Man with medical reasons for MJ is convicted in Canada


Well-Known Member
I've seen people make posts here at roll it up that a Canadian who has a medical need for MJ would never be convicted if he grew his own medicine.

This article says different.

Even with a minor conviction it now affects his travel and if he had a professional registration with an organization - nurse, engineer, lawyer etc he would now have to inform them of the said conviction, which may cause problems for him. He can certainly forget about going down to the states not that he would want to go down to that police state.
I've seen people make posts here at roll it up that a Canadian who has a medical need for MJ would never be convicted if he grew his own medicine.

This article says different.

Even with a minor conviction it now affects his travel and if he had a professional registration with an organization - nurse, engineer, lawyer etc he would now have to inform them of the said conviction, which may cause problems for him. He can certainly forget about going down to the states not that he would want to go down to that police state.

This guy is an idoit Buckets... Like this is his fault. Overloading the circut and you are not legal.. (where they do that at?)..

I dont want to say to much on this subject, but I speak from personal experience. Having an MMAR in the past and not being able to switch over to a new address, one had to do, what one had to. Got a visit.was told was growing plants at the time.

What I do know is that Im still here and have no record.

I only had my old address MMAR. so say what you want.

The person in the story doesn't even RELATE to what most people.on here argure

Most times its about growing in A new location. without a proper health canada change.

1st (no mmar/mmpr / not even an expired acmpr) this man HAD SHIT OHH..

2) He cuased a fire / and the police where called in. Obviously they had to act on it. Come on now @buckets This is a WEAK example and I agree with you on most things.

Like I said and personal experience. Boys in blue showed up. Im here today no charges. All I had was the mmar at the time.

Now im on the straight and narrow in all life.

My advice to anyone is the risk worth the reward. Are you a person that has balls of steal and would have done this regardless of a med card program (black market attitude go for it).. If not get fully legal if you plan to show and tell and overlaod circuts and bring heat to yourself or simple peace of mind.
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I agree that he was dumb. I like what your advice is...risk vs reward. He still got a conviction is my point. Then after the conviction he went and got his permit to grow legally for himself. Court costs too don't forget. It all comes down on him for being such a dumbass.
I've seen people make posts here at roll it up that a Canadian who has a medical need for MJ would never be convicted if he grew his own medicine.

This article says different.

Even with a minor conviction it now affects his travel and if he had a professional registration with an organization - nurse, engineer, lawyer etc he would now have to inform them of the said conviction, which may cause problems for him. He can certainly forget about going down to the states not that he would want to go down to that police state.
nice try ...

another one that just doesn't quite GET IT

ppphhhhttttnot worth anyones time with this crap


risk and reward

life and death

No. I'm sorry GB123, I don't get it. Everyone has different stakes going on for them. I hope you're not going to try and bully me away from here like you have with so many others just because I have a different view to yours. I have shown evidence with this article on the consequences of what could happen if you screw up on your grow and don't have a permit. That's all I'm trying to do here is show proof that people with a medical need can still be charged and convicted in Canada if they don't have the permits. Even if a person gets probation a person still will encounter problems as they try to travel or renew a professional registration, which is why I agree that people need to think about risk vs potential gain before they do something without having the proper documentation even though it might be a true pain in the ass to get it.
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Can we put this fucking subject to rest??

I don't know anyone stupid enough to read something written here by some random and take it as solid fact. So the white knights who are here to "save" us from bad advice can fuck off.

People are always going to have different opinions/beliefs/points of view. And there are always some who are more willing to stand by their beliefs and convictions regardless of what the law says.

Fucking children dragging this forum into typical internet bullshit.
How dare you provide factual evidence to back up your claim, do you know where you are? There's no room for facts here!
The fact is that the guy in the article was a complete dumb ass that set his house on fire and brought the attention of firemen and cops to his home no warrant needed.
Not to mention gun charges to make the pot growing look even worse and less medical.

Seriously how does this prove what would have happened if his house never catches fire and or he never owned guns?
Can't paint everyone with the same brush that's what the government does and fails
The fact is that the guy in the article was a complete dumb ass that set his house on fire and brought the attention of firemen and cops to his home no warrant needed.
Not to mention gun charges to make the pot growing look even worse and less medical.

Seriously how does this prove what would have happened if his house never catches fire and or he never owned guns?
Can't paint everyone with the same brush that's what the government does and fails
Guns at a grow in Colorado will get you tossed in jail RIGHT NOW, no matter what your medical status is.
Can we put this fucking subject to rest??

I don't know anyone stupid enough to read something written here by some random and take it as solid fact. So the white knights who are here to "save" us from bad advice can fuck off.

People are always going to have different opinions/beliefs/points of view. And there are always some who are more willing to stand by their beliefs and convictions regardless of what the law says.

Fucking children dragging this forum into typical internet bullshit.

Yeah but when those randoms get together and form something like the schill borg providing misinformation to get people in trouble, it is worth the while to try and steer innocent folks away from those clowns. gb123, the_hippy, et al. just want you to put your neck on the line for their amusement. It isn't a good idea to take advice from the criminal element of anything anyhow and those two not only condone civil disobedience but violent actions against others as well.

If you are Canadian it is very simple to get your authorization and not have to worry just by filling out a form and getting a prescription. Those who complain about having trouble with their doctors are obviously those just trying to get scripts to produce and sell. Very easy to find alternative medicine doctors in Canada as they are all over the place.

ACMPR is way easier than all previous registration systems the government put into place. The only people complaining about it are criminals and those without a valid medical reason.
Those who complain about having trouble with their doctors are obviously those just trying to get scripts to produce and sell. Very easy to find alternative medicine doctors in Canada as they are all over the place.

Go fuck yourself. I know plenty of people who are legitimate medical users, whos regular family doctors are not comfortable signing a cannabis recommendation form, and who refuse to pay extortion fees that many doctors and "canna-clincs" charge, myself included. Some how in your head this makes them criminals???

Get fucked buddy. Your not welcome
Yeah but when those randoms get together and form something like the schill borg providing misinformation to get people in trouble, it is worth the while to try and steer innocent folks away from those clowns. gb123, the_hippy, et al. just want you to put your neck on the line for their amusement. It isn't a good idea to take advice from the criminal element of anything anyhow and those two not only condone civil disobedience but violent actions against others as well.

If you are Canadian it is very simple to get your authorization and not have to worry just by filling out a form and getting a prescription. Those who complain about having trouble with their doctors are obviously those just trying to get scripts to produce and sell. Very easy to find alternative medicine doctors in Canada as they are all over the place.

ACMPR is way easier than all previous registration systems the government put into place. The only people complaining about it are criminals and those without a valid medical reason.

You are so wrong on everything you how misguided you are. Where did I advocate violence? You are correct on the civil disobedience part though. And as far as the Bm la BM
I know dozen of folks in the BM and everyone of them is a hell of a lot nicer than you. As soon as they heard your spew you'd be an outcast like you are a cop sucker. Which is worse than a co*k sucker. You'd probably have been a good buddy with a dictator like......... You remind of all those generals and suck up's who are always beside the little north korean dicky bird little pug kim. They all laugh and smile and clap...afraid of his wrath. You ever see them??...little meek men who are just trying to save their own skin. Don't be them.
I can't stand your type of suck-up. As someone else pointed out it's civil disobedience that has you even here spewing your verbal diarrhea.

Who do you think started these weed websites...your hero's " the man " ????You owe everything you've got that's weed related to the black market. Your so stupid you don't even see that part.
Do you think trudy maggot and his greedy buddies want these sites telling folks what and who they are....greedy latecomers with an army to back em up. Dumb fucks like....are so stupid to that fact.
Did you think all the weed sites are government sponsored????? dweebus, it's the BM at work....fuck man..wake up and smell who is supporting you.

Where would you think you'd be without others taking it for the team for sniveling little weaklings such as that type. You'll never get any respect here because this forum embraces those who have fought the fight. Not some suck up baby who does what he's told. Your type won't get it because your type is never included. Face it, your just not in the loop. And the funny part is you couldn't even buy your way in. You have to get it to be admitted and you clearly are not that bright. I guess you figure the Hells Angels are behind it all eh...lmao
The BM is gonna stick trudy maggots legalization plan right up his tight prissy pampered ass. Many folks already know this who are not even of the culture. I bet it pisses you off that your loosing and will loose in the future eh? That part makes me so happy to see you squirm and spout off this and that to folks that just laugh at you. Kind of like the village idiot got treated many years ago. Now back to the village you should go. Because from what I've seen you're looked at here as a bit of a joke due to your own rambling's.
It must feel pretty bad to think the only folks who respect you are a bunch of suck up uncool dweebs.

And here's another fact you missed. GB and I have many different views and what he says is his and what I say is mine. Your so uneducated and illiterate that you seem to have missed that part.

Your 127 posts have not done much to help you learn. Try ICmag..they love your kind. Way too many BM boogeymen here for
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very last part of the article points out he had NO licence at the time he was raided.
So Though he had some legit medical reasons to use mmj,the article was probably not the best example
of a medical user getting busted Buckets
Go fuck yourself. I know plenty of people who are legitimate medical users, whos regular family doctors are not comfortable signing a cannabis recommendation form, and who refuse to pay extortion fees that many doctors and "canna-clincs" charge, myself included. Some how in your head this makes them criminals???

Get fucked buddy. Your not welcome

Of course most doctors aren't comfortable providing a recommendation for a patient falsifying an ailment. We as a society expect that of doctors, to not only protect ourselves directly but from those criminal elements that take advantage of the medical system.

It is very simple, if you have a legitimate ailment which this can help then there isn't a doctor that won't help.
Yeah but when those randoms get together and form something like the schill borg providing misinformation to get people in trouble, it is worth the while to try and steer innocent folks away from those clowns. gb123, the_hippy, et al. just want you to put your neck on the line for their amusement. It isn't a good idea to take advice from the criminal element of anything anyhow and those two not only condone civil disobedience but violent actions against others as well.

If you are Canadian it is very simple to get your authorization and not have to worry just by filling out a form and getting a prescription. Those who complain about having trouble with their doctors are obviously those just trying to get scripts to produce and sell. Very easy to find alternative medicine doctors in Canada as they are all over the place.

ACMPR is way easier than all previous registration systems the government put into place. The only people complaining about it are criminals and those without a valid medical reason.

Of course most doctors aren't comfortable providing a recommendation for a patient falsifying an ailment. We as a society expect that of doctors, to not only protect ourselves directly but from those criminal elements that take advantage of the medical system.

It is very simple, if you have a legitimate ailment which this can help then there isn't a doctor that won't help.

There's that cop thingy showing again. We like bacon, but not your kind!