Well-Known Member
100% not concerned

100% not concerned
Lol. Let's put it this way. How many of you can post a thread here and have it at the top of the website for days? Let's start there in this small world of yours.
You don't answer questions well, do you?
$10, 000?
Last year I worked for a ISO certified Oracle Platinum Partner company that makes Government software. I had to sign an NDA though so I can't talk about any details. Just generally how RFPs and Proposals and Contracts work. Not details.
lmfaoLol, I have over $90,000 in reserve in Bitcoin.
But this thread is about African marijuana strain crosses.
Thats nice. Janitors like you work for all the big companies! Go clean another toilet buddy.
wanna buy my arizona beach house?
No, I wouldn't want you to run off with the money and leave my mom with nowhere to live when you move out.
No, I wouldn't want you to run off with the money and leave your mom with nowhere to live when you move out.
Lol days' ....try months, amature. Did you know I was the first person in the world to grow in a shopping cart? Impressive, I know.Lol. Let's put it this way. How many of you can post a thread here and have it at the top of the website for days? Let's start there in this small world of yours.
I just let my wife read this thread and she said "I don't think he understands half of what you guys are saying". Too fucking funny!
And when I say "I don't think you understand", I really mean it.
I am about to be making strains the likes of Girl Scout Cookies, Cherry Pie, Pink Champagne, Durban X C99,...
and really, my strain will be most like Banana Sunrise. Because I am mixing an African strain with strains that already have established smell profiles.
Calm down, kid.Aw. That's cute. She probably rolled her eyes as she went to go fuck the neighbor while you troll some kid on the internet.
Aw. That's cute. She probably rolled her eyes as she went to go fuck the neighbor while you troll some kid on the internet.
dude, stop. i am literally crying right now. too much laffs.And just to put this in perspective, this is literally a thread that you guys don't even know anything on the subject matter of, and really there is not much subject matter because I am one of the first people in history to do this.
And while I get ready to set records, and make new things that no one has ever seen before that are guaranteed to be great (based on all the strains that fit the category outlined in the topic of the thread).
And you guys are sitting here trolling, acting like your shit talk and perversion makes you better than me, when I am actually changing the industry.