Well-Known Member

The Trump base is far bigger & stronger than ever before (despite some phony Fake News polling). Look at rallies in Penn, Iowa, Ohio.......

Hard to believe that with 24/7 #Fake News on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYTIMES & WAPO, the Trump base is getting stronger!
7:18 AM - Aug 7, 2017
It seems that the Ass Wipe in Chief is a little pissed that a new poll shows that his numbers are dropping even further down the rabbit (shit) hole.
According to a Quinnipiac University poll released last week, just 33 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president. The survey also showed that only 43 percent of whites without a college degree a key voting group for Trump approve, compared to 50 percent who disapprove of his shit ass performance.
Even the certified idiots are bailing off from the Trump disaster train, which means a lot, considering they still have to focus on breathing and talking at the same moment.
So, it seems that every single news/poll outlet in THE FUCKING WORLD is FUCKING FAKE NEWS?
Thank God (as the saying goes) for marijuana, because without it, I will lose my FUCKING mind (whatever is left) dealing with this seemingly endless line of SHIT presented on Twitter by our POTUS.
Peace out, and resist