Your logic is ridded with errors. Agreeing with someone's point is different than agreeing with everything they ever said. That's just pathetic.
Antifa isn't doing themselves any favors by being baited into violence with white supremacists. That's a different point than saying they started it. Of course those who started it should absolutely be held accountable.
Flynn and Russia isn't even being discussed, 'squirrel!' distraction. Again, pathetic, nevermind out of context; my point then was that concentrating on the scandal was not moving the people's business forward. It is now clear that's not going to be on the agenda no matter what until and unless the Chump is ousted.
Anything else?
Your sorry attempts to smear me rather than engage with me in honest debate have me in agreement with Pada about you; you are no longer worth discussing things with, because you can't debate honestly.