R.I.P. John McCain

So the answer to complaints about dog shit piled up an unkempt front lawn and a back yard kept up so badly that it's a good habitat for rats is -- to take revenge? Because global warming?

I really do hope you can see the lunacy of your statement.
Prarie rehab.
If you read the thread, you would have seen I was going to do nothing. I figured it would be funny to see what people had to say. It was.
I did read the thread. It wasn't at all clear you had no intent of fucking somebody up. In any case, read my post, mouth breather:
The revenge fantasy if not outright request for best means to take revenge on your neighbors is much more telling of the kind of neighbor you are. Some wiser than you counseled reconciliation. Your go-to option was revenge and not admitting you could do better to keep your side of the street presentable.
Your response was at best to fantasize revenge. (kicks a pile of your dog's shit your way)
fogdog said it best:

Can we believe any of Pie's story? I'm in sympathy with her neighbors. dog poop everywhere, trash draws rats, yard not mowed and fat cigarette smoking cow came out to yell at neighbor who did something about it. Barking dogs. Known thief husband can't be bothered to prune tree that is hazarding the neighbor's fence if not the neighbor. Prolly still faded Trump for prez sign in the front yard. Fat cow gets drunk and cucks husband in plain view of everybody.

I did read the thread. It wasn't at all clear you had no intent of fucking somebody up. In any case, read my post, mouth breather:

Your response was at best to fantasize revenge. (kicks a pile of your dog's shit your way)
Haha. Ok. Apparently I'm the first person to ever fantasize about something I wouldn't actually do.
fogdog said it best:

Can we believe any of Pie's story? I'm in sympathy with her neighbors. dog poop everywhere, trash draws rats, yard not mowed and fat cigarette smoking cow came out to yell at neighbor who did something about it. Barking dogs. Known thief husband can't be bothered to prune tree that is hazarding the neighbor's fence if not the neighbor. Prolly still faded Trump for prez sign in the front yard. Fat cow gets drunk and cucks husband in plain view of everybody.

I present to the forum an example of a Trump voting deplorable. tsk tsk.
Haha. Ok. Apparently I'm the first person to ever fantasize about something I wouldn't actually do.
You completely miss the point. The first thing you did was fantasize about revenge and not try to patch things up. I'm pointing out your sickening reaction is revenge when a civil person would talk it over and work out an understanding.

Instead you go to another pity party woe is me defense. "What about other people they do it too". Isn't this a perfect example of right wingers thinking? Every time a deplorable action is pointed out, it's never "my bad" is always what about those other people doing bad things. Well, point them out to me and if true, then I'd say that's wrong too.
How lazy can someone possibly be.. no job.. finds time for Twitter and riu. But won't cut their grass or pick up their dogs shit..

Deplorable as fuck
Senator McCain and I don't see a great many things eye to eye. In fact, we're about as opposite thinking as you can reasonably come across.

That said, we do have something in common: cancer.

John McCain served this country and served it well. He has suffered more than most people on this planet can even imagine, even in their worst nightmares. He did so honorably.

That is without question.

As much as I may disagree with Senator McCain, I wish him nothing but the best in his battle. If he should lose it, and we all ultimately do, I wish him Godspeed.