I tried since the MMAR came in to get a doctor to sign and couldn't. 6 doctors said no when I have documented chronic depression going back to a 1977 hammer attack that damn near killed me and serious arthritis. My only other option was Skype type docs that charged up to $500 to sign and out of principle, and lack of funds, I refuse to go that route.
Had I lived in a big city like Edmonton instead of way up north in Bumfuck, Alberta I likely would have had better luck but a great many of us don't live in major centers. At least we now have the NDP here instead of the Cons and they have opened the door for doctors to get educated and sign up patients. The doc that just renewed mine told me 5 years ago that pot made people crazy and refused to sign but has sure changed his tune since.
These clinics that charge thousands on a sliding scale depending on the daily limit you want are illegal and should all have been shut down years ago. It's crap like that makes it all a joke in many peoples minds and will mess it up for those of us that aren't in it for profit.
Where do you get 35 years from? The MMAR wasn't instituted until 2001 so there was no legal recourse until then.
These yearly renewals are bullshit too. As long as you have a doctors permission you should only have to apply to grow once then get a doc to sign each year to keep your growing legal.
I wonder how long it's going to take for the rec growers to get their papers processed once thousands of them start registering and how much time that will add for med patients to get theirs.
Stupid, corporate controlled government bullshit!