Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

That article is spot on.

"Hillary Clinton has written a memoir about the 2016 presidential campaign and election. I suppose that was inevitable.

But did it really need to be called What Happened?

That title really is unfortunate. Because the thing is that "what happened" is patently obvious to everyone who isn't blinded by partisanship or personal fealty to the Clinton family: She lost — to the most flagrant demagogue-charlatan in American history, a man whose lack of fitness for the job was so obvious and total that she should have won in a landslide."

That bold text above remind you of anyone?? lol
You keep posting opinion pieces when I ask for facts. But this isn't about Hillary anymore.

You had to go back 20 years when a first lady came out in support for her husband. This was your evidence. And now you reply with an opinion piece that asserts how bad Clinton was as a candidate because "she should have beaten Trump handily". I'm not saying this as an indictment on you, I'm just looking at what you call evidence:

A bill she didn't write, sign or implement that had bipartisan support at the time and she later recanted
An opinion piece that makes unverifiable claims that
Trump was completely beatable by a "good" candidate
Hillary Clinton lost not to Trump but to herself because she was awful
DNC super-delegates were a factor in the election (this is veritably false)​
A video where a 1-minute clip of Jon Stewart says some insightful observations of Clinton that are absolutely true, followed up by 10 minutes of a guy who pushes all the emotional buttons yet his main point is not what Jon Steward actually said. Some of the things the narrator said were veritably false and quite a bit of it fell into the categories of name calling and generalities, both classic propaganda techniques

I've seen you and @st0wandgrow quote that narrator, sometimes confusing what was said and who said it. This is not to defend Hillary, I am pointing out that you guys perhaps should start critically looking at your information sources. In your last two posts, you claim you know what the truth is, no matter if facts conflict with your beliefs. st0 did the same. Suggest sticking to what is externally observable to make your claims.

If you can, go back to the video and watch just Jon Stewart's segment a few times. Make notes on what he said. Pay close attention to the last sentence or two in his segment. Then watch the rest and make notes. Also listen to style. Tone of voice, emotional appeal and compare. Compare the two and ask if they had the same message.
He said that she "lacks the courage of her convictions". She's an empty suit. "Maybe a real person doesn't exist underneath there". She says what she believes people want to hear. To which you replied...

I made no mention of the rest of the video. I only asked you about your glowing approval of Jon Stewarts critique of Clinton. You are trying to deflect, and change the subject by bringing up "thought guide guy". Thinly veiled.

I brought this clip up, and your 100% agreeance of Jon Stewarts assesment of Hillary after you disagreed with my assesment of her and her stance on gay marriage...which is that she changed positions simply as a political calculation. She lacks the courage of her convictions. You agreed with this assesment of her on Sunday, and then 2 days later you're yammering on about how could I possibly know this. You are contradicting yourself in the span of 2 days.
Good, you listened to the video. But you misquoted Jon Stewart.

What he said was "I could find that I'm wrong and learn nobody is underneath there". Meaning? What is your interpretation of "I could find that I'm wrong"?
Impotent fuck, boasting of an imagined 'achievement'.
It's just a debate trick to try to get the opponent rattled. I just blew past it.

It's now established that he's listening to propaganda, mis-attributing statements and can't accurately quote what somebody said. Instead he misquotes according to whatever he wants to believe. Or maybe he's lying. What is certain is he's not speaking truth.
Do you also think masturbation is murder ?

Excellent question. No I do not think of it as murder, but I feel a little sad for the T- Rex.

It's just a debate trick to try to get the opponent rattled. I just blew past it.

It's now established that he's listening to propaganda, mis-attributing statements and can't accurately quote what somebody said. Instead he misquotes according to whatever he wants to believe. Or maybe he's lying. What is certain is he's not speaking truth.
Or maybe he just claimed victory. :)
Impotent fuck, boasting of an imagined 'achievement'.

Do you ever notice how I rarely respond to you? You have nothing of substance to say. Just screeching and name calling. If you can string together a coherent post relevant to the conversation I'll get back to you. I will admit, it is amusing when you bust out your tough guy act though. :lol:

Now, go clean the spittle off of your monitor.
I don't have tty on ignore. I did for a little while. You keep projecting what others are thinking. Stick to facts and you'll sound less stupid.

Let's try this video. You didn't like thought guide guys video, so how about we go directly to the source...

Let's try this video. You didn't like thought guide guys video, so how about we go directly to the source...

That's a highly edited piece of work. Not worth viewing. I actually like the thought guide video as an example of the kind of propaganda you consume like junk food. That mish mash of cherry picked moments is another example.

Getting back to your assertion regarding what Jon Stewart said. You mis-quoted him. You quoted Jon as saying: "Maybe a real person doesn't exist underneath there" when what he really said was: "I could find that I'm wrong and learn nobody is underneath there". You say "empty suit" when that wasn't what Jon said at all. What I conclude is you can't listen or read anything without your biases intruding into your interpretation.

You reveal yourself as biased and with poor critical thinking skills. I said I was embarrassed for you for posting that earlier video but am now just dismissing you as another idiot. Others were way ahead of me. I needed evidence and you've provided it.
That's a highly edited piece of work. Not worth viewing. I actually like the thought guide video as an example of the kind of propaganda you consume like junk food. That mish mash of cherry picked moments is another example.

Getting back to your assertion regarding what Jon Stewart said. You mis-quoted him. You quoted Jon as saying: "Maybe a real person doesn't exist underneath there" when what he really said was: "I could find that I'm wrong and learn nobody is underneath there". You say "empty suit" when that wasn't what Jon said at all. What I conclude is you can't listen or read anything without your biases intruding into your interpretation.

You reveal yourself as biased and with poor critical thinking skills. I said I was embarrassed for you for posting that earlier video but am now just dismissing you as another idiot. Others were way ahead of me. I needed evidence and you've provided it.

Translation: Fodog cant admit he's a hypocrite.
That's a highly edited piece of work. Not worth viewing. I actually like the thought guide video as an example of the kind of propaganda you consume like junk food. That mish mash of cherry picked moments is another example.

Getting back to your assertion regarding what Jon Stewart said. You mis-quoted him. You quoted Jon as saying: "Maybe a real person doesn't exist underneath there" when what he really said was: "I could find that I'm wrong and learn nobody is underneath there". You say "empty suit" when that wasn't what Jon said at all. What I conclude is you can't listen or read anything without your biases intruding into your interpretation.

You reveal yourself as biased and with poor critical thinking skills. I said I was embarrassed for you for posting that earlier video but am now just dismissing you as another idiot. Others were way ahead of me. I needed evidence and you've provided it.
It's pathetic, Russian and Republican plants trying to cause shit in the Democrat Party.

Pathetic Slavic shills.
Do you ever notice how I rarely respond to you? You have nothing of substance to say. Just screeching and name calling. If you can string together a coherent post relevant to the conversation I'll get back to you. I will admit, it is amusing when you bust out your tough guy act though. :lol:

Now, go clean the spittle off of your monitor.

It's substantive to point out that your 'rhetoric' is juvenile, your references and humor cringe inducing and your barbs flaccid.

is "twist your knickers" code for forcing your head up a goats ass? Now youre knotted.
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