How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

Wow... u guys need to move to Canada $120 an O for hydro and about 80 for some bomb ass outdoor.

The thing is that its hard to find some really nice outdoor so i always end up buying hydro, but after smoking it all the time I get sick of it i have to change it up. Cant wait until my hommer bud is done 3 weeks
In seattle, wa a good dealer will give about 1/7 (a little more than an eighth) for 40 bucks. This is some really good weed by the way, the kind you would take a glamour shot of on a seed sight. My friend is friends with a dealer good so we're about to get a full zip for 100. I can't wait until my sativa's harvested so I don't have to deal with the risk of dealers and how the quality will be, (or even paying for that matter) I got a feeling I'm gonna be impressed.
even though its kinda legal in canada it still seems hard to sell for 120 an ounce and make money
electric and water and nutes and medium and of course time......120 selling wholesale still doensnt seem to be enough
I can get an O of mids (better than schwag, but still seeded bud) for between $90 and $150, all depending on the quality and the time. Sometimes we get fantastic mids in town for like $100 an O, but the decent stuff is usually $120-150. For high-quality dank bud, it's almost always $60 an 8th. I never buy an O of dank because I can't afford it.
I'm glad I read this thread. I'm in NJ about 10-15 minutes from Staten Island and i've been paying 275 for BC and 450 for some kush. Looks like i need some new connects.
this thread has been going on for a while. we got a good idea of prices in different areas. I wonder what wholesale is going for. people who grow, what does it sell for? so many people say $250-$300 for mids. is the grower selling for ~$200 an ounce, or is someone price gouging? is it really that hard to make any decent money growing?
the money that you get out of it all depends on what kind of business or operation u got for you, or both... you could do alrite off tree and pay your taxes, at least out here you can. my dude just bought a house and his third car off tree and he aint even start growing yet...

this thread has been going on for a while. we got a good idea of prices in different areas. I wonder what wholesale is going for. people who grow, what does it sell for? so many people say $250-$300 for mids. is the grower selling for ~$200 an ounce, or is someone price gouging? is it really that hard to make any decent money growing?
wow! im new here but that sounds great! out here in nj im gettin burned kush and granddaddy purp are 450 and sour is 550!! and it tastes good but the high is short:(
idk where you guys are getting these insane prices man, here in el paso, TX i can get an ounce of skunk for 30 bucks, guess its a good connect, and the shit is killer, you guys pay way too much

Is it dirt weed sprayed with skunk juice?

In Montana I pay 300-400. It seems to be the same anywhere in the Rocky Mountains.
Is it dirt weed sprayed with skunk juice?

thats what im wondering... lol...theres no way in hell anyone can buy mary in the USA for 30 dollars an I doubt if you could even buy it that cheap right on a plantation down in ...for 30 bucks... i can pick up an 1/8 of seedy mexican schwag... but thats all im getting...