Colorado wants to crackdown on home growers

its just another example of politicians passing laws they actually have no clue about. why would they allow 99 plants to begin with? because someone told them that was a good number, and they believed them. that in itself shows that they didn't really look into the actual practice before they voted on it. how can they possibly set policy when they don't understand the policies to begin with?

16 is actually a decent number, plenty to get a stockpile to last you till next harvest, or enough to keep a good rotation going for a perpetual.
i know that for most of us, 16 would be way more than enough to last from harvest to harvest, but you have to allow for those that only get an oz or two off a plant, and it seems they intend for people to be able to sell to dispensaries, as long as it meets the dispensaries requirements
its just another example of politicians passing laws they actually have no clue about. why would they allow 99 plants to begin with? because someone told them that was a good number, and they believed them. that in itself shows that they didn't really look into the actual practice before they voted on it. how can they possibly set policy when they don't understand the policies to begin with?

16 is actually a decent number, plenty to get a stockpile to last you till next harvest, or enough to keep a good rotation going for a perpetual.
i know that for most of us, 16 would be way more than enough to last from harvest to harvest, but you have to allow for those that only get an oz or two off a plant, and it seems they intend for people to be able to sell to dispensaries, as long as it meets the dispensaries requirements

16 is a good number, not because I want 8 in flower but because I grow from seed and there are males and mortality to deal with, plus the occasional mother or two for strains I want to maintain.

I'm squeeking by with 12, but that is only with 4 in flower. 16 would be more comfortable but wouldn't increase my yield at all.

These plant limit changes/reductions happened on the MEDICAL side of the laws here in Colorado. CO MMJ law has "extended plant counts" that allow patients/their caregivers to grow more than 6 per patient if medical need can be shown. As far as a 99 count, Docs wouldn't write for more than 99 due to Federal was never a set number/directive from the State from my understanding.

With a 99 count and the ability to have 5 patients before drawing much attention from the state, it's not too hard to see how some have profited off such counts. As a result, the laws are again changed to adjusted for all to reflect the abuses by some (as they have been quite a few times in the past since the original law was passed in 2000).

On the rec side, anyone 21 or over can grow 6 plants total. (not 16) SIX. Technically only 3 can be in flower at any one time. Some jurisdictions are limiting counts per RESIDENCE (usually 12) no matter how many adults live there to keep people from growing larger counts in the same house/in residential settings.

There are NO individual sales allowed here to dispensaries. (you buy from them - they don't buy from you) To be involved in such things you need a (very expensive and impossible to get) license from the State and must jump through more hoops than you've ever seen. (for starters, all of your private/personal info is available to the state and the Feds via a 30 page application/reveal)

As an individual/adult here, Amendment 64 ("legality") allows you to possess all of the weight that your 6 plant garden will offer (grow em as big as you please). However, all of that weight must stay on the (your) premises where it was grown. No sales whatsoever are allowed here. No transport of weight is allowed above 1 ounce. The laws/penalties regarding sales here didn't change with "legality" other than now if you are caught selling weight the State of Colorado considers you as someone taking a cut from THEIR (tax and licensing) game and are likely to pop you hard.

Oh. One other thing. It isn't legal to grow your 6 outside here unless you have a lockable GH or other >lockable< 4 walled structure with a roof. Basically they want you to grow inside.

The same law that allows the dispensaries/big grows/retail sales/tax scheme to exist also allows for home growing. A "crackdown" on home grows under 6 plants just isn't gonna happen.

These plant limit changes/reductions happened on the MEDICAL side of the laws here in Colorado. CO MMJ law has "extended plant counts" that allow patients/their caregivers to grow more than 6 per patient if medical need can be shown. As far as a 99 count, Docs wouldn't write for more than 99 due to Federal was never a set number/directive from the State from my understanding.

With a 99 count and the ability to have 5 patients before drawing much attention from the state, it's not too hard to see how some have profited off such counts. As a result, the laws are again changed to adjusted for all to reflect the abuses by some (as they have been quite a few times in the past since the original law was passed in 2000).

On the rec side, anyone 21 or over can grow 6 plants total. (not 16) SIX. Technically only 3 can be in flower at any one time. Some jurisdictions are limiting counts per RESIDENCE (usually 12) no matter how many adults live there to keep people from growing larger counts in the same house/in residential settings.

There are NO individual sales allowed here to dispensaries. (you buy from them - they don't buy from you) To be involved in such things you need a (very expensive and impossible to get) license from the State and must jump through more hoops than you've ever seen. (for starters, all of your private/personal info is available to the state and the Feds via a 30 page application/reveal)

As an individual/adult here, Amendment 64 ("legality") allows you to possess all of the weight that your 6 plant garden will offer (grow em as big as you please). However, all of that weight must stay on the (your) premises where it was grown. No sales whatsoever are allowed here. No transport of weight is allowed above 1 ounce. The laws/penalties regarding sales here didn't change with "legality" other than now if you are caught selling weight the State of Colorado considers you as someone taking a cut from THEIR (tax and licensing) game and are likely to pop you hard.

Oh. One other thing. It isn't legal to grow your 6 outside here unless you have a lockable GH or other >lockable< 4 walled structure with a roof. Basically they want you to grow inside.

The same law that allows the dispensaries/big grows/retail sales/tax scheme to exist also allows for home growing. A "crackdown" on home grows under 6 plants just isn't gonna happen.
Got a question about that if they force you to keep it on the premises and you grow them big and have in excess of 100lbs from your legal grow who's to say that police isn't going to raid u and say you are cultivating and manufacturing, and hit it with the distribution even though you aren't because its stuck on the premises. Im not against growing i'm totally for it, but I have to be a bit paranoid because of the fed part of it, because these day Police can say whatever and people who are against cannabis are going to go for it.
Got a question about that if they force you to keep it on the premises and you grow them big and have in excess of 100lbs from your legal grow who's to say that police isn't going to raid u and say you are cultivating and manufacturing, and hit it with the distribution even though you aren't because its stuck on the premises. Im not against growing i'm totally for it, but I have to be a bit paranoid because of the fed part of it, because these day Police can say whatever and people who are against cannabis are going to go for it.
It happened to me.
Did it ever get resolved. And sounds like they are about to go industrial. That is why it is important that we as cultivators and breeders establish a Mega collective to be our own industrial corporation
No, it isn't resolved yet. Yes it does sound like the re-criminalization of Cannabis is well underway.

Gotta keep those prisons full and non violent offenders are the easiest to manage!

The taxpayer won't mind, we just won't ask.

How is this different from Fascism?
I knew that legalization would only bring the worst kinds of people, businessmen. This industry is all about dollars and no sense. We, the people, have this as part of our lives, some cannot have a normal day without smoking.

Most of the people who own the dispensaries and cultivations don't even smoke.

Just trying to clarify a bit. The entire thread was running with no mention that the limit changes were med only. The folks started talking like everyone could have 16/etc. It just isn't so.

100 lbs from 6 plants or a series of 6 plant (or even 12 plant) grows? Most people aren't THAT good but never say never I suppose. We keep all of our trim for bub so overall weight can spike in the Fall but I've never worried about "too much" because even with big plants and weighing the dirtballs we don't have 100 lbs. anytime around here!

I'm not privy to what happened to you tyystick. I think anything can happen these days so we stay in or close to count and hope for the best. For us things are far more casual and far less paranoid than the "old days" when we grew and freaked regularly because it was all illegal. I hope whatever happened to you is in the past soon.
Just trying to clarify a bit. The entire thread was running with no mention that the limit changes were med only. The folks started talking like everyone could have 16/etc. It just isn't so.

100 lbs from 6 plants or a series of 6 plant (or even 12 plant) grows? Most people aren't THAT good but never say never I suppose. We keep all of our trim for bub so overall weight can spike in the Fall but I've never worried about "too much" because even with big plants and weighing the dirtballs we don't have 100 lbs. anytime around here!

I'm not privy to what happened to you tyystick. I think anything can happen these days so we stay in or close to count and hope for the best. For us things are far more casual and far less paranoid than the "old days" when we grew and freaked regularly because it was all illegal. I hope whatever happened to you is in the past soon.
Actually people have done 4 or 5 plants outdoor Blue dream in 2-300 gallon pots 100+ all together maybe the average Joe is a bum at growing but someone who knows what they are doing sky's the limit.
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Actually people have done 4 or 5 plants outdoor Blue dream in 2-300 gallon pots 100+ all together maybe the average Joe is a bum at growing but someone who knows what they are doing sky's the limit.

Even if we accept that you can get 20 units a plant, this is still a rec grow. Practically speaking, how is even a large household going to smoke that in a year?

I know, it was brought up in a legal context, not a practical one. Maybe you are a prepper and you want a multi year supply for when that emp wipes out youtube. Maybe you are a hoarder and just like to look at it. Legally, it shouldn't matter if you have a basement full of pasta, flour, and beans or one full of weed.

It shouldn't matter, unless they catch you moving or selling it (rec, not med). Even then, it shouldn't, it just does under current law.
The only regulation of MMJ or rec I will accept is 18 years of age or with an actual doctor's prescription.

Charlotte's Web was bred specifically to help a little girl with her seizures, as an example.

Anything outside of that is just plain greed on the part of the government, which is here for us we are not here for it.

Actually people have done 4 or 5 plants outdoor Blue dream in 2-300 gallon pots 100+ all together maybe the average Joe is a bum at growing but someone who knows what they are doing sky's the limit.

As is standard for such lofty or it never happened. As I said above...never say never....but I will say that I've seen a lot of OD plants in this state (CO) in the last 35+ years and not a one of them clocked in at 20 lbs. Not even close. Old timers here may remember K the Green wizard growing those 2 plants in his backyard in CA....and the largest...offering approx 11 lbs had branches resting on sawhorses. Such weight/plants are just not the norm in CO.

Either way, be safe out there folks!
As is standard for such lofty or it never happened. As I said above...never say never....but I will say that I've seen a lot of OD plants in this state (CO) in the last 35+ years and not a one of them clocked in at 20 lbs. Not even close. Old timers here may remember K the Green wizard growing those 2 plants in his backyard in CA....and the largest...offering approx 11 lbs had branches resting on sawhorses. Such weight/plants are just not the norm in CO.

Either way, be safe out there folks!
As a Colorado resident, I concur.
It's a plant bro!!?? So the Gov goes from controlling the shit out of it to just controlling it? AGAIN. It's a plant. Anyone 21 and up should be able to produce an acceptable amount. And sell it/give it away to anther legal aged person. Next they'll tell you you can't grow tomatoes.
you are so right!! I mean alcohol is legal, I should be able to produce as much as i want and sell it to people without regulation or concern of who it goes to!! Murica!
Correct. Alcohol is legal. However....just as is happening with weed....producing it for your own consumption is far different than producing it for sale to the general public. There are tons of regulations and licensing that is required in such well as checks and balances on the final product for safety/purity the comparison you make is truly not valid/not the same thing whatsoever.

But one is truly stopping anybody right now from producing and selling as much as they can grow without regulation or concern. It's just that most folks don't want to SMOKE weed that was pushed out with no care or regard to the end product. (like alcohol....bathtub gin and hillbilly moonshine hasn't taken over the industry and never will)

As far as a "crackdown"....does anyone here believe the fuckface Feds have the manpower /resources to do such a thing on a door-to-door basis? Beyond that, would folks stand for such BS? Even the folks who don't grow and smoke would be in fear and in a serious uproar if they canvass the population THAT thoroughly.

But hey......while they're looking for weed they can look/take your guns as well....huh? Fat chance.

Plant another 10, folks. They aren't coming.....and if they do...they will hit the retail game first. At that point, the backdoor will open for the rest of us in the legal states yet again..........LOL.

But none of it is going away.....
you are so right!! I mean alcohol is legal, I should be able to produce as much as i want and sell it to people without regulation or concern of who it goes to!! Murica!

In the us, you can legally brew 5 gallons a year for personal use. Show me the last time ANYONE was busted for homebrewing
Correct. Alcohol is legal. However....just as is happening with weed....producing it for your own consumption is far different than producing it for sale to the general public. There are tons of regulations and licensing that is required in such well as checks and balances on the final product for safety/purity the comparison you make is truly not valid/not the same thing whatsoever.

But one is truly stopping anybody right now from producing and selling as much as they can grow without regulation or concern. It's just that most folks don't want to SMOKE weed that was pushed out with no care or regard to the end product. (like alcohol....bathtub gin and hillbilly moonshine hasn't taken over the industry and never will)

As far as a "crackdown"....does anyone here believe the fuckface Feds have the manpower /resources to do such a thing on a door-to-door basis? Beyond that, would folks stand for such BS? Even the folks who don't grow and smoke would be in fear and in a serious uproar if they canvass the population THAT thoroughly.

But hey......while they're looking for weed they can look/take your guns as well....huh? Fat chance.

Plant another 10, folks. They aren't coming.....and if they do...they will hit the retail game first. At that point, the backdoor will open for the rest of us in the legal states yet again..........LOL.

But none of it is going away.....

I used to brew beer regularly and almost opened a microbrewery. The process was actually very simple and the licensing was easy. In Mass, they even have a special license for farm/cottage brewers that allows not only brewing, but sales to the public. I would have been able to brew, package and sell to either the public or any licensed retailer (no rule to go through a distributor) directly from my home.

The state was actually very helpful. No special health codes to follow. They would occasionally do inspections and review paperwork but it wasn't bone crushing.

They were like "cool, lets get started". With mj, not so much. No homegrow for comm sale. No direct to customer. Lots of restrictions and permits and fees and COSTS.

I haven't looked into the medical caregiver rules, but for comm it is very restrictive. They don't want 1000 growers, they want 10.
Correct. Alcohol is legal. However....just as is happening with weed....producing it for your own consumption is far different than producing it for sale to the general public. There are tons of regulations and licensing that is required in such well as checks and balances on the final product for safety/purity the comparison you make is truly not valid/not the same thing whatsoever.

But one is truly stopping anybody right now from producing and selling as much as they can grow without regulation or concern. It's just that most folks don't want to SMOKE weed that was pushed out with no care or regard to the end product. (like alcohol....bathtub gin and hillbilly moonshine hasn't taken over the industry and never will)

As far as a "crackdown"....does anyone here believe the fuckface Feds have the manpower /resources to do such a thing on a door-to-door basis? Beyond that, would folks stand for such BS? Even the folks who don't grow and smoke would be in fear and in a serious uproar if they canvass the population THAT thoroughly.

But hey......while they're looking for weed they can look/take your guns as well....huh? Fat chance.

Plant another 10, folks. They aren't coming.....and if they do...they will hit the retail game first. At that point, the backdoor will open for the rest of us in the legal states yet again..........LOL.

But none of it is going away.....
Bullshit. All it takes is a grumpy neighbor to drop a dime and they'll make up all the excuses they need to get a warrant.

It happened to me in Colorado, where it's 'legal'.