Donald Trump threatens 'fury' against N Korea ..(again)

i dont see any gain in getting them, electricty is cheap why ivest soemthign thats gonna take years to recoup the cost
Not too mention all the maintenance required in solar panels I can get a job right now just cleaning the fucking things. Turned down the offer because I hate Boston it smells like shit nothing like the clean fresh mountain air.
Not too mention all the maintenance required in solar panels I can get a job right now just cleaning the fucking things. Turned down the offer because I hate Boston it smells like shit nothing like the clean fresh mountain air.

I heard if a leaf gets on a panel it will kill the whole cell, also how do they stand up to hail? what about snow?
I heard if a leaf gets on a panel it will kill the whole cell, also how do they stand up to hail? what about snow?
For real, lots of money in the maintenance alone. Hail will crack them good god knows how they will stand up to hurricane force winds.
For real, lots of money in the maintenance alone. Hail will crack them good god knows how they will stand up to hurricane force winds.

funny how all these "green-go-getters" live in the land of lolly pops and unicorns, endless supply of money and if david suzuki tells them soemthing their all over it......

this generations fucked, what are they called millenials? should be pussys.....

hopefully they dont see a war wed be fucked