STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

Lawfare is an ugly blood sport of cowards all about the power and money of the < 1% (lawyers) exploiting the "system" and our society in general (aka the Drug War). If I were to accept all the arbitrary numbers and lawyer math generated by the clearly conflicted/corrupt legal industry as it pertains to MMMA I literally could not provide for myself an uninterrupted supply of medicine for my legitimate medicinal needs. It just doesn't add up in reality, but yes the reality of absurd legal precedents gamed over this past decade here are a real threat to all patients and caregivers. It's just really sad ...

I like the advice of this lawyer personally :bigjoint:
Cant like that lawyer-al sharpton says he is a racist, and if you support his ideologys your a racist too.
So did Ford, Hearst, Standard Oil, The Bush Family, and the Purple Gang when they were rebranded as the Bureau of Tobacco & Firearms after the end of Alcohol Prohibition.

yeah the players are setting up their gang again. at least we might have micro growerys lol
And they dig in deeper.....

A cop on Michigan's new marijuana board is trying to shut down all of the state's dispensaries

A new state board governing medical marijuana rules is eyeing shutting down all of Michigan's dispensaries — including dozens of medical marijuana dispensaries currently operating in Detroit.

Members of the Medical Marihuana Licensing Board argue that the dispensaries are illegal under current state law, and want them forced closed by Sept. 15.

During the board's second meeting on Monday, media outlets report that member State Police Sgt. David Bailey said he wanted dispensaries closed immediately, but that some would be granted licenses to stay open under a law passed last year to regulate the medical marijuana industry.

In 2013, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled dispensaries were illegal under Michigan's medical marijuana law, though some municipalities have passed their own ordinances allowing for the shops.

Saying that "Every dispensary that's out there right now is open in violation of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act," MLive reports Bailey proposed forcing current dispensaries to shut down or risk being unable to obtain licenses to operate legally under the regulatory framework that will go into effect Dec. 15.

Currently, Detroit is one community where city law allows dispensaries to operate, but new rules about where shops can operate and who can own them have forced more than 100 to close their doors since the start of the year.

If Bailey's proposal goes through, this would severely limit the places where medical marijuana patients can get their cannabis, most likely forcing many to return to the black market.

MLive reports a spokesperson for the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), which houses the Bureau of Medical Marihuana Regulation, said that a major review would be done should this proposal pass in the future, including a review from the Attorney General's office.

The board's next meeting is due Oct. 12, though MLive reports the board will meet again before Sept. 15 to consider Bailey's proposal to shut down dispensaries.


"If Bailey's proposal goes through, this would severely limit the places where medical marijuana patients can get their cannabis, most likely forcing many to return to the black market."

mmmkkk...caregivers illegally sell marijuana to people they're not crded to provide to, so tht they can then they sell it to other people they re not carded to provide to.
thats called a "black market" last time I checked
I like the cannabis black market. I have met more good than bad so far. Also it seems like these black market folks have educated themselves on proper ipm instead using harmful chemical to irradiate pests and disease. There will always be a few bad eggs but I don't believe all commercial level growing facilities will use bad stuff while growing. Not sure how it is in Colorado but reading the Canadian page it sounds like they don't care about their patients.
...and if dispensaries were allowed who would be their #1 target competition? they already tried to shut down cg's, they testified to untruths in order to put shade on caregivers and their service. fuck dispensaries, they have done nothing positive under their guise of supporting michigan marijuana rights. I was a believer in the beginning, until I saw them buying out of state weed, carrying pistols in their shop, dressing like fools and bums, acting like drug dealing thugs, may have well been cartel. They sold moldy old buds, the ones that no real patient would be interested in. Pain in the ass patients paid 3x the cost so they could buy a gram at a time, bitched about shitty caregivers pinping them to supply to the very same dispensaries..... jigs up, grow your own, get a cg, or do wht we've all done for decades. anyone that wants weed knows where to get it. anyone who needs weed can google for it.
in port huron theres a dude delivers to your door all day and night. on the web big time. years and years of operation. he never testified btw..

I voted for one cg to five patients. I support that fully. Dispensaries were pimped by the police, allowed for a period to collect the information. for all I know they were complicit. Those dealers didnt even protect patients' paperwork. They cited laws and rights but threw patients under the bus as the hundreds of raids hammered on them. They kept all of our names and adresses inside boxes in the corner fo r the police to easily grab. Some were allowed to continue making cash after those names were confiscated. Is your name in there? did you sell to a dispensary? thats illegal you know////

I feel exactly the same way, fuck them.
Just watched a cry baby dispensary owner on t.v. (chad morrow, only throwing his name out cause he is dumb enough to cry about his illegal buisness being sqeezed out on local tv news.....dumbass) talking about this bill that the gov is tring to pass making it so dispensaries owners cant apply for a new licence to operate a state legal medical shop. I love it, hope it pass's, most of these owners do nothing but give our law a black eye. They make it sound as if its so dangerous to buy from a caregiver. Safe access is what they preach when they sell moldy garbage to anyone who comes threw the door, so yes fuck them.
Yes they are. Show me in the MMM Act where is says Dispensaries outlets are not legal.

Not in some court or Bull SchuIttys Opine, but in the MMM Act.
Show me where they are busting patients who had the amount of plants and weed they allowed? Show me where the law lays that as a patient or caregiver i can just sell to anyone with a card? Then explain to me how you could keep a store open with just 5 patients?
please teach me to legally circumvent the five patients grown for and sold to rule?

then we can all finally open a dispensary, make a ton of cash, all at once, on the backs of ill patients paying 3x the street price for their meds.

I didnt know you had dispensaries in your defense plan. that sucks, sorry.

There is no "Circumvent" there is only Following the plain and clear intent of the MMM Act.

Maybe you did not Read what I typed earlier, or you ignored it, but here it is one more time>

Justice Bernstein very clearly overturns McQueen.
From Page 13 of People V Mazure in Direct REFERENCE TO People V McQueen:

"In contrast, this Court acknowledged that the definition of “medical use” was broader and incorporated activities such as “[t]he transfer, delivery, and acquisition of marijuana.” Id. Therefore, a qualifying patient’s transfer, delivery, acquisition, or cultivation of marijuana is a medical use according to a plain-language reading of the statute."
Doesn't it seem like they purposely left out dispensaries from the regulations so they could implement their commercial plan when they were ready? Like now?

Just because there was no specific mention of storefront selling never made it legal.

According to the regs. A patient can aquire meds anyway they can but only caregivers can actually "donate" to their own named patients. Unless of course they grow their own plants.

There is no mention of "dispensaries" allowed to sell to any card holder.

Until now.
in America our law say what is NOT allowed.

No where in the MMM Act does is say Transfer, Delivery, Acquistion, TRANSFER or TRANSPORT is NOT ALLOWED. In fact, those very things are codified in the Definition of "USE".

They refuse to FOLLOW the INTENT of the MMM Act as outlined in P V Mazure in 2015 by the Michigan Supreme Court and new Justice Bernstein as Lead Justice on the Panel when he stated from Page 13 of People V Mazure in Direct REFERENCE TO People V McQueen:

"In contrast, this Court acknowledged that the definition of “medical use” was broader and incorporated activities such as “[t]he transfer, delivery, and acquisition of marijuana.” Id. Therefore, a qualifying patient’s transfer, delivery, acquisition, or cultivation of marijuana is a medical use according to a plain-language reading of the statute."
And Transfer, Acquisition, Possession Transfer, Delivery, and Transport are all required elements of what Action again?

Here, I shall spell it out for you once again so you don't misinterpret it.

S A L E.
Its common sence man, caregivers can only serve 5 patients. Try running a store with 5 customers.

Try being a pharmacist or a Bartender and only servicing the same 5 customers no matter how many came in the door.

You would have to hire a Pharmacist for every new 5 customers.
According to the regs. There is no mention of "dispensaries" allowed to sell to any card holder.

Not so. According to Bull Schuette and an Over ruled SUPREME COURT OPINION.

Bull Schuitty does not make LAW. And the Legislators can not over write the People Law without 75% supermajority.

What to do, what to do.

Create a fake law to convince the people that don't realize any better than the New law will fix the Problem that was never a Problem except the State and LEO could not enforce it, aka Arrest you at will with in discrimination of the Law We the People Passes in 2008.

Show me where they are busting patients who had the amount of plants and weed they allowed? Show me where the law lays that as a patient or caregiver i can just sell to anyone with a card? Then explain to me how you could keep a store open with just 5 patients?

I guess you are not looking around..
And Transfer, Acquisition, Possession Transfer, Delivery, and Transport are all required elements of what Action again?

Here, I shall spell it out for you once again so you don't misinterpret it.

S A L E.

Yes I get your point. But no matter how you or the lawyers or even judges interpret the words they are going to eliminate who they want and set up their own profit center. With who they want.

And it was outlined clearly at the beginning of the year.

honestly I always thought it was too soon to have store fronts. This ain't California. And look how up and down their first 10 years was. To put it nicely.
There is no "Circumvent" there is only Following the plain and clear intent of the MMM Act.

Maybe you did not Read what I typed earlier, or you ignored it, but here it is one more time>

like a scheister attorney man, you sleep with dogs you wake with fleas.

stop the rhetoric and tell us how to sell to more than five patients when the law clearly says only five, then tell us how to sell weed to a dispensary when the law says sales to only those with your card. c'mon, circle speak around this point once again... and you have lost all credit here pal. answer the question clearly and specifically if you care.

law say five patients- you say five hundred
you suggest a caregiver can legally sell to five hundred patients despite our law. this is a disservice to our community.
I appreciate your efforts. but when you redirect and dance around the only real issue here you lose big time, you lose support, signatures, and respect.

just answer the question aye? FIVE PATIENTS ONLY right? does the law say five patients only?
Yes I get your point. But no matter how you or the lawyers or even judges interpret the words they are going to eliminate who they want and set up their own profit center. With who they want.

And it was outlined clearly at the beginning of the year.

honestly I always thought it was too soon to have store fronts. This ain't California. And look how up and down their first 10 years was. To put it nicely.

yeah and when I went to Cali and visited dispensaries years ago I never saw scraggly dudes with side arms patrolling the bud counters like i do in MI. I saw clean well lit office space with fine buds in sealed jars, all were fresh and fire. I didnt see mold, or mites on clones, or thugs making back room deals. ahhh...the good ole days
I feel exactly the same way, fuck them.
Just watched a cry baby dispensary owner on t.v. (chad morrow, only throwing his name out cause he is dumb enough to cry about his illegal buisness being sqeezed out on local tv news.....dumbass) talking about this bill that the gov is tring to pass making it so dispensaries owners cant apply for a new licence to operate a state legal medical shop. I love it, hope it pass's, most of these owners do nothing but give our law a black eye. They make it sound as if its so dangerous to buy from a caregiver. Safe access is what they preach when they sell moldy garbage to anyone who comes threw the door, so yes fuck them.
he,s crying about caregivers, just like caregivers cry about the black market,lol what a bunch of losers:bigjoint:
Well, one thing is clear. In states where it is legal - either med or rec - with home growing - the world has not ended.

DUI's haven't skyrocketed. Youth rates of consumption haven't climbed. There isn't an increase in violent crime. Hospitals aren't flooded with cannibis over dose victims. Children haven't died or been seriously injured by candy edibles.

But interestingly, opiate use may be declining, prescription drug use may be declining, and people with serious health issues are finding relief.

Yet these "commissions" keep pointing to technical crimes. Dispensaries are selling illegally, people are growing too many plants, blah blah blah.

These plants don't kill. Nobody is going to sell their bodies to get some (I wish). Nobody is going to make a career stealing your shit so they can spend $500/day on a habit.

What exactly is "illegal" here? Selling without a license? Not paying taxes?

Guess what? People will buy licenses and pay taxes IF YOU LET THEM!

Just sayin.
I believe many of us here are failing to differentiate civil from criminal law, which are clearly two broad and separate entities of law with separate sets of laws and punishments.

LARA being a regulatory/licensing agency along with all their arbitrarily numbers (Sec 4 MMMA) deals in civil, NOT criminal law. It is true that "dispensaries" are not part of LARA's regulatory framework, but that alone does not make them criminal. For example an Uber driver in many ways does not meet the regulatory or licensing requirements of a taxi, but that does not make them a criminal.

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The controlled substances act makes us all criminal......

I believe many of us here are failing to differentiate civil from criminal law, which are clearly two broad and separate entities of law with separate sets of laws and punishments.

LARA being a regulatory/licensing agency along with all their arbitrarily numbers (Sec 4 MMMA) deals in civil law. It is true that "dispensaries" are not part of LARA's regulatory framework, but that alone does not make them criminal. For example an Uber driver in many ways does not meet the regulatory or licensing requirements of a taxi, but that does not make them a criminal.
