Looking for Strains with African Genetics

All I get on Facebook is comments from people who read all my comments and Steemit posts, etc.

I have a big Instagram and a big Twitter. I had over 1,000,000 views on YouTube and my google+ is still influencial.

You guys are just like angry losers that troll me, no one else does it. So I know the problem is on your end.
All I get on Facebook is comments from people who read all my comments and Steemit posts, etc.

I have a big Instagram and a big Twitter. I had over 1,000,000 views on YouTube and my google+ is still influencial.

You guys are just like angry losers that troll me, no one else does it. So I know the problem is on your end.

we fuck with you because you haven't grown up or changed in eight years. you are the perfect example of what NOT to do...
Like, if I was bullied or friendless in school, then on my Facebook it was people saying like "Why? What happened to you?" and no one cared about me, or followed (even stalk) me, and read everything I wrote. Then I came here and you guys were acting like this, I might be a sad little loser and go hang myself.

But that's not what happened, I was popular in school, to the point where people would tell me rumors they heard about me being a hard ass, but I wasn't. I just sold weed and dealt with hard asses and stuff. For example a rumor that got back to me was that I would kick your ass for a line of coke, and when I heard that rumor I had never tried it before. And one only done it like 8 times in my life.

I lost my virginity at 14 and me and my friends who were girls would like compare numbers and everything and try to come back with more the next time.

Then I get arrested and have to leave to go to Colorado to study the law to come back and fight my case for 5 years, and you guys want to talk shit the whole time.

I assume the worst if you are either jealous people from my hometown, or people who miss me and are mad I'm gone. The rest seem to be dirty old men with no jobs who liked jacking off to pictures of my underage sister in 2010.

You guys are the losers.
Like, if I was bullied or friendless in school, then on my Facebook it was people saying like "Why? What happened to you?" and no one cared about me, or followed (even stalk) me, and read everything I wrote. Then I came here and you guys were acting like this, I might be a sad little loser and go hang myself.

But that's not what happened, I was popular in school, to the point where people would tell me rumors they heard about me being a hard ass, but I wasn't. I just sold weed and dealt with hard asses and stuff. For example a rumor that got back to me was that I would kick your ass for a line of coke, and when I heard that rumor I had never tried it before. And one only done it like 8 times in my life.

I lost my virginity at 14 and me and my friends who were girls would like compare numbers and everything and try to come back with more the next time.

Then I get arrested and have to leave to go to Colorado to study the law to come back and fight my case for 5 years, and you guys want to talk shit the whole time.

I assume the worst if you are either jealous people from my hometown, or people who miss me and are mad I'm gone. The rest seem to be dirty old men with no jobs who liked jacking off to pictures of my underage sister in 2010.

You guys are the losers.
All I get on Facebook is comments from people who read all my comments and Steemit posts, etc.

I have a big Instagram and a big Twitter. I had over 1,000,000 views on YouTube and my google+ is still influencial.

You guys are just like angry losers that troll me, no one else does it. So I know the problem is on your end.

Okay on a serious note, nobody takes you seriously because you shoot down everything anyone else has to say. You say "lol" or "you don't understand" in just about every response you give. Your plants look like shit and you say its to weed out the weak or inferior genetics. Every time someone tries to help or suggests something different you get overly defensive and talk down to them.

Your grow is a joke and if it were mine I'd throw it all out and start again with real lights (CMD, HPS/MH or COB/QB LED). You will never get good results depriving your plants. If you want to weed out the poor genetics grow them properly and give them everything they need and then if they still don't perform, weed out the weak ones then!

Your understanding of breeding is very elementary at best and you are setting yourself up for cross contamination and failure, it's a joke!

Your quest for strains is also a joke as everyone likes different things and what doesn't appeal to one person might be someone else's favorite strain. You have to grow for yourself and decide what you like then go with those strains.

And now you are on to Cider and yeast trepenes, are you fucking serious? I admit I don't make cider but I have a shit load of wine and the last thing you want to taste in the finished product is yeast! Thats why you make wine and cider from fruit, you want to taste the fruit not the yeast!

You talk out of your ass and disrespect EVERYONE that tries to help you, that is why you get trolled! You sir are a fool!
LO fucking L

Will you ever amount to anything like your sister did?

You're letting down Mom and the whole family with this shit.

Lol. Do you understand the irony of your statement? You say I will never amount to anything, when I already have amounted to plenty. I have a much bigger audience than any of you, and you are the only haters I have. Then you go further and make it clear you are one if the dirty old men in taking about.

Plus, have you seen my grow? You guys act like no one has ever grown good weed with LEDs when LEDs are responsible for plenty of good weed.

And the lights aren't even the good part. I'm growing Banana Crack, White Strawberry Skunk and Malawi Gold, and if I were just breeding those strains it would be something. But I'm not just growing them, I'm breeding them together and with other plants.

And you guys can pretend I am failing at every turn, but as always I will prove you wrong again and 2 months later you will be rehashing the same arguments and being proved wrong again. Like always.
Okay on a serious note, nobody takes you seriously because you shoot down everything anyone else has to say. You say "lol" or "you don't understand" in just about every response you give. Your plants look like shit and you say its to weed out the weak or inferior genetics. Every time someone tries to help or suggests something different you get overly defensive and talk down to them.

Your grow is a joke and if it were mine I'd throw it all out and start again with real lights (CMD, HPS/MH or COB/QB LED). You will never get good results depriving your plants. If you want to weed out the poor genetics grow them properly and give them everything they need and then if they still don't perform, weed out the weak ones then!

Your understanding of breeding is very elementary at best and you are setting yourself up for cross contamination and failure, it's a joke!

Your quest for strains is also a joke as everyone likes different things and what doesn't appeal to one person might be someone else's favorite strain. You have to grow for yourself and decide what you like then go with those strains.

And now you are on to Cider and yeast trepenes, are you fucking serious? I admit I don't make cider but I have a shit load of wine and the last thing you want to taste in the finished product is yeast! Thats why you make wine and cider from fruit, you want to taste the fruit not the yeast!

You talk out of your ass and disrespect EVERYONE that tries to help you, that is why you get trolled! You sir are a fool!

Lol. I don't think you get it. You guys are a small group of losers. You can't use words like "everyone" or "nobody" because it's simply not true. You are a small group of losers that don't like me, everyone else is fine.

I understand you feel comfortable in what you are doing because their are other dirty old men, and trolls, and people on disability who hate their lives who are on your side. But you aren't "everyone" you are a small group of losers.
Just because a bunch of losers get together and call someone cooler than them a loser, does not mean roles have switched.
Well I sure as fuck hope that no one knows my name! I'm growing cannabis fuck tard! Thats probably why you got busted!

I've never been arrested for growing weed. And they were there for my sister because her and a bunch of friends skipped school. But they weren't there, and it is actually my religion, so I took the charges then left soon after to study the law.
Your idea of 'something of consequence' is totally warped.

How much did you make last year?

Last year I worked for a ISO certified Oracle Platinum Partner company that makes Government software. I had to sign an NDA though so I can't talk about any details. Just generally how RFPs and Proposals and Contracts work. Not details.
Lol. Do you understand the irony of your statement? You say I will never amount to anything, when I already have amounted to plenty. I have a much bigger audience than any of you, and you are the only haters I have. Then you go further and make it clear you are one if the dirty old men in taking about.

Plus, have you seen my grow? You guys act like no one has ever grown good weed with LEDs when LEDs are responsible for plenty of good weed.

And the lights aren't even the good part. I'm growing Banana Crack, White Strawberry Skunk and Malawi Gold, and if I were just breeding those strains it would be something. But I'm not just growing them, I'm breeding them together and with other plants.

And you guys can pretend I am failing at every turn, but as always I will prove you wrong again and 2 months later you will be rehashing the same arguments and being proved wrong again. Like always.
Lol. I don't think you get it. You guys are a small group of losers. You can't use words like "everyone" or "nobody" because it's simply not true. You are a small group of losers that don't like me, everyone else is fine.

I understand you feel comfortable in what you are doing because their are other dirty old men, and trolls, and people on disability who hate their lives who are on your side. But you aren't "everyone" you are a small group of losers.