How often do you get bugs in your FFOF?


Well-Known Member
A bunch of drama for sure.

I can't say about fox farms. Screw paying that for soil.

I buy bags of humus and inert potting soil for dollar something a bag. I have a compost pile and worm bin.

I can taste the difference in organic and synthetic fed bud. Some people have sensitive palate.

Some like good beer. Some like to drink Milwaukee's best.
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Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
A bunch of drama for sure.

I can't say about fox farms. Screw paying that for soil.

I buy bags of humus and inert potting soil for roar something a bag. I have a compost pile and worm bin.

I can taste the difference in organic and synthetic fed bud. Some people have sensitive palate.

Some lime good beer. Some like to drink Milwaukee's best.
A bunch of drama for sure.

I can't say about fox farms. Screw paying that for soil.

I buy bags of humus and inert potting soil for roar something a bag. I have a compost pile and worm bin.

I can taste the difference in organic and synthetic fed bud. Some people have sensitive palate.

Some lime good beer. Some like to drink Milwaukee's best.
Love the drama. I think the 2 of them should create a pact that I'm sure they can agree too. Allow Newbie Central to be a safe zone from your bickering. Simple rule. If one posts to a thread in Newbie Central, the other one will not respond to that post or that thread. Use every other forum to have it out but stay separated in Newbie Central.
Better said here than 3 days later on NC.


Well-Known Member
I swear to need hip waders to enter some of these threads.

Some of you have only been growing for a short time and it shows. There are certain tell-tales that old seasoned growers can spot a mile matter how much bullshit you sling.

Especially when you contradict yourself from past posts, never posts pics of your set up, or look to argue with anyone posting just to you stroke your egos.

Why the fuck is always those with the least amount of personal experience the loudest?

And I don't give a shit who gets butt hurt over this post. If the shoe fits....lace that bitch up and wear it.


Well-Known Member
Love the drama. I think the 2 of them should create a pact that I'm sure they can agree too. Allow Newbie Central to be a safe zone from your bickering. Simple rule. If one posts to a thread in Newbie Central, the other one will not respond to that post or that thread. Use every other forum to have it out but stay separated in Newbie Central.
Better said here than 3 days later on NC.
Better yet, if they're going to offer condescending "advice" they should have some grow journals or at least some pics of their set up.
And not a few synthetically grown plants that a trained monkey could tend.


Well-Known Member
A bunch of drama for sure.

I can't say about fox farms. Screw paying that for soil.

I buy bags of humus and inert potting soil for dollar something a bag. I have a compost pile and worm bin.

I can taste the difference in organic and synthetic fed bud. Some people have sensitive palate.

Some like good beer. Some like to drink Milwaukee's best.
I'll never go back to bottles...even if I had to grow in closet.


Well-Known Member
I'll never go back to bottles...even if I had to grow in closet.
I've been organic all my life. I've used bottles but always go back to organic.

Not saying that synthetic bud can't be good. Proper use of nutrients, proper dry and cure and its good. I prefer organic.

The biggest reason I guess is the cost. I have free manure from our farm. I started composting leaves, manure and left over stalks and what not from the garden and a worm bin.

Its all I need. Maybe a few amendments like kelp and garden tone.

I can also say I've shown a few bud pics in an argument. A healthy green plant at the end of flower speaks for itself.
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Well-Known Member
I just thought of something. Are there items in a soil that are more inviting to gnats? ffof has bark and whatever else that may not be in another soil that someone switched to after using ffof.
Would doing a test run of several popular soils and mixes where the soil is overwatered for the purpose of creating a nice environment for the gnats deliver similar results? Maybe if all soils separated but having access to a small # of fg's were compared, maybe the ingredients in ffof would show a happier environment for the gnats to thrive. IDK, sounds possible.
they like fungus. any substrate supporting fungus will attract them. They love molasses, they love sugar, they love water and damp soil. they hate when you stir up their top soil, and hate when we wait until soil is dry at the bottom(before wilt of course), they do not like air movement. I see them in darker areas, moist dark areas more than any other.
I've raised them in sand, gravel, wood chips, and even a handful of rocks over a hempy bubble bucket.

they like the color yellow(they see colors?), like unhealthy leaves and sticky cards. there little larvae will dash for a chunk of potato left on the top soil over night. its moist, starchy sweet


Well-Known Member
I've been organic all my life. I've used bottles but always go back to organic.

Not saying that synthetic bud can't be good. Proper use of nutrients, proper dry and cure and its good. I prefer organic.

The biggest reason I guess is the cost. I have free manure from our farm. I started composting leaves, manure and part over stalks and what not from the garden and a worm bin.

Its all I need. Maybe a few amendments lime kelp and garden tone.

I can also say I've shown a few bud pics in an argument. A healthy green plant at the end of flower speaks for itself.
How do like that Garden Tone? I don't think my plants get enough when I top dress with my built soil.


Well-Known Member
I like it enough to use it on cannabis and in my vegetable garden.
Hmmm, you go by directions on the bag or just throw a handful down when you think they need it. I'm inquiring because I have a sm bag and my current soil has only been cooking about 10 days. I have a couple that are yellowing quick. I've been thinking an amendment like this or those organic Jobes spikes my do the trick


Well-Known Member
I've used those jobes spikes in promix with no other ferts. they are great, and get expensive too, but for a grower with
a few hobby sprouts I think it fits the bill-availability, price point, ease of use

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Hmmm, you go by directions on the bag or just throw a handful down when you think they need it. I'm inquiring because I have a sm bag and my current soil has only been cooking about 10 days. I have a couple that are yellowing quick. I've been thinking an amendment like this or those organic Jobes spikes my do the trick
Tea works faster than top dressing.

Jobes spikes?


Well-Known Member
I've used those jobes spikes in promix with no other ferts. they are great, and get expensive too, but for a grower with
a few hobby sprouts I think it fits the bill-availability, price point, ease of use
how do they get expensive, i got a bag of 50 for 6$ and they last 8 weeks each.....

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I did actually and it may or may not be spilling into the forums. That's beside the point though. My tolerance for know-it-alls throwing shade on other peoples gardens when they don't post any pics of their own is at an all time low.
Bad advice has always been a problem on RIU, but there are a few diamonds in that pile of coal...


Well-Known Member
I've used those jobes spikes in promix with no other ferts. they are great, and get expensive too, but for a grower with
a few hobby sprouts I think it fits the bill-availability, price point, ease of use
I havent checked the price. Just saw Richard Drysift and a couple others in the organic section rec them.


Well-Known Member
how do they get expensive, i got a bag of 60 for 6$ and they last 8 weeks each.....
to each their own prolly. so like if your bag lasted you 3 years, or 10, wouldnt that be dependent on how may plant you grow err
I'd guess more of these conditions may play a part

container size, substrate used, watering techniques, run off amounts, plant health, size, plant numbers, flowering times, veg times,
rh, temperature etc. you think?

or, if you had a hundred buckets would that bag of 60 last you as long? um..

peace, good morning