Trump blames the News (Really?)

fixed it for ya. can't argue with it now. and it places the blame correctly.

What needed fixing? Did you even read my first post?

Not saying it was all his "fault" or anything. He did have a huge mess to clean up after W left office

What part of that do you disagree with, or are failing to understand?

There is no denying that nearly 10 trillion was added to the national debt while Obama was in office. That is an indisputable fact. Like I pointed out, and you have clearly skipped over, the majority of that debt was a direct result of the prior administration. I can't let Obama off scott free considering that he made the Bush tax cuts permanent, and he continued to wage war in several countries in the Middle East, which most certainly added to the debt as well.
Why do you support the EC?

Do you not think the majority of the population should elect the winner, even if it means it's not your candidate?

I'd hold my nose and call Trump my President if he'd won the popular vote but he lost by miles.
Because states rights matter to me. Just because NY and California are liberal bitches don't mean the rest of our country should be forced to follow them.
Because states rights matter to me. Just because NY and California are liberal bitches don't mean the rest of our country should be forced to follow them.
States rights matter more than people's rights now?

TOTALLY what the Bill of Rights is about.
Nope, I didn't sit by. I protested. As I did during the Bush Jr administration. As I did during the first Iraq war.

Quite frankly, the Republican Congress during the Obama administration was more hawkish and offered more war, not less. So, they weren't an option.

The difference between previous administrations and the Trump one is the current president is engaging in a tit-for-tat exchange of inflammatory rhetoric that is ruining any chance of a diplomatic solution. Trump is sounding more and more like Bush Jr did just before the Iraq invasion.
California and NY have their bullshit gun laws but they will not fuck with my gun rights.
Is Obama coming for our guns. When is ammo coming down? You guys are funny. I can't hardly find .22 short solids for butchering anymore. At least my old guns are worth a lot now. My old 700 Remington is worth 5 times what I paid for it new 50 years ago give or take. You guys are so easily programmed. Kids
Trump one is the current president is engaging in a tit-for-tat exchange of inflammatory rhetoric that is ruining any chance of a diplomatic solution. .

So, without Trump what do you think the time frame for a diplomatic solution would be? :-) minutes,hours,days,years, decades? :-)
Just a hint: Slick Willy did not fix it, Obama did not fix it, that's 16 years there.
M<aybe protest will fix it LOL
What part of that do you disagree with, or are failing to understand?
i disagree with your surmised conclusion that because the debt went up 10T under Obama, he was responsible for it.
congress passes the budgets, the gop had a majority in congress for most of obamas terms, and did nothing to reduce the debt.

at least obama and clinton were able to reduce the deficit unlike bush, bush jr and now trump.

wanna bet the GOP increases the debt ceiling in september?
So, without Trump what do you think the time frame for a diplomatic solution would be? :-) minutes,hours,days,years, decades? :-)
Just a hint: Slick Willy did not fix it, Obama did not fix it, that's 16 years there.
M<aybe protest will fix it LOL
North Korea wants nuclear capability as a deterrent to invasions. Threatening North Korea only justifies their resolve to build those bombs.

Did you see any benefit in Trump's hellfire and brimstone threats?

As far as time frame is concerned, I'm ok with us talking about the issue forever if that means we don't escalate into a war with North Korea. Bush Jr could have avoided the worst catastrophe to hit the US and Middle East if he'd just continued talking to Hussein.

As with Iraq, North Korea isn't a threat to the United States. The United States is a threat to North Korea. Which is why they want the bomb. Threatening people only makes them more defensive and prone to violence.