For sme reason I haven't been able to like certain people's got skills bro very cool.View attachment 3989690
More stoopid doodles. Lol
Reconsider the SDB. Don't leave any paperwork in your home re the box(es) and hide the key(s) well. The bank name usually isn't on the key. To offset risk some, get two boxes. I know someone who's had up to 4 at a time and never had a single problem, except one of the smaller banks, out of area, closed a branch but gave tenant plenty of forewarning. Get a postal box for associated mail. I'd never trust a storage facility.alternatives
Tough problem to have....lolI'm writing this short story about a young, handsome, intelligent grower who has accumulated over 100k cash from his adventures. He's been keeping it in his apartment in various places, but he wants to get it out of there in case of fire, theft, or getting busted and avoid losing it all. At the same time he needs to have regular access to it, adding and subtracting to it as necessary. And, of course, it can't be associated with his identity because if he goes down, it will, too. He's looked into safe deposit boxes, but has read horror stories of banks losing records and opening them for various reasons - mistaken non-payment, gov't request, etc.. Even if it were in a friend's name, he'd have to truly trust that person. Fuck that. The safest thing I've been able to come up with for our protagonist is a small storage unit a la walter white. He would pay annually, a year in advance, have a heavy duty, $200 security padlock, and a small pro safe that is bolted to the concrete floor, encased in a cardboard box with other boxes of crap stacked on top. He would also have a hanging sign on the inside of the shed that said to contact him for payment before taking further action, on the off chance that management mistakenly opened it. Even if he wasn't able to get the storage unit under an alias and rented it under a trusted friend's name, that friend wouldn't have easy access to the unit with the pro padlock and bolted down safe. His cash seems safe from fire, theft, and feds. You guys are smart, so what am I missing for our hero? Better alternatives are very welcome...
On a different note.
I've been prepping the side section of the house to have a veggie garden go in. I've been cutting back the well and truly over grown bushes and creeper vines. And grabbed a fookin rose I didnt know was there. I just need a few more star droppers. And to keep on digging the vines up. Then it's mostly done. View attachment 3989751 View attachment 3989752 View attachment 3989753
Reconsider the SDB. Don't leave any paperwork in your home re the box(es) and hide the key(s) well. The bank name usually isn't on the key. To offset risk some, get two boxes. I know someone who's had up to 4 at a time and never had a single problem, except one of the smaller banks, out of area, closed a branch but gave tenant plenty of forewarning. Get a postal box for associated mail. I'd never trust a storage facility.
haha. Nice man, Id love a little veggie garden but im to lazy. Id like chooks to.
to bloody true!I'd love to have chooks too. But, I'd need more than chicken wire to keep dopey dora away from them. Normally I'd be too lazy to even bother with something like this. However. I need a reason to not sit inside, bored out of my skull.
And a garden is as good a reason as any to get outside. The added benefit is that I'll be supplying a small portion of my own food. And not be sitting on my fat ass bitching about being bored.
imo, his biggest concern is the possibility of getting broken into and being ransacked, or forgetting where he placed a large pile (it happens).But the SDB would be tied to his identity/SS#, no? If he gets busted leo gets the money...
I use more than 1 SF, some out of town, too.But the SDB would be tied to his identity/SS#, no? If he gets busted leo gets the money. Please list reasons for not trusting the storage facility. Thanks...
I woulldent trust the storage facility for a couple of reasons.But the SDB would be tied to his identity/SS#, no? If he gets busted leo gets the money. Please list reasons for not trusting the storage facility. Thanks...
imo, his biggest concern is the possibility of getting broken into and being ransacked, or forgetting where he placed a large pile (it happens).
not all banks require that he have an account with them, but may be right regarding feds being able to do a search and discover. i'd think with a small op, leave em a bone like a local bank savings and some petty cash, popo would be satisfied with what was found at scene and with having someone to charge. don't go over 100 plants. fed resources are rarely involved, only local. he'd be out on bond within a few days and be able to access sdb. can't say for sure but involving others with access is risky. storage places are shady and simple bolt cutters break any lock. he needs to think about starting to convert it. buy a home.