what's worse?

what's worse?

  • the president is a treasonous traitor enriching himself with your tax dollars

  • elected GOP leaders won't do their job and hold him accountable

  • his retarded, racist supporters don't care that the law is being trampled on

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Well-Known Member

You snipped the parts that mattered because you have no response and distorted the rest because you are a dishonest person. It's not a surprise you would be dishonest, you have claimed that you are progressive for months but have only ever objected to racism against white men.

Also, please learn how to read. He is both an imperialist sheepdog and objectively pro trump. He said shit like "if I ever tell you who to vote for, don't listen" thus allowing him to speak from both sides of his face. He is objectively pro trump because the split faction of the party handed trump the presidency.

At least tty was upfront enough to admit he supports trump outright. See my sig for details.


Well-Known Member
Your question was irrelevant to the thread and to the fact that you hate Clinton but love bernard when they are almost identical on the issues and that they're both democrats. The main difference however is that Clinton is much more transparent about where she stands. You go around swearing you're more progressive than others when in fact your post history shows you to be pretty numb to idpol and feminism. Basically you're not really progressive at all, you just want free college.
Yet you bring up many topics irrelevant to thread, too.


Well-Known Member
schuy literally calls jews like me rats and snakes and penny pinchers.

you have it backwards.

Yeah, Buck..Jews like you..<coffee/screen>

Since I have your attention, I couldn't help but to notice your non answer on why Kasowitz referred to himself as Jewish and wanted to know if his EMailer was one too?

Why would he do this, Buck? What does he think there is to gain with religious identification of parties involved?

Something..something 'card'?


Well-Known Member

Yeah, Buck..Jews like you..<coffee/screen>

Since I have your attention, I couldn't help but to notice your non answer on why Kasowitz referred to himself as Jewish and wanted to know if his EMailer was one too?

Why would he do this, Buck? What does he think there is to gain with religious identification of parties involved?

Something..something 'card'?
Why do you try to play the woman victim card ?
inb4 male chauvinist


Well-Known Member
#1. 'Jew' is capitalize.

#2. When did you convert?

#3. How old are you?

#4. Is there a single day you don't make a thread complaining about Russians, Emails, Hillary, and Bernie?

#5. Who is John Galt and did he murder Seth Conrad?
Last edited:


Well-Known Member

Yeah, Buck..Jews like you..<coffee/screen>

Since I have your attention, I couldn't help but to notice your non answer on why Kasowitz referred to himself as Jewish and wanted to know if his EMailer was one too?

Why would he do this, Buck? What does he think there is to gain with religious identification of parties involved?

Something..something 'card'?
Why do you call Jews "dirty lying rat bastards"?


Well-Known Member
Bernie Sanders

Tax returns for year: 2014

Adjusted gross income: $205,271

Total federal tax: $27,653

Tax rate: 13.5%

Gifts to charity: $10,217

Giving rate: 5%

Bernie talks the talk but does not really walk the walk


Well-Known Member
We get it, you don't like Clinton. I'm not sure why though, since her positions are nearly identical to your supreme hero Bernie Sandwich.
Bullshit. Hillary wanted to leave Obamacare in place, Bernie wanted Medicare for all. Hillary is a foreign policy hawk that supported the Iraq war, Bernie is not and did not. Bernie supports raising taxes on fossil fuel companies, Hillary did not. Bernie wanted to make public college tuition free, Hillary did not. Bernie supports raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, Hillary did not. Bernie wanted to allow states to legalize marijuana, Hillary still wanted to keep it illegal.

Yeah, they're super duper identical!

Shall I go on?


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. Hillary wanted to leave Obamacare in place, Bernie wanted Medicare for all. Hillary is a foreign policy hawk that supported the Iraq war, Bernie is not and did not. Bernie supports raising taxes on fossil fuel companies, Hillary did not. Bernie wanted to make public college tuition free, Hillary did not. Bernie supports raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, Hillary did not. Bernie wanted to allow states to legalize marijuana, Hillary still wanted to keep it illegal.

Yeah, they're super duper identical!

Shall I go on?

I'm glad Trump got elected!


Well-Known Member
Bernie Sanders

Tax returns for year: 2014

Adjusted gross income: $205,271

Total federal tax: $27,653

Tax rate: 13.5%

Gifts to charity: $10,217

Giving rate: 5%

Bernie talks the talk but does not really walk the walk

I have little problems with Bernie. In fact I think his voice is healthy in our democracy. What I don't like is his supporters ripping on the DNC. Why don't they talk about how to pay for, and implement their ideas? Or promote some more candidates? I will vote them, but I refuse to support folks that go out of their way to call others "Democraps".


Well-Known Member
I have little problems with Bernie. In fact I think his voice is healthy in our democracy. What I don't like is his supporters ripping on the DNC. Why don't they talk about how to pay for, and implement their ideas? Or promote some more candidates? I will vote them, but I refuse to support folks that go out of their way to call others "Democraps".
I love Bernies message. Just seeing how his words don't really match his actions.
I mean 5% percent to charity...in his position. Hell I give more than him


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. Hillary wanted to leave Obamacare in place, Bernie wanted Medicare for all. Hillary is a foreign policy hawk that supported the Iraq war, Bernie is not and did not. Bernie supports raising taxes on fossil fuel companies, Hillary did not. Bernie wanted to make public college tuition free, Hillary did not. Bernie supports raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, Hillary did not. Bernie wanted to allow states to legalize marijuana, Hillary still wanted to keep it illegal.

Yeah, they're super duper identical!

Shall I go on?
Bernie lost. But do go on.


Well-Known Member

Yeah, Buck..Jews like you..<coffee/screen>

Since I have your attention, I couldn't help but to notice your non answer on why Kasowitz referred to himself as Jewish and wanted to know if his EMailer was one too?

Why would he do this, Buck? What does he think there is to gain with religious identification of parties involved?

Something..something 'card'?
To you, is being Jewish a distinction of race or religion?


Well-Known Member
but do you think it was helpful to call her "shillary" and spread right wing conspiracy theories about her the whole time she was campaigning though?

is that what an ally would do?
Where do you get the idea I'm an ally of the Clinton campaign, ever was, or that I'm somehow obligated to be?

She didn't represent me. I only voted for her because the alternative was worse. And we got him anyway.

Between the Chump's election to office and the utterly dishonest behavior of the Democraps and their blind supporters- such as yourself- there is finally a Progressive Movement coalescing around the idea that our government and political parties haven't been representing us for so long they no longer feel any need to bother trying to hide it. And now, finally, We the People are mad enough to get involved.

I was wrong the other day when I laid the blame for this solely at the Chump's feet. In fact, we have the Clinton campaign to thank as well.