R.I.P. John McCain

so you don't want to talk about how much donald trump lies? OK

maybe we can talk about how trump literally is the establishment. did you really think a 70 nyear old billionaire who spent his life not paying contractors would hire a bunch of other billionaires to make your life better?

if you believe that, you are one of the stupidest living things i have ever encountered, and i once fed a retarded raccoon that came to my porch to eat cat food. it had no tail and would only come out during the day.

Lol at still going and going and going about different topics and not addressing any specifics ive laid out in my other posts.

and just LOL @ thinking that ANYONE in the presidents office will impact your life AT ALL. Barring extenuating circumstances.

Put the GSC down and pick up a book.
Lmao. Do you know how terrorist organizations operate? Go read some actual intel. reports. Please, educate yourself before you look stupid. You are just adding to the stereotype that stoners are stupid.

Go read about Linda Sarsour. Go read intel reports.

Its comical really that an idiot like you is allowed internet access.
Lmfao. Please. Define for me terrorism. Go ahead. From your own cum catchers. Dont google shit bitch.

terrorism would be like when a trump supporter goes into a mosque to shoot innocent muslim men while they are peacefully praying.

or when a trump supporter tells an indian man in kansas to "go back to where you came from" before shooting them dead.

or when a trump supporter harasses muslim women on a train and then stabs a couple people to death when they try to stop him.

ya know, stuff like that. your turn now!
I'm sure you will cream your pants over it like a good little groupie.

hey pie, you have insight into the trumps, so maybe you can help me with this one:

why did donny junior tell5 different stories over 5 different days about why he met with russian spies that his daddy knew in order to conspire with russia?

why didn't he just tell the truth right away, instead of hiding the meeting for 13 months and then lying about it 5 different ways over 5 different days?
terrorism would be like when a trump supporter goes into a mosque to shoot innocent muslim men while they are peacefully praying.

or when a trump supporter tells an indian man in kansas to "go back to where you came from" before shooting them dead.

or when a trump supporter harasses muslim women on a train and then stabs a couple people to death when they try to stop him.

ya know, stuff like that. your turn now!

I said define it. You gave some half assed examples. LMFAO. You dont even know the difference between define and examples. Yet people are supposed to believe you on other matters?

Terrorism is: Violence or the threat of violence by non-state actors against non-combatants for political gain. This is the MAIN jist. Each agency has their own definition to fit their agency. FBI has one different from DHS because of their different mission goals.

Now, go educate yourself you inch worm.