Colorado wants to crackdown on home growers

Ditto. I don't own weapons for that exact reason. (among others)

'A few busts like that' will certainly send the noobs scurrying who didn't start growing until they got the "OK" and the laws changed. Some folks, however, have been growing for decades. Long before anyone gave any OK. It was ALL A CRACKDOWN then. Remember the "Drug Task force" guys? Green Merchant? I sure do. I grew in a crawlspace for 20 years and only 2 people knew about it BECAUSE of the laws at the time....but those laws never stopped me. However, I knew a lot of guys who wanted to grow but who just didn't have the nads to do it. Same shit will happen in the future if the laws happen to change. Some will fold and run...some will plant another 50 and dig the fuck in.

I hope your hurdle is cleared soon, tyystick. I also hope you're looking for a new residence. It sounds (IMO), like you had a few close calls and didn't heed the warning(s) if you had the same nosy neighbor all along. I'd be fuckin out of there in a heartbeat and jamming hard elsewhere (and circling back to deliver a serious dose of cloaked retribution for that ex-neighbor on the backside)....but everyone has a different approach.

In the end, I just don't think the FEDS or the State have the manpower to police in a door-to-door fashion....thus....they have little control over home grows. Yes, they'll find some grows if they look...mostly via other charges like domestic abuse, disorderly conduct, alcohol/probation related incidents/etc....but I seriously doubt they can pull off door-to-door searches and STOP all home grows.

I know I'd be plugging back in the second they left. You?
Thanks for the support.

Colorado legalized Cannabis.

I'll be fighting, but I'll be doing it in court in front of a jury of my peers, where it matters. If they let it get that far.
I'm pretty much for whatever that squeaking little shit weasel is against. I'm very happy the Feds are prohibited from targeting legal medical marijuana and I agree with the commentator's point that there are far better things for them to be spending their scarce time and resources on than people lawfully using a legal and harmless plant to relieve their own suffering.
It won't make any difference at all.

What will make a difference is patients taking the stand, looking the jury in the eye and pointedly asking them why we are wasting the People's time and tax money prosecuting someone for growing a legal and harmless vegetable that relieves their suffering.

You realize you are asking to risk my Pfizer stock as well as my Prison futures.

Freedom. Go and buy some today.
It won't make any difference at all.

What will make a difference is patients taking the stand, looking the jury in the eye and pointedly asking them why we are wasting the People's time and tax money prosecuting someone for growing a legal and harmless vegetable that relieves their suffering.
hope your a state case,patients wont be taking the stand in fed court matter of fact u wont be seeing a jury in fed court risking to much time,been there done it:bigjoint:good luck your not alone
You realize you are asking to risk my Pfizer stock as well as my Prison futures.

Freedom. Go and buy some today.
You make me laugh and cry for my country's future.

We are witnessing the run up to the next Great Crash and Depression. Some places have skipped the crash and have gone right to depression, the starkest statistic being the exploding opiate overdose and death rates in the last few years.

Why does Jeff Bezos 'deserve' to be worth $80 billion, again? Who said the assumption of TINA to neoliberalism was correct?

When will people get desperate/angry enough to stop accepting what their televisions tell them and start screaming for the heads of the rich?
I said draw it to show it as a percentage, not zoom in on a tiny bit. Thing is if you used your screen mine runs 1920 x1080 it would be a little blob maybe 30 pixels wide. Why do we never hear about the effects of the solar system on weather?

I need to preface, this guy is sponsored by an heirloom seed company, I just put it out up front. He makes a couple of interesting points with references,
I would love to find definitive proof that he is wrong though.

Ive heard a concept where when the earth is a bit warmer, with more co2. The plants grow more, it was when humans grew from apes? which im not a fan of that theory but well leave that. It was the garden of eden, easy living we grew or degenerated leaps and bound by not being tied up on pure daily survival. If we grew it by being so comfortable in ac in summer heat in winter, all the food we want. if we degenerated its pollution, war, infighting, money, etc...
The global warming could improve farming.- which leads to more babies and more ruination- Im an ass but matybe the Chinese had it right limiting procreation.
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Those giant redwoods you have can't grow to those heights today because of too little CO2. They are amazing plants, they even get a crapload of water from the air with their high canopies without which they could not continue living now.
Earth has a dry and a wet band around the middle, these bands move north and south in long cycles. IF they look at fossils and the like from dry lake beds in the middle east it turns out that was about 4500 years ago that they had ample water... the bad news is it is a 22000-year cycle.
Are these home growers? They were growing in homes.... ;)

More than 3,000 plants and 450 pounds of marijuana confiscated as Weld police make four more arrests in connection with smuggling ring

During their raids, officers found 3,313 plants and about 460 pounds of finished marijuana. Police estimate the plants are worth about $5 million while the finished drug is valued at $736,000, but Black estimated a pound of marijuana could sell for a price four times higher on the East Coast. Task force members believe the marijuana was primarily sold on the East Coast, but some likely was sold in Colorado.

Police believe the drug organization’s members rented multiple houses in residential neighborhoods throughout Weld County to use as grow houses. Black confirmed the investigation is ongoing and said it is complicated because detectives may have to determine if homeowners were complicit in the illegal operations.​

These plant limit changes/reductions happened on the MEDICAL side of the laws here in Colorado. CO MMJ law has "extended plant counts" that allow patients/their caregivers to grow more than 6 per patient if medical need can be shown. As far as a 99 count, Docs wouldn't write for more than 99 due to Federal was never a set number/directive from the State from my understanding.

With a 99 count and the ability to have 5 patients before drawing much attention from the state, it's not too hard to see how some have profited off such counts. As a result, the laws are again changed to adjusted for all to reflect the abuses by some (as they have been quite a few times in the past since the original law was passed in 2000).

On the rec side, anyone 21 or over can grow 6 plants total. (not 16) SIX. Technically only 3 can be in flower at any one time. Some jurisdictions are limiting counts per RESIDENCE (usually 12) no matter how many adults live there to keep people from growing larger counts in the same house/in residential settings.

There are NO individual sales allowed here to dispensaries. (you buy from them - they don't buy from you) To be involved in such things you need a (very expensive and impossible to get) license from the State and must jump through more hoops than you've ever seen. (for starters, all of your private/personal info is available to the state and the Feds via a 30 page application/reveal)

As an individual/adult here, Amendment 64 ("legality") allows you to possess all of the weight that your 6 plant garden will offer (grow em as big as you please). However, all of that weight must stay on the (your) premises where it was grown. No sales whatsoever are allowed here. No transport of weight is allowed above 1 ounce. The laws/penalties regarding sales here didn't change with "legality" other than now if you are caught selling weight the State of Colorado considers you as someone taking a cut from THEIR (tax and licensing) game and are likely to pop you hard.

Oh. One other thing. It isn't legal to grow your 6 outside here unless you have a lockable GH or other >lockable< 4 walled structure with a roof. Basically they want you to grow inside.

The same law that allows the dispensaries/big grows/retail sales/tax scheme to exist also allows for home growing. A "crackdown" on home grows under 6 plants just isn't gonna happen.
Strange. I was legal for 150 plants between 3 patients.
How is this different from Fascism?
Fascism needs the collusion of the private corporate sector.
Fascism would be if you were drug tested by the shop, mandated by the state but performed by a third party before you could buy food.