument.
I'm also in for a fight with people who are as rude as you tards are, but you pussies obviously only call people a nazi when there's no way it's going to have any consequences for you.
You pussies got anything of sustenance or are you just going to keep posing from the safety of your parents basement without making a single valid argument lol.

Fucking freedom hating, lying, manipulative bunch of fascists. I think I'm starting to dislike you people more than the extreme right, which is very worrying.
Also it's really sick that you people dare to call yourselves ANTI fascists while totally being a bunch of fascists lol. Your govt must be proud of you, you're doing their work for them.

Lol you delusional testosterone lacking pussies, totally surprised that people want to punch them if they're being called a nazi by you sad kids one too many times, all that just because you can't defend your bullshit, so I guess there's nothing else to do than slander me eh.
If you can't win an argument, attack the messenger. Got any original tactics to try out? This is getting old really fast, and it's way too obvious for anyone with a brain.

I'm all for a civil debate, but you pussies tapped out on that right away, you didn't even try it lol, which we all know why. You have no argument.
I'm also in for a fight with people who are as rude as you tards are, but you pussies obviously only call people a nazi when there's no way it's going to have any consequences for you.
You pussies got anything of sustenance or are you just going to keep posing from the safety of your parents basement without making a single valid argument lol.

Fucking freedom hating, lying, manipulative bunch of fascists. I think I'm starting to dislike you people more than the extreme right, which is very worrying.
Also it's really sick that you people dare to call yourselves ANTI fascists while totally being a bunch of fascists lol. Your govt must be proud of you, you're doing their work for them.


What did you expect when your first post in this thread was calling people snowflakes? You said you were left-leaning?

Then your next post is bitching about how people won't address your arguments. See what just happened there?

You came in insulting, being a keyboard warrior, telling people they are pussies that you would beat up if they flicked you shit in real life. But everyone else is the internet tough guy?

You came to this thread to bash the left, without any real coherent argument, just "I'm not partisan, the left calls everyone nazis." Obviously that's a non-starter.
What did you expect when your first post in this thread was calling people snowflakes? You said you were left-leaning?

Then your next post is bitching about how people won't address your arguments. See what just happened there?

You came in insulting, being a keyboard warrior, telling people they are pussies that you would beat up if they flicked you shit in real life. But everyone else is the internet tough guy?

You came to this thread to bash the left, without any real coherent argument, just "I'm not partisan, the left calls everyone nazis." Obviously that's a non-starter.
Jumped right to the false equivalency argument too.

Is this where he says gay rights march is just like a KKK and Nazi parade with Nazi flags and KKK regalia worn by armed and armored jack booted fascists?
Lol you delusional testosterone lacking pussies, totally surprised that people want to punch them if they're being called a nazi by you sad kids one too many times, all that just because you can't defend your bullshit, so I guess there's nothing else to do than slander me eh.
If you can't win an argument, attack the messenger. Got any original tactics to try out? This is getting old really fast, and it's way too obvious for anyone with a brain.

I'm all for a civil debate, but you pussies tapped out on that right away, you didn't even try it lol, which we all know why. You have no argument.
I'm also in for a fight with people who are as rude as you tards are, but you pussies obviously only call people a nazi when there's no way it's going to have any consequences for you.
You pussies got anything of sustenance or are you just going to keep posing from the safety of your parents basement without making a single valid argument lol.

Fucking freedom hating, lying, manipulative bunch of fascists. I think I'm starting to dislike you people more than the extreme right, which is very worrying.
Also it's really sick that you people dare to call yourselves ANTI fascists while totally being a bunch of fascists lol. Your govt must be proud of you, you're doing their work for them.


Must be that time of the month, huh, sweet tits??
take a few Pamprin and a few squirts of Vagisil, ok, dear and call us in the morning.
What did you expect when your first post in this thread was calling people snowflakes? You said you were left-leaning?

Then your next post is bitching about how people won't address your arguments. See what just happened there?

You came in insulting, being a keyboard warrior, telling people they are pussies that you would beat up if they flicked you shit in real life. But everyone else is the internet tough guy?

You came to this thread to bash the left, without any real coherent argument, just "I'm not partisan, the left calls everyone nazis." Obviously that's a non-starter.
Hey you all felt like I was talking to you personally when I mentioned precious snowflakes. Guess you all know damn well what you are. That's not my problem. You can always change if you don't like being what you are. Please do so, it's never too late, we don't need this divisiveness.
no-one addressed any of my arguments. And no my first post didn't contain any arguments but I was just doing what others that posted before me in the thread were doing.
They didn't even feel the need to use words for the most part lol. But they're on your team eh so who cares.

It's never too late, feel free to address my arguments and we can discuss them (if they're still there because it seems like some posts I made here are mysteriously disappearing lol, so it's gonna be a hard discussion if my posts keep disappearing), who knows you might even be able to convince me. Probably not though as calling me a nazi is not a convincing argument and is only helping out real nazis. Please stop helping real nazis, is that what this is all about? All a ploy to make the word nazi meaningless so real nazis are harder to identify?

You know the arguments. You don't really seem to care though. You know your MO don't you? Totally immoral. It's not about truth it's all about shutting down anyone that disagrees with you by all means necessary, like by calling everyone a nazi, and not giving a single shit about freedom of speech for ppl you don't agree with, even though some of it is VERY mild, but no, they're nazi's, SHUT THEM DOWN! Wreck the campus! Fucking terrorists.