what's worse?

what's worse?

  • the president is a treasonous traitor enriching himself with your tax dollars

  • elected GOP leaders won't do their job and hold him accountable

  • his retarded, racist supporters don't care that the law is being trampled on

Results are only viewable after voting.


Well-Known Member
the people voted for hillary over trump or bernie by millions.

do you think it was helpful to call her "shillary" and spread right wing conspiracy theories about her the whole time she was campaigning though?

is that what an ally would do?
I'm an ally of the People, not any given candidate.

I don't care how many votes she got, because I don't think she represents the best interests of our nation's citizens, she isn't an ally.

Not sure why you have so much trouble understanding that, unless levying ridiculous accusations is just another of your dishonest debate tactics.


Well-Known Member
I'm an ally of the People
the people voted for hillary over trump or bernie by millions.

I don't care how many votes she got
how can you be an ally of the people and consider their voting decision to be worthless?

I don't think she represents the best interests of our nation's citizens, she isn't an ally.
her voting record is 94% identical to bernard though. are you stupid?


Well-Known Member
the people voted for hillary over trump or bernie by millions.

how can you be an ally of the people and consider their voting decision to be worthless?

her voting record is 94% identical to bernard though. are you stupid?
False equivalency.

That 6% turns out to be significant, as has already been discussed on many occasions.

You conflate when it suits you, then attack the next minute. you're dishonest in your arguments and in your tactics.

The Democraps are taking the heat they richly deserve. Either they emerge as a party more willing to fight for the needs of the people they say they represent, or they'll fade into obscurity.

I'm interested in solutions and building a better country..

You're only interested in winning, no matter what the cost, even scorched Earth.


Well-Known Member
False equivalency.

That 6% turns out to be significant, as has already been discussed on many occasions.

You conflate when it suits you, then attack the next minute. you're dishonest in your arguments and in your tactics.

The Democraps are taking the heat they richly deserve. Either they emerge as a party more willing to fight for the needs of the people they say they represent, or they'll fade into obscurity.

I'm interested in solutions and building a better country..

You're only interested in winning, no matter what the cost, even scorched Earth.
how many calls have you made to cory gardner this week? have you signed up for jason crow's campaign as a volunteer yet, or are you still denigrating that combat veteran as a "scumbag"?


Well-Known Member
Your question was irrelevant to the thread and to the fact that you hate Clinton but love bernard when they are almost identical on the issues and that they're both democrats. The main difference however is that Clinton is much more transparent about where she stands. You go around swearing you're more progressive than others when in fact your post history shows you to be pretty numb to idpol and feminism. Basically you're not really progressive at all, you just want free college.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where I fall. In not a democrat nor Republican.
It seems this is what Russia or trump would want. The fighting amongst democrats or anyone not strictly right wing.
Indeed, and the loudest voice of the Democratic party here is bent on alienating anyone who won't fall in line with his views, no matter what their own politics might be.

This is absolutely guaranteed to play into the hands of any and all of our common adversaries.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where I fall. In not a democrat nor Republican.
It seems this is what Russia or trump would want. The fighting amongst democrats or anyone not strictly right wing.
This all has little to do with Russia. Oother than the Republican Party has become so corrupt that they have no problem with Putin's form of government.

Democrats are at a nexus. Some think that the rift can be repaired or isn't as big as others say. Others, that would be Berniebabies, not Bernie, are saying the only way to win is to become as polarized as Republicans became after Obama won. I don't think either Republicans or Berniebabies are correct. But these are two real camps. One of which holds all the power now..

I don't think extremism, especially the Beriniebaby brand of entitled white male minimization of women and minority's social equality will do more than disrupt the status quo. There is no indication of that group effectively campaigning and winning seats. It's early though. The ones I've met here are pretty naive about anything other than their marijuana grow. What kind of sample is that? Probably a bad one.

I don't think status quo Democratic Party is much desired either. I find it preferable to Trump and so am aligned with them but not convinced the older Democratic party will continue as is after the old guard dies off. That's going to take a while. So, we are in for an interesting 10 years while this all sorts out if the current paths continue to be followed.

Maybe AC's revolution will happen meantime. I hope it will be a softer revolution than the ones we've seen in the Middle East. Frankly, I don't think I'll survive something like that. But something's got to give and the longer we go down the path I just laid out above, the more likely that revolution will occur. It will have to be forced on some, who will object quite strenuously. If the hard right and new right represented by berniebabies ally to suppress what they call identity politics (aka social equality) as they currently clamor for, the mix will be explosive.

It's also true that I don't know shit and just regurgitating what I've seen and heard lately. I don't have any real idea what's happening. Others should feel free to step all over what I just said. I'm here to learn and be entertained, and will enjoy a coherent piercing of the balloon I just floated.

Want an opinion poll? Everybody loves them. The question: do you consider yourself conservative or liberal?

35% say they think they are conservative
25% say they think they are liberal
40% say they are neither.

You, my friend are in a majority within the group of those that identify as "not hard right". You are a thought leader. Think on that!


Well-Known Member
Indeed, and the loudest voice of the Democratic party here is bent on alienating anyone who won't fall in line with his views, no matter what their own politics might be.

This is absolutely guaranteed to play into the hands of any and all of our common adversaries.
Not sure about your meaning. You went through a meltdown of insults and demands yesterday because I criticized your dnc hero Bernard. I never insulted you, made demands or segued. I simply criticized him. Nobody here has given me such a hard time about criticism of a politician on this forum in the 6 years I have been posting here. Not even right wing racists. You and your little buddies followed me from thread to thread liking each other's comments (personal attack comments) and harassing me over it for hours.


Well-Known Member
i love bernie and his progressive platform, not so much his supporters though.

and it is not a conspiracy to mention that they have a grand jury empaneled which will likely indict and then try them
I don't love Bernard. He had antiwar protesters arrested. They were sitting in demanding for a chance to meet him and they believed that he would be on their side. They had faith in him. Plus he is just an imperial sheep dog who fractured the dnc at the worst possible time, handing trump the election. Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. Hillary wanted to leave Obamacare in place, Bernie wanted Medicare for all. Hillary is a foreign policy hawk that supported the Iraq war, Bernie is not and did not. Bernie supports raising taxes on fossil fuel companies, Hillary did not. Bernie wanted to make public college tuition free, Hillary did not. Bernie supports raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, Hillary did not. Bernie wanted to allow states to legalize marijuana, Hillary still wanted to keep it illegal.

Yeah, they're super duper identical!

Shall I go on?
I was under the impression that they had a 94% matching voting record. Also, there's that whole thing about him endorsing her and campaigning for months for her. I don't support either of them though. I will say this however, no Clinton supporters have harassed me with insults and jeremiads for hours the way this site's berniebabies have. It just seems absurd that a bunch of people go around acting like that and dismissing idpol outright yet spend so much time professing to be so much more progressive than everyone else.

It's sad, I might have been able to get behind him if his supporters weren't such terrible people.


Well-Known Member
Not sure about your meaning. You went through a meltdown of insults and demands yesterday because I criticized your dnc hero Bernard. I never insulted you, made demands or segued. I simply criticized him. Nobody here has given me such a hard time about criticism of a politician on this forum in the 6 years I have been posting here. Not even right wing racists. You and your little buddies followed me from thread to thread liking each other's comments (personal attack comments) and harassing me over it for hours.
That's not because you were critical of Bernie. It was because you can't be bothered to be FOR anything, which means you're still part of the problem.

If I have to repeat that again tonight, it's proof positive that you're either stupid, dense or can't read because I said the very same thing last night, over and over.

Sooooooo one more time; it's easy to be against everything, and just as useless. Try being FOR something, if you have the balls.

Bernie has a platform of positions on specific issues that I agree with. THAT'S why I like him; personality cults are for sheep.


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression that they had a 94% matching voting record. Also, there's that whole thing about him endorsing her and campaigning for months for her. I don't support either of them though. I will say this however, no Clinton supporters have harassed me with insults and jeremiads for hours the way this site's berniebabies have. It just seems absurd that a bunch of people go around acting like that and dismissing idpol outright yet spend so much time professing to be so much more progressive than everyone else.

It's sad, I might have been able to get behind him if his supporters weren't such terrible people.
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.