Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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so I have said neo nazi, white trash and skin heads.

do you need more sweetheart?
White trash are just poor white people. Neo-nazis or skin heads are a group who represent racist and bigoted policies and are not necessarily from the lower economic groups. I'm not going to hate on poor people just because some from their group are skin heads and Nazis. It's pretty obvious that tying so-called white trash with the two hate groups is a ploy by the dividers of this country to maintain their own power base.
the murder is on the individual murderer.

if you are going to blame a group then you must blame everyone there as one big group.

it's very revealing how you associate in and out of groups at will to fit your agenda.

shooting in Texas from a blm member....."cant judge the group by the fringe element."

baseball shooter....."nothing to see here just a guy, protect the group."

hipocracy at it's finest, good job.
The murderer was part of the hate group's assembly. Nobody denies he was part of that crowd. Fair or not, he cast shame on that group.

The shooter in Texas was not even part of the BLM march. He was black, which I guess has significance to you. Cops died protecting the marchers and those acts of courage were acknowledged by the BLM marchers.

If not for that man's actions, nobody in Charlottesville riots needed hospital care. Not one. Also, no property damage. What you saw were scraps and melee. I'm actually in awe at the self control shown on both sides that the violence didn't escalate.
White trash are just poor white people. Neo-nazis or skin heads are a group who represent racist and bigoted policies and are not necessarily from the lower economic groups. I'm not going to hate on poor people just because some from their group are skin heads and Nazis. It's pretty obvious that tying so-called white trash with the two hate groups is a ploy by the dividers of this country to maintain their own power base.

did Alex Jones infiltrate your tapeworm?

you are going to pc me because I called the bulk of the permitted demonstrators in Charlottesville white trash?
did Alex Jones infiltrate your tapeworm?

you are going to pc me because I called the bulk of the permitted demonstrators in Charlottesville white trash?
Bizarre response.

I'm pointing out that the population of people who are called white trash is more diverse and for the most part uninterested in Nazi or KKK policies. Tying the two together is false. If if stating the obvious is pc, then it's your problem, not mine. Are you going to call me sjw now?
Bizarre response.

I'm pointing out that the population of people who are called white trash is more diverse and for the most part uninterested in Nazi or KKK policies. Tying the two together is false. If if stating the obvious is pc, then it's your problem, not mine. Are you going to call me sjw now?

you really don't want to go back and document the name calling between you and I, it will not enforce or rectify this silly point you are attempting to make.
The murderer was part of the hate group's assembly. Nobody denies he was part of that crowd. Fair or not, he cast shame on that group.

The shooter in Texas was not even part of the BLM march. He was black, which I guess has significance to you. Cops died protecting the marchers and those acts of courage were acknowledged by the BLM marchers.

If not for that man's actions, nobody in Charlottesville riots needed hospital care. Not one. Also, no property damage. What you saw were scraps and melee. I'm actually in awe at the self control shown on both sides that the violence didn't escalate.

ya I thought that would have been much worse as well.
Your logic is ridded with errors. Agreeing with someone's point is different than agreeing with everything they ever said. That's just pathetic.

Antifa isn't doing themselves any favors by being baited into violence with white supremacists. That's a different point than saying they started it. Of course those who started it should absolutely be held accountable.

Flynn and Russia isn't even being discussed, 'squirrel!' distraction. Again, pathetic, nevermind out of context; my point then was that concentrating on the scandal was not moving the people's business forward. It is now clear that's not going to be on the agenda no matter what until and unless the Chump is ousted.

Anything else?

Your sorry attempts to smear me rather than engage with me in honest debate have me in agreement with Pada about you; you are no longer worth discussing things with, because you can't debate honestly.

Antifa defended the streets and were never even mentioned as a cause of the violence last Saturday by authorities charged with keeping the peace. The only people talking about Antifa are right wing leaders like Trump. You are quoting right wing propaganda and have been doing so for some time. A person can be judged by the company they keep, Mr Conservative.
you really don't want to go back and document the name calling between you and I, it will not enforce or rectify this silly point you are attempting to make.
I wasn't referring to past conversations, just this one. It is not pc to crush your phony attempt to paint all poor white people as members of the KKK and neo-nazis. It seems you are retreating from this position and so I'll let you go.
I wasn't referring to past conversations, just this one. It is not pc to crush your phony attempt to paint all poor white people as members of the KKK and neo-nazis. It seems you are retreating from this position and so I'll let you go.
Isn't there somewhere else to talk about non economics subjects?
Isn't there somewhere else to talk about non economics subjects?
Oh I'm perfectly happy to continue discussing your fake liberal credentials right here. I mean you have plenty of off topic posts in this very thread.

Now, about your defense of @Padawanbater2 . Why the fuck can't you just accept that you don't really care about social justice?
I wasn't referring to past conversations, just this one. It is not pc to crush your phony attempt to paint all poor white people as members of the KKK and neo-nazis. It seems you are retreating from this position and so I'll let you go.

you know, had i used the phrase "poor white trash" you would have a point here.

but I didn't.

so you don't.

neo nazis, skin heads and white supremacists are white trash...espicially the challenger driver....your impulses to pick a pc fight aren't going to change my opinion of it.

further more your sad ploy to place the word "poor" in my mouth and bleed your pc vagina all over me about YOUR word only serves to show what a shill you really are.

your lame attempt to characterize the Dallas shooter who was a new panther and targeted whites as only significant to me because he "was black" is a huge tell on your part and reiterates my point of your non objective view of all of this.
you know, had i used the phrase "poor white trash" you would have a point here.

but I didn't.

so you don't.

neo nazis, skin heads and white supremacists are white trash...espicially the challenger driver....your impulses to pick a pc fight aren't going to change my opinion of it.

further more your sad ploy to place the word "poor" in my mouth and bleed your pc vagina all over me about YOUR word only serves to show what a shill you really are.

your lame attempt to characterize the Dallas shooter who was a new panther and targeted whites as only significant to me because he "was black" is a huge tell on your part and reiterates my point of your non objective view of all of this.
You are the one all in a dither. I'm pointing out that white trash is a larger demographic. Deal with it however you like. If you sense guilt then it's on you. I'm correcting your words not preaching morality.

PC is all about avoiding gratuitous insult. If you felt insulted it wasn't because pc. I did not gratuitously insult you.
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white trash
ˈˌ(h)wīt ˈtraSH/
NORTH AMERICANinformalderogatory
  1. poor white people, especially those living in the southern US.
White trash are just poor white people. Neo-nazis or skin heads are a group who represent racist and bigoted policies and are not necessarily from the lower economic groups. I'm not going to hate on poor people just because some from their group are skin heads and Nazis. It's pretty obvious that tying so-called white trash with the two hate groups is a ploy by the dividers of this country to maintain their own power base.
Your chosen racist white trash candidate is only palatable to white supremacist narcissistic abusers like you.


Definition of white trash
usually disparaging + offensive

  1. : a member of an inferior or underprivileged white social group
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Definition of white trash
usually disparaging + offensive

  1. : a member of an inferior or underprivileged white social group
That's not the same as
Neo-Nazi groups share a hatred for Jews and a love for Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. While they also hate other minorities, gays and lesbians and even sometimes Christians, they perceive "the Jew" as their cardinal enemy.

Again, I'm just correcting your inclusion of an entire demographic of white people of lower economic class, I'm just saying that neo nazis are not white trash and white trash are not neo nazi. There is actually a sense of honor among people who associate themselves as white trash. Neo Nazis have no honor.
"white trash is only palatable to white supremacists"

for the lulz ok, nice chat; see ya.

"white trash is only palatable to white supremacists"

for the lulz ok, nice chat; see ya.
You don't read good do you.

The whole quote: "Your chosen racist white trash candidate is only palatable to white supremacist narcissistic abusers like you."

Racist white trash candidate = Trump
White supremacist narcissistic abuser = neo nazi

Pathetic 1st grade use of language you have.
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