Colorado wants to crackdown on home growers

I have a feeling we are about to see a mini ice age within the next 3 years.
If we are lucky we won't stumble straight into a Maunder, the last one led to the dark ages.
The price of food will skyrocket. I've read all the Nasa bit where they say 'oh this is normal'
But if you look back at historical records, I would say we are pretty much seeing a repeat of the pattern before the last one.

I'm very pro earth, hate pollution and damage to it in general, but I am starting to smell a rat when I see global warming talks.
I'm just a slightly nutty person, no one has to listen to me luckily. But at least you will have something to chuckle about around the fire if it comes to pass.
A highly respected climate scientist, Dr William Gray of Colorado State University, held a similar view. He challenged the climate change theorists to show that their models would accurately depict coming events.

The climate theorist's models have indeed been inaccurate; they've been consistently too conservative, as the Earth is actually warming more and faster than they predicted.

It seems that the drastic and unprecedented increase in atmospheric CO2 is the critical factor in charting the future of climate change.

How drastic? Before the Industrial Revolution, Earth's atmospheric CO2 was around 275ppm. When I was born in the mid 1960s, it had risen to around 325ppm. Today it's over 410ppm on an increasingly steep growth curve.

Sea levels are rising everywhere. Global temperature averages set new records every year, by record margins.

Here's a great graphic of recent sunspot cycles;

The fewer sunspots, the less heat is generated.

Yet, the most recent cycle has the lowest number of sunspots in the past several decades while the Earth is still experiencing ever warmer temperatures.

To me, this is ample proof that CO2 concentration is a more accurate predictor of global average temperatures than the Maunder cycle.

What has a much bigger cooling effect on global temperatures then sunspots? Big volcanoes; the eruptions of Pinatubo, Mt St Helens and Krakatoa have all shown that massive injections of dust and sulfides into the upper stratosphere will cool the entire planet, if only temporarily.
Yup, and you can still buy a felony conviction for selling untaxed cigarettes or alcohol.

I suppose it's progress in a way. Selling pot has become an economic crime as opposed to a violent crime.
The violence done by the state to the individual doesn't change, so I fail to see how it's an improvement.
A highly respected climate scientist, Dr William Gray of Colorado State University, held a similar view. He challenged the climate change theorists to show that their models would accurately depict coming events.

The climate theorist's models have indeed been inaccurate; they've been consistently too conservative, as the Earth is actually warming more and faster than they predicted.

It seems that the drastic and unprecedented increase in atmospheric CO2 is the critical factor in charting the future of climate change.

How drastic? Before the Industrial Revolution, Earth's atmospheric CO2 was around 275ppm. When I was born in the mid 1960s, it had risen to around 325ppm. Today it's over 410ppm on an increasingly steep growth curve.

Sea levels are rising everywhere. Global temperature averages set new records every year, by record margins.

Here's a great graphic of recent sunspot cycles;
View attachment 3984215

The fewer sunspots, the less heat is generated.

Yet, the most recent cycle has the lowest number of sunspots in the past several decades while the Earth is still experiencing ever warmer temperatures.

To me, this is ample proof that CO2 concentration is a more accurate predictor of global average temperatures than the Maunder cycle.

What has a much bigger cooling effect on global temperatures then sunspots? Big volcanoes; the eruptions of Pinatubo, Mt St Helens and Krakatoa have all shown that massive injections of dust and sulfides into the upper stratosphere will cool the entire planet, if only temporarily.
What would you consider the ideal temperature for earth to be?
Draw us a graph or a pie chart in which we can see 410 ppm visually.
What would you consider the ideal temperature for earth to be?
Draw us a graph or a pie chart in which we can see 410 ppm visually.
mlo_full_record.png that's measured CO2 vs time.

Ideal Earth temperature is an interesting question; I believe we're currently 1-2 degrees Celsius above the preindustrial historic average. I think the recent change has not been for the better. Therefore I think it's somewhere around where it was just before the Industrial Revolution, but the years just after the Krakatoa explosion were too cold.
If you believe you still have something left to loose...
You're preaching to the choir with me, my friend.

I'm in complete agreement that America is in dire straits and the consequences of our political, economic, social and environmental habits are going to combine to deal this country- and very likely the rest of the world that depends on us- a very nasty blow.

The only questions are when, how and how bad it will be.
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no way to fix that. there's a huge grey market for untaxed cigarettes still around.

Only difference is a DA would be able to enact anything related to terrorism. Some black market cigs have been linked backed to funding terrorism. So its actually more risky sell black market cigs than pot. We all know how the terrorism laws work. Basically carte blanche.

I have a feeling we are about to see a mini ice age within the next 3 years.
If we are lucky we won't stumble straight into a Maunder, the last one led to the dark ages.
The price of food will skyrocket. I've read all the Nasa bit where they say 'oh this is normal'
But if you look back at historical records, I would say we are pretty much seeing a repeat of the pattern before the last one.

I'm very pro earth, hate pollution and damage to it in general, but I am starting to smell a rat when I see global warming talks.
I'm just a slightly nutty person, no one has to listen to me luckily. But at least you will have something to chuckle about around the fire if it comes to pass.

The next crash will affect the entire world.

I agree with the people in the beginning of the thread relating to stopping the illegal sales. Breeders or whoever, need to create something akin to the MOB. Minus the criminal activity. Commission that tries to run the "industry" correctly. It can be done.

O and Sessions is on his way out. Watch.
Only difference is a DA would be able to enact anything related to terrorism. Some black market cigs have been linked backed to funding terrorism. So its actually more risky sell black market cigs than pot. We all know how the terrorism laws work. Basically carte blanche.

The next crash will affect the entire world.

I agree with the people in the beginning of the thread relating to stopping the illegal sales. Breeders or whoever, need to create something akin to the MOB. Minus the criminal activity. Commission that tries to run the "industry" correctly. It can be done.

O and Sessions is on his way out. Watch.
Drug laws already stomp all over our constitutional rights, so 6 of one, half dozen of the other.

The mob only acts in its own self interest. Lobbyists act only in the interest of their clients, which in the case of Colorado's Cannabis industry means only the big guys operating 'legally'. So we already have the commission you suggest and it's working like one would expect it to.

The next crash will make all this irrelevant.
Only difference is a DA would be able to enact anything related to terrorism. Some black market cigs have been linked backed to funding terrorism. So its actually more risky sell black market cigs than pot. We all know how the terrorism laws work. Basically carte blanche.

The next crash will affect the entire world.

I agree with the people in the beginning of the thread relating to stopping the illegal sales. Breeders or whoever, need to create something akin to the MOB. Minus the criminal activity. Commission that tries to run the "industry" correctly. It can be done.

O and Sessions is on his way out. Watch.

sessions is irrelevant. the new policy is set. it will be announced whether or not he is in the seat. And it will be effective at hurting all kinds of people. Sessions is but one spider mite. there are many, many more, all working to the same goal.
You're preaching to the choir with me, my friend.

I'm in complete agreement that America is in dire straits and the consequences of our political, economic, social and environmental habits are going to combine to deal this country- and very likely the rest of the world that depends on us- a very nasty blow.

The only questions are when, how and how bad it will be.
Probably will depend on how little you are used to getting by with.
The higher your standards, the bigger the fall will be.
Your poor are not vocal enough yet.
Over here they will start a shanty town on an open field, then start stoning passing vehicles to demand electricity and sanitation.
around here that would lead to rednecks running them all over with their trucks, then crushing their shanties
The bill passed, it'll be 16 plants now instead of the very generous 99. Turns out no human can smoke 99 plants in any reasonable amount of time, like 5 years.

Edibles, oils and salves will eat it up in no time. My recommendation called for 13.7 lbs per year.
All that get lit, don’t necessarily smoke and have 12 ft ceilings.
Probably will depend on how little you are used to getting by with.
The higher your standards, the bigger the fall will be.
I've always lived simply. I'm planning ahead a couple of years to be nearly self sufficient. Neither of these statements describes the average American, nevermind the wealthy- who have the most to lose.
Yup, and you can still buy a felony conviction for selling untaxed cigarettes or alcohol.

I suppose it's progress in a way. Selling pot has become an economic crime as opposed to a violent crime.

exactly. people try to get around taxes all the time.

hell,, people still use Ag diesel for highway use just to save on taxes. lol.