Donald Trump threatens 'fury' against N Korea ..(again)


Well-Known Member
North Korea Guam missile strike plan 'ready by mid-August'

North Korea says it will be ready by mid-August to fire four missiles near the US territory of Guam, as a war of words with Washington intensifies.

State media said Hwasong-12 rockets would pass over Japan and land in the sea about 30km (17 miles) from Guam,

if the plan was approved by Kim Jong-un.

Warnings of "fire and fury" from Donald Trump were denounced, and the US leader was described as "bereft of reason".

The US has warned the North its actions could mean the "end of its regime".

US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said Pyongyang would be "grossly overmatched" in any war against the US and its allies.

The North first announced on Wednesday that it was planning a missile strike against Guam,

which is home to US military bases, strategic bombers and about 163,000 people.

A later statement said the military would "finally complete the plan" by mid-August and report it to leader Kim Jong-un for his approval.

"The Hwasong-12 rockets to be launched by the KPA [Korean People's Army] will cross the sky above Shimane, Hiroshima

and Koichi Prefectures of Japan," state news agency KCNA said, quoting army chief General Kim Rak Gyom.

"They will fly 3,356.7km for 1,065 seconds and hit the waters 30-40km away from Guam."

It called President Trump's remarks on Tuesday that the North risked "fire and fury" as "a load of nonsense".

"Sound dialogue is not possible with such a guy bereft of reason and only absolute force can work on him," it added.

Amid escalating rhetoric, Mr Mattis issued a strongly worded statement on Wednesday, called on Pyongyang to halt its arms programme.

"The DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea] must choose to stop isolating itself and stand down its pursuit of nuclear weapons," he said.

"While our state department is making every effort to resolve this global threat through diplomatic means, it must be noted that the combined

allied militaries now possess the most precise, rehearsed and robust defensive and offensive capabilities on Earth."

Mr Trump boasted about America's atomic arsenal earlier on Wednesday.

Tweeting from New Jersey where he is on holiday, the president said the US nuclear stockpile was "more powerful than ever before".

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has sought to reassure Americans that North Korea does not pose an imminent threat.

Speaking in Guam, he said he was hopeful a global "pressure campaign" involving

Russia and China could lead to new dialogue with Pyongyang "about a different future"

The tiny but important island of Guam

    • The 541sq km (209 sq miles) volcanic and coral island in the Pacific between the Philippines and Hawaii.
    • It is a "non-incorporated" US territory, with a population of about 163,000.
    • That means people born in Guam are US citizens, have an elected governor and House Representative,
    • but cannot vote for a president in US national elections.
    • US military bases cover about a quarter of the island. About 6,000 personnel are based there and there are plans to move in thousands more.
    • It was a key US base in World War Two, and remains a vital staging post for US operations, giving access to potential

Does all of this give you a boner?


Well-Known Member
not just now come August perhaps

does make me slurb my Boorsch tho

depends on what stocks fall

an erect blood filled penis. brought on my sexual arousion. the average male gets 3 a night while your sleeping. also known as erection, stiffy, chubby, hard on

a sexual reference to a news item can only be the Vatican manipulating this boner wisher when a teen?


Well-Known Member

Disturbing thought of the day. What if Vostok IS some kind of retired 80's cyborg and his circuits are breaking down?

Bots on bots on bots. Meta bots

Vostok is the one on the right.


Well-Known Member

Disturbing thought of the day. What if Vostok IS some kind of retired 80's cyborg and his circuits are breaking down?

Bots on bots on bots. Meta bots

Vostok is the one on the right.
Holy Fuck you're right

my avatar is from Hurk of Far Cry 4?
my babe says thats me to a tick

I just can't see why 2 of the world's most unliked guys
their fingers on nuke buttons



Well-Known Member
It's just another distraction supplied by Russia and N Korea to help Trump. NK does not have nukes small enough to go on one of their missiles.


Well-Known Member
here you go again insulting the dnc's voter base
rates of disability are way higher in red states and especially trump counties. hence why the 2600+ counties he won are only worth 35% of the economy. they are also less healthy, whiter, have higher food stamp usage, and all thee rest.

how long do you suppose it will be before you get banned again, twink?


Well-Known Member
rates of disability are way higher in red states and especially trump counties. hence why the 2600+ counties he won are only worth 35% of the economy. they are also less healthy, whiter, have higher food stamp usage, and all thee rest.

how long do you suppose it will be before you get banned again, twink?
I'd need to see your evidence in graph form. I'm not gonna get banned just because you don't like me.


Well-Known Member
It's just another distraction supplied by Russia and N Korea to help Trump. NK does not have nukes small enough to go on one of their missiles.
Imagine what a mess it could still make if hundreds of pounds of highly enriched nuclear material went SPLAT in the middle of a major metropolis. It need not go boom to cause thousands of casualties and billions of dollars in damage... After all, you can't clean it ALL up.

Several intelligence agencies have made the assessment that indeed North Korea does have miniaturized nuclear warheads, but it has also been pointed out that these same agencies have been suspiciously wrong before; Syria, Iraq, etc. It seems to happen most when the administration is trying to gin up an excuse to go to war, not unlike now.


Well-Known Member
Imagine what a mess it could still make if hundreds of pounds of highly enriched nuclear material went SPLAT in the middle of a major metropolis. It need not go boom to cause thousands of casualties and billions of dollars in damage... After all, you can't clean it ALL up.

Several intelligence agencies have made the assessment that indeed North Korea does have miniaturized nuclear warheads, but it has also been pointed out that these same agencies have been suspiciously wrong before; Syria, Iraq, etc. It seems to happen most when the administration is trying to gin up an excuse to go to war, not unlike now.
are you still harping on that syria conspiracy theory?

Green Bud Smurfy

Active Member
rates of disability are way higher in red states and especially trump counties. hence why the 2600+ counties he won are only worth 35% of the economy. they are also less healthy, whiter, have higher food stamp usage, and all thee rest.

how long do you suppose it will be before you get banned again, twink?
You mention that "whiter" Trump counties make up only 35% of the economy. CLEARLY you forgot that white people make alot more money than blacks (on average). Blacks, who use a lot of welfare in proportion to whites, vote over 90% for Dems. White people use less welfare and government assistance (fact). Awful argument, and you make it seem as if "whiter" is a bad thing.

It was much more of a rural vs urban than anything race-related. There were tons of rich liberal white snobs in the city who voted for Hillary. Go visit Falmouth or Portland Maine and you'll see a near 100% white town stock full of rich white wine snobs! They voted for Hillary overwhelmingly. You try to twist around stats way too much.