R.I.P. John McCain

TPP and Climate ordeal are establishment policies........he vetoed them.......Do the math.


by staying out of the TPP and paris climate accord, we just handed over world leadership t china. thanks!

but hey, at least the president of china has more respect in the world than trump. under obama, we used to be the most respected nation on earth. now we rank below russia and china.

the world is laughing at our once great nation. pathetic.

by staying out of the TPP and paris climate accord, we just handed over world leadership t china. thanks!

but hey, at least the president of china has more respect in the world than trump. under obama, we used to be the most respected nation on earth. now we rank below russia and china.

the world is laughing at our once great nation. pathetic.

Hi....btw, whatever arguing is done here is left here......on my end anyway. just throwin it out there because I love a good heated argument lmao.

China? lmao. Currency manipulation doesnt get you far. By staying out of the CA means no carbon tax, which is what the CA was about, go read it.

China, the words largest polluter, is not leading shit and it is a joke they are on board for CA. Let me guess, THIS TIME China will follow the rules?

LMFAO. Didnt know you identified as an Ostrich.
Are you sure about that?

"President Trump's decision to formally withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a serious mistake that will have lasting consequences for America's economy and our strategic position in the Asia-Pacific region," McCain said in a statement.


Yes, because McCain, and others, are just so forthcoming and truthful :roll:

It will have "lasting effects" yet doesnt go on to name them. And even if he did, wouldnt have time to devout to answering the questions that would further arise from that. So its pointless, go read it yourself.
Hi....btw, whatever arguing is done here is left here......on my end anyway. just throwin it out there because I love a good heated argument lmao.

China? lmao. Currency manipulation doesnt get you far. By staying out of the CA means no carbon tax, which is what the CA was about, go read it.

China, the words largest polluter, is not leading shit and it is a joke they are on board for CA. Let me guess, THIS TIME China will follow the rules?

LMFAO. Didnt know you identified as an Ostrich.


u r dum

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Yes, because McCain, and others, are just so forthcoming and truthful :roll:

remember when trump said he had the biggest inauguration ever? or that he chose the location of the RNC? of that the NFL called him and told him they did not like the debate schedule?

or how about when his son said he was just talking about adoptions with some russian lady he didn't even know, and the story changed 5 times over the next 5 days as we found out that he met in secret with a russian spy that his daddy knew very well to discuss conspiring with russia?

super honest people, these trumps!

remember when eric stole money from children with cancer to have a golf event too?


Ok? Doesnt dismiss the fact that they are.

CAIR is a terrorist organization that is not designated by the US for being a terrorist organization. However, it still is.

Designations mean shit. And just LOL @ using headlines to "get your point" across rather than form your own thoughts and address my particular points. Typical from a low information regurgitator
Based on your assumption that if i think establishment is bad then trump = God.

You are truly an imbecile

so you don't want to talk about how much donald trump lies? OK

maybe we can talk about how trump literally is the establishment. did you really think a 70 nyear old billionaire who spent his life not paying contractors would hire a bunch of other billionaires to make your life better?

if you believe that, you are one of the stupidest living things i have ever encountered, and i once fed a retarded raccoon that came to my porch to eat cat food. it had no tail and would only come out during the day.
Someday her husband will learn that lawnmowers are useful for cutting grass.. instead of ripping them apart to build slow-carts

it wasn't a total loss, he got a dishonorable discharge for stealing from the united states government, which allowed them to fester on food stamps for 10+ years while popping out babies they couldn't afford, fully paid for by you and me with our taxpayer dollars.