Donald Trump threatens 'fury' against N Korea ..(again)

Google 'Overton Window'.

What Americans think of as centrist is still pretty right wing.

Bernie Sanders is a centrist to the rest of the planet. Only here in 'Murrica is he considered a left winger.

I believe in socialized education, fire and emergency protection and police- with strong accountability. I believe in socialized roads and infrastructure. Most Americans also believe in the very same things- or we wouldn't have public fire and police protection, publicly funded roads, public schools or public utilities.

Publicly funded higher education isn't much of a stretch, and neither is publicly funded medicine. The reason why it's been made a big deal in the media is only because we have a very small group of wildly overpaid and incredibly selfish assholes who are bent on telling the rest of us what we should and shouldn't have- because THEY want to save money on their taxes. After all, YOUR taxes aren't going down, are they?

What this makes me is a centrist. A true socialist would want to nationalize industry. I think that's a bad idea. I do want to tax those industries because i believe corporations owe the country that gives them infrastructure, trained employees and affluent customers. That isn't socialist, either.

The notion that upper classes and corporations should not have to support the country that made it possible for them to profit is authoritarian, autocratic and ultimately aristocratic and as such is a clear and present threat to democracy and the freedom of average citizens.

I'm open to other perspectives, especially if they're as open to discussion about their ideas as i am about mine. If people's political ideas don't hold up under scrutiny then maybe they aren't worth keeping.

I feel my positions are eminently defensible and provide the most prosperity for the largest number of citizens.

I do not believe that the prosperity of millions is worth sacrificing for the outlandish aggrandizement of a few. Charles and David Koch smokers and their ilk might disagree, but they are literally one in a million. The other million need to make a decent living, too!
I believe in nationalizing certain industries, this is why I always say I'm way to the left of you...but you say I'm a right winger.

And bullshit, you told people they're "on notice" and to "get the fuck out of the way".
Google 'Overton Window'.

What Americans think of as centrist is still pretty right wing.

Bernie Sanders is a centrist to the rest of the planet. Only here in 'Murrica is he considered a left winger.

I believe in socialized education, fire and emergency protection and police- with strong accountability. I believe in socialized roads and infrastructure. Most Americans also believe in the very same things- or we wouldn't have public fire and police protection, publicly funded roads, public schools or public utilities.

Publicly funded higher education isn't much of a stretch, and neither is publicly funded medicine. The reason why it's been made a big deal in the media is only because we have a very small group of wildly overpaid and incredibly selfish assholes who are bent on telling the rest of us what we should and shouldn't have- because THEY want to save money on their taxes. After all, YOUR taxes aren't going down, are they?

What this makes me is a centrist. A true socialist would want to nationalize industry. I think that's a bad idea. I do want to tax those industries because i believe corporations owe the country that gives them infrastructure, trained employees and affluent customers. That isn't socialist, either.

The notion that upper classes and corporations should not have to support the country that made it possible for them to profit is authoritarian, autocratic and ultimately aristocratic and as such is a clear and present threat to democracy and the freedom of average citizens.

I'm open to other perspectives, especially if they're as open to discussion about their ideas as i am about mine. If people's political ideas don't hold up under scrutiny then maybe they aren't worth keeping.

I feel my positions are eminently defensible and provide the most prosperity for the largest number of citizens.

I do not believe that the prosperity of millions is worth sacrificing for the outlandish aggrandizement of a few. Charles and David Koch smokers and their ilk might disagree, but they are literally one in a million. The other million need to make a decent living, too!

you think socializing industry is a bad idea but you want to socialize healthcare and education...and increase taxes on "industry" more than the almost half it already is which equates to about half ownership btw........but you are a centrist?

a good portion of what you mentioned arguably all of it is what I consider a "voluntary" and constitutional tax...roads, fire even education and to the extreme I would argue social security and income taxes fit that bill too.

my taxes can go down right now if you big government folks would let my employer pay me $3/hr or even $1. you won't though because of min wage laws....if I made a silver eagle per hour that would be below the min to file.....boom, my taxes went waaay down since 2 grand is well below the min to file.

at some point you are going to have to come to grip with what is a dollar before confronting the manipulation of paper/petro/sdr "dollars" that you speak of all the time.
you think socializing industry is a bad idea but you want to socialize healthcare and education...and increase taxes on "industry" more than the almost half it already is which equates to about half ownership btw........but you are a centrist?

a good portion of what you mentioned arguably all of it is what I consider a "voluntary" and constitutional tax...roads, fire even education and to the extreme I would argue social security and income taxes fit that bill too.

my taxes can go down right now if you big government folks would let my employer pay me $3/hr or even $1. you won't though because of min wage laws....if I made a silver eagle per hour that would be below the min to file.....boom, my taxes went waaay down since 2 grand is well below the min to file.

at some point you are going to have to come to grip with what is a dollar before confronting the manipulation of paper/petro/sdr "dollars" that you speak of all the time.
Yeah he's pretty center.

Lol, you want to pay less taxes by only earning $3 an hour?

That's fucking retarded, there's absolutely no way you'd make more even after taxes.
He just sucks conservative cock so much he can't think for himself.
Let me guess....youve never been out of your own country maybe not even out of you own province?
He sticks to his local Developed trailer park. Either that or he lives 'way out in the woods' with the child feeler.

I'd rather see growth and make good money than some stupid climate change cash grab, climate change is snake oil.
You guys must like the left, they reward the ones who do nothing and take from the ones who work hard to get to where they are.

Ill sum up the last sentence in short form for you guys,

I'd rather see growth and make good money than some stupid climate change cash grab, climate change is snake oil.
You guys must like the left, they reward the ones who do nothing and take from the ones who work hard to get to where they are.

Ill sum up the last sentence in short form for you guys,

yup, it's a hoax.

the lizard people convinced the left of it so they can bask on solar panels.

jeb bush 2032
yup, it's a hoax.

the lizard people convinced the left of it so they can bask on solar panels.

jeb bush 2032

I hope if they are groring their not using electricty from the grid and supplying it themselves through solar or wind, becuase their contributing to it as well, the pot calling the kettle black eh.

i love the man bun purse wearing cyclists their veiws are so right
I'd rather see growth and make good money than some stupid climate change cash grab, climate change is snake oil.
You guys must like the left, they reward the ones who do nothing and take from the ones who work hard to get to where they are.

Ill sum up the last sentence in short form for you guys,


Chances are, I subsidize you in some way. You're welcome.
what is it like to be literally retarded?

is it painful?

dont preach your green bullshit if your not going to do it yourself........

im going to keep my gas guzzling vehicles, im looking at getting a old 50's end dump to use as a daily just to protests, it has the original engine and its been rebuilt, 4 miles to the gallon|!
Doubt away, dumdum.
oh i will........

then again i can write alot of my shit off, so i guess you are picking up my tab somewhat......

oh and i dont contibute to cpp,or ei......
waste of time,

I claimed ei when i was in school and i had to pay 30% back because i made too much, then the next year i got y banked hours and vacation pay they considered that income and i had to pay all my ei back..... what a joke that is..........

cpp probably wont be around when im retiring the way the goverments spend money and their failed green schemes, look at ontario
dont preach your green bullshit if your not going to do it yourself........

im going to keep my gas guzzling vehicles, im looking at getting a old 50's end dump to use as a daily just to protests, it has the original engine and its been rebuilt, 4 miles to the gallon|!

my gas is a write off, technically i dotn pay for it the company does,

12,000.00 spent on gas so far, last year was around 35,000.00
my gas is a write off, technically i dotn pay for it the company does,

12,000.00 spent on gas so far, last year was around 35,000.00

i don't think you get how a write off works, but that's OK. keep hurting yourself because it triggers libs so hard.

you know what realy triggers me? when right wing retards video tape themselves eating their dog's shit. i get SO pissed.
i don't think you get how a write off works, but that's OK. keep hurting yourself because it triggers libs so hard.

you know what realy triggers me? when right wing retards video tape themselves eating their dog's shit. i get SO pissed.

part of it is, if they dont like it ill start logging kms, its a better write off but a pain in the ass